How to Access Spring Configuration Outside a JAR File - spring

I am new with Spring Boot Development and currently can't move-on on the issue of how to load my spring application configuration outside the jar file.
My existing code looks like this
private ApplicationContext context;
public static void main(String[] args){;
new SMPPEngine();
public SMPPEngine(){
private void loadConfiguration(){
context = new ClassPatthlApplicationContext(”application-context.xm1”);
What I want to achieve is to have the jar file next to application-context.xml in one directory so that when there are configuration changes,I don't need to recompile my code just to reflect the changes on application-context.xml.
Based on what I've read on the internet, this is possible by using 'file://directory/application.xml' instead of classpath. But my problem on using the later is that when you place your jar and file to other location, I am required to do code change to reflect the new directory which does not solve the problem of getting away from code recompilation.
I hope I made my issue clear, and get an immediately response with you guys :)
Thanks in advance :)

There are many approaches to do this, standard, you can use spring file: prefix for accessing filesystem paths.
but with spring boot, you can specifiy it in with
spring.config.location propertiy, or you can add it in command line when run the spring boot jar file like
java -jar myproject.jar --spring.config.location=classpath:/,classpath:/
But for your codes, actually you do not need to re-create the spring context from the configuration files, but you want get the context instance, you just need to inject it
private ApplicationContext context;

Another approach, if you have the infrastructure. Would be to use Spring Cloud Config. After your Boot application is configured to read from it, they can be modified at anytime without recompilation or restarting.


Thymeleaf +Spring Boot can't find files (FileNotFoundException)

This is a bit of a silly and frustrating one:
The #Configuration is taken from a tutorial website or forum and in it a
ServletContextTemplateResolver thymeleafTemplateResolver
is created using the ServletContext provided by spring boot.
When requested, a FileNotFoundException is thrown, despite the file being in the configured resources folder.
How do I get it to find the file / load it from the resources?
For thymeleaf to resolve the classpath resources, you need to configure a ClassLoaderTemplateResolver. (You were using a ServletContextTemplateResolver)
Also check that setPrefix is set to the correct folder, eg. "/thymeleaf/" if your documents are in resources/thymeleaf/ and that setSuffix is set to ".html" (or whatever your preferred file suffix is)
To also serve static content, you can extend WebMvcConfigurer and override addResourceHandlers, to then do e.g.
assuming a static folder in your resources.
(Spring controllers take precedence here)

Environment Configuration Spring Boot

Created a Spring Boot application that will need to migrate from "Local Dev" to "Test", "QA" and "Prod" environments.
Application currently uses a "" for database connectivity and Kafka configuration.
I am wanting to deploy to "Test" and realized that the properties will not work for that enviornment. After reading the ref docs, it looks like I can simply copy the file and add a new one, so on, and then run the standalone jar with a and that seems to work.
But by the time I am done, that means I h ave 4 different files in the jar which may or may not be bad. I know the ultimate configuration would be to use Spring Config server, but right now we are not there with regards to this.
Can anyone validate that using multiple properties files is viable and will work for a bit, or if I am looking at th is all wrong. I do not want to have configuration on the servers in each environment, as I am thinking these mini-services should be self-contained.
Any input would be appreciated.
in a word, your configuration file should be outside your source code.
#PropertySource(value = {""})
public class EnvironmentConfig {
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer properties() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
Let's say it's named "", which will be uploaded to server at deployment stage under your application classpath.

How to push external xml file into spring boot embedded tomcat continer

i have created springboot project which gives fat-jar. i want to push external xml file in runtime into it.i want to place that xml file into spring-boot-tomcat container. tried many ways to do it (#import, --spring.config.location,etc) those ways didn't work out for me.
That xml file is ApplicationInsight.xml, which is used to post telemetry from our application to Azure portal.
Highly appreciate any help.
Based on the GitHJub issue, I think part of the problem is how you are passing JVM parameters, and how you are using "spring.config.location".
I am not familiar with Azure Insights really, but if I understand correctly, it is trying to load the ApplicationInsights.xml file to configure itself, and it's doing this automatically. So you really can't set it up in the WebConfigurerAdapter as I previously suggested because it has already initialized itself before that, correct? I left that part in anyways, but I get that it needs to be loaded sooner so I provided a few additional ways to add the file to the classpath ASAP.
New Stuff
First take a look at this line you had originally posted ala GitHub:
java -jar build/libs/file-gateway.jar --spring.config.location=classpath:/apps/conf/ApplicationInsight.xml
Instead the value should be just a folder path, without "classpath" of "file" prefix. Also, try using '-D' instead of '--'.
java -jar build/libs/file-gateway.jar -Dspring.config.location=/apps/conf/
The property is supposed to either refer to a directory containing auto configuration property files for Spring Boot. It can also work for referring to a specific "|yml" file.
With that, my previous suggestion may work for you.
Old Suggestion
If you require a unique way for loading resources, you can add a resource handler to your application.
public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private String telemetryFolder;
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
And/or you could load it with apache IO:
private String telemetryFile;
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
public String telemtryXml(){
But this will only work if the api you are using doesn't need to be initialized much earlier.
More New Stuff
In your last post on the GitHub issue, you tried this:
java -jar build/libs/file-gateway.jar -applicationinsights.configurationDirectory="/apps/conf/"
Instead, try adding the property as a jvm parameter like this:
java -jar build/libs/file-gateway.jar -Dapplicationinsights.configurationDirectory=/apps/conf/
Notice that I added a capital 'D' character after the, and I removed the quotes from the path.
Other ways to add the file to classpath are.
Add the directory to the JVM classpath.
java -cp "build/libs/file-gateway.jar:/apps/conf/*" your.package.MainSpringBootApplication
This requires that you specify the main class which is (commonly) annotated with '#SpringBootApplication' and contains the main method. You do not execute the jar like before, but you do still add it to the classpath.
Forget about SpringBoot, and go back to your roots as a JEE developer. Add a "context.xml" for your app under the "src/main/resources/META-INF" folder, or "src/main/webapp/META-INF". I prefer the later if I'm building an executable war file, and the former for jars.
Example context.xml:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!-- path should be the context-path of you application.
<Context path="/">
<Resources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot">
<PreResources base="/apps/conf"
You can also use JVM parameters with EL.
So if you execute the jar with this:
java -jar build/libs/file-gateway.jar -Dapplicationinsights.configurationDirectory=/apps/conf/
You could set the resources base with this:
<!--snip -->
<PreResources base="${applicationinsights.configurationDirectory}"
<!--snip -->
Hope that helps:)

Where does spring boot configure default

By default Spring Boot will automatically load properties from classpath:/
I want to know where is this auto configuration source code.
I want to exclude from my app.
IE: #EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude=XXXXAutoconfiguration.class)
The reason is:
Because I cannot override the default by an external property using #PropertySource
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {""})
#PropertySource(value = {"classpath:/", "file:/opt/green-ws/"})
public class GreenWSApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
There are many ways to override property keys without disabling the whole externalized configuration feature; and that's actually the goal.
You can see here the order the properties are considered in. For example, you can add that external properties file in a config folder right next to the packaged JAR, or even configure the file location yourself.
Now if you really want to disable all of that (and the Boot team strongly suggests not to do that), you can register your own EnvironmentPostProcessor (see here) and remove PropertySources from MutablePropertySources, which you can fetch with configurableEnvironment. getPropertySources().
There's no easier way to do that because:
this comes really early in the application init phase, before auto-configurations
this is not something you should do, as it will have many side effects

Reload property value when external property file changes ,spring boot

I am using spring boot, and I have two external properties files, so that I can easily change its value.
But I hope spring app will reload the changed value when it is updated, just like reading from files. Since property file is easy enough to meet my need, I hope I don' nessarily need a db or file.
I use two different ways to load property value, code sample will like:
public class Prop1Controller{
private String prop1;
#RequestMapping(value="/prop1",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getProp() {
return prop1;
public class Prop2Controller{
private Environment env;
#RequestMapping(value="/prop2/{sysId}",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String prop2(#PathVariable String sysId) {
return env.getProperty("prop2."+sysId);
I will boot my application with
I'm afraid you will need to restart Spring context.
I think the only way to achieve your need is to enable spring-cloud. There is a refresh endpoint /refresh which refreshes the context and beans.
I'm not quite sure if you need a spring-cloud-config-server (its a microservice and very easy to build) where your config is stored(Git or svn). Or if its also useable just by the file in the application.
Here you can find the doc to the refresh scope and spring cloud.
You should be able to use Spring Cloud for that
Add this as a dependency
compile group: '', name: 'spring-cloud-starter', version: '1.1.2.RELEASE'
And then use #RefreshScope annotation
A Spring #Bean that is marked as #RefreshScope will get special treatment when there is a configuration change. This addresses the problem of stateful beans that only get their configuration injected when they are initialized. For instance if a DataSource has open connections when the database URL is changed via the Environment, we probably want the holders of those connections to be able to complete what they are doing. Then the next time someone borrows a connection from the pool he gets one with the new URL.
Also relevant if you have Spring Actuator
For a Spring Boot Actuator application there are some additional management endpoints:
/env to update the Environment and rebind #ConfigurationProperties and log levels
/refresh for re-loading the boot strap context and refreshing the #RefreshScope beans
Spring Cloud Doc
(1) Spring Cloud's RestartEndPoint
You may use the RestartEndPoint: Programatically restart Spring Boot application / Refresh Spring Context
RestartEndPoint is an Actuator EndPoint, bundled with spring-cloud-context.
However, RestartEndPoint will not monitor for file changes, you'll have to handle that yourself.
(2) devtools
I don't know if this is for a production application or not. You may hack devtools a little to do what you want.
Take a look at this other answer I wrote for another question: Force enable spring-boot DevTools when running Jar
Devtools monitors for file changes:
Applications that use spring-boot-devtools will automatically restart
whenever files on the classpath change.
Technically, devtools is built to only work within an IDE. With the hack, it also works when launched from a jar. However, I may not do that for a real production application, you decide if it fits your needs.
I know this is a old thread, but it will help someone in future.
You can use a scheduler to periodically refresh properties.
management.endpoint.refresh.enabled = true
private RefreshEndpoint refreshEndpoint;
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 60000, initialDelay = 10000)
public Collection<String> refreshContext() {
final Collection<String> properties = refreshEndpoint.refresh();
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Refreshed Properties {0}", properties);
return properties;
//add spring-cloud-starter to the pom file.
Attribues annotated with #Value is refreshed if the bean is annotated with #RefreshScope.
Configurations annotated with #ConfigurationProperties is refreshed without #RefreshScope.
Hope this will help.
You can follow the ContextRefresher.refresh() code implements.
public synchronized Set<String> refresh() {
Map<String, Object> before = extract(
Set<String> keys = changes(before,
this.context.publishEvent(new EnvironmentChangeEvent(context, keys));
return keys;
