how to replace the xampp favicon with my own one? - xampp

trying to edit the xampp favicon but coudn't do that so revomed them. now my webpages don't even have xampp favicon and i'm unable to add my own icon.can someone walk me through the whole process that really works. if can't then just teach me how to add an icon on a real server where my site soon going to b hosted? Thanks!

just add the code bellow to your file.
<link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/ico">

I think that this will work for you.
Just go to C:\xampp\htdocs and delete the favicon.ico file (if it is there).
Insert the image file in that folder. (Remember that it should be an ico type file)
Now rename that image as 'favicon' and it will be done.

Adding an icon named favicon.ico in your document root should solve the problem

Sometimes, even after you changed the favicon.ico file, the browser still cached the old favicon.
You need to do CTRL+F5 on the browser to reload the page.


How to update scss on host

I have made a wordpress theme with understrap and I have uploaded on a webhost and it works fine.
The issue is that I wanted to make some changes so I edit my scss file localy and when I uploaded it the changes weren't applied. Am I suppose to upload any other file in order to work?
Thank you in advance
I don't know if this will help anyone but in order to update website's scss on host you simply copy the css file which usually is in the css folder and you just upload it to the same folder.
The SCSS needs to be compiled into - and replace the existing - CSS files enqueued by your theme. To do this you can either, install a plugin that does that, or have it done by setting up css pre-processing in your local IDE/environment.
clear cache of your browser and close recent tab and try again. it just browser runnung with previous cache.

Possible to clean img/p folder in prestashop?

How is it with the img/p folder in Prestashop Is it possible fully to clean it? Cause this folder went to big now, and FTP is almost full now, i need space. For example when i renamed it on FTP, all images on the website worked, and prestashop created automaticaly one new img/p folder, and all seems that works right (also when the initial img/p was out after renaming). Thanks in advance.
when you delete the folder you may see the images working, its from smarty cache, once you clear the smarty cache, presta default (not found) image will be shown.

My Foundation Icons are not working in Firefox. Only letters in a box display instead

The Html
<link rel=stylesheet href=../static/css/foundation-icons/foundation-icons.css>
<a class="button radius search-header"><i class="fi-magnifying-glass"></i> Search</a>
I have navigated to foundation-icons.css after hitting Ctrl+U within Firefox so I am definitely linking to the file correctly.
I have copied the foundation-icons folder exactly and not removed anything. It looks like this:
- foundation-icons.css
- foundation-icons.eot
- foundation-icons.svg
- foundation-icons.ttf
- foundation-icons.woff
- svgs/*
- preview.html
Edit: I have changed the title and added the Firefox tag because everything seems to be working fine in Chromium. I am a little stumped because that means it's a Firefox issue and probably not possible for me to fix.
The preview.html file that comes with foundation-icons works correctly in my Firefox as well.
If you're using the SCSS files, you should point the $fi-path variable to the correct location of your foundation-icon-fonts folder.
For me I had to add the following before importing foundation-icon-fonts:
$fi-path: 'foundation-icon-fonts';
First correct this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/css/foundation-icons/foundation-icons.css">
In examples of Foundation, Firefox use .woff files. Check if you have access to them.
It's a relative path. Are you sure 'static' folder is reachable with your browser ?

Are include files necessary in an html website?

Are include files, such as server side include SSI, files necessary in an html website?
I recently tried to host my simple html website through GoDaddy. I used Dreamweaver CC to upload my files and encountered a problem. Some of my pages were not displaying images or css. I checked to see if the images and css were on the server and in the correct places and they were. Confused, I called GoDaddy's customer service, waited 35 minutes, and talked to one of their customer service reps. He basically told me that it may be my code and that I need 'include' files.
I have looked all over the web and I'm still not entirely sure what an include file is... I got from my research that they are snips of code that call images/files without having to write out the same thing on every page. If I have copied and pasted the same thing on every page, why then would I need an 'include' file? I previously had my website hosted through Hostmonster, still do now, and I have never had to alter my code...
I am still new to the world of coding, so please be kind. If anyone knows of a good resource to help explain the use of 'include' files please post it or correct me if I am wrong. Thank you.
I think the GoDaddy "support" guy was talking about the include operation in your html files that you need to fetch your css files.
Presumably your web pages work correctly when you display them locally on your development machine -- the machine where you run Dreamweaver. If not, fix them. They'll probably need css files in some subdirectory (or maybe in the same directory as the html) and image files in some other subdirectory.
Open up your page, on the server, in a browser, and then do View Source. Look for your css file download commands ... which may look something like this ... in your source.
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Are the links (the href items) what you thought they should be? Sometimes you'll find that they are absolute links like
If they are you need to change them to
The same goes for images.
And, no, you don't need server-side include files to put up a working static web site.

Change image icon in addressbar of browser

I searched through many sites, but I failed to get an answer.
Question :
I want to change icon as per given in below image in my browser.
Currently chrome and Mozilla does not support this feature if you want check you can check it in either ie or safari, it will show where you want.
you should add this tag to head
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<YOUR ICON PATH>">
this is a tool to help you to create icon using converter
Those are called "favicons", and you can set one for your website using a special tag in the HEAD of your HTML. You can find many tutorials on this by Googling (now that you know what they're called).
Wikipedia suggests a tag something like this:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
As an alternative, your website can provide an image named favicon.ico in the root folder.
That icon names "favicon". To create Something like that go to THIS LINK, Upload an image and get the favicon.ico file, then put it next to your template page on your host.
To get more information go HERE.
