Angular 2 async validator always invalid - validation

I have the following form control with the simplest async validator I could write:
this.aliasCtrl = this._fb.control('', [(control: AbstractControl) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
My form definition is:
this.contactForm ={
alias: this.aliasCtrl
My form control is always invalid.
Here's a plunker:
I'm sure I've miss something but I cannot find what.
Thanks for help.

Change the code to:
this.aliasCtrl = this._fb.control('', null, (control: AbstractControl) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
Pass null or empty array for validators (second parameter) and the async validator function as the third parameter.
Tested... Works!


Angular how to combine local function return value with runtime call back http request

I have local function to check some validation which returns true/false. I also have runtime callback function which is an async function ie. http call.
Note: This checkPermission function is happening inside a for loop.
I want to check if any othese two function call is true. Can anyone help me how to achieve this?
private checkPermissions(
moduleId: number,
permissions: number[],
callback?: () => Observable<boolean>
): boolean {
if(callback) {
console.log('callback function defined');
//following is the local function. how to make callback() here?
return this.userSecurityService.userHasLicenseAndPermission(
My complete code is:
options: NavOption[] = [];
this.options = this.sideNavService.loadMenus();
Sidenav service:
loadMenus(): NavOption[] {
return this.getMenus();
private getMenus(): NavOption[] {
const filteredMenuItems: NavOption[] = [];
let menus = [{
id: 'recorded-events',
label: 'Recorded events',
icon: 'far fa-calendar-check fa-2x',
url: `/incident/${this.organisationId}/list`,
permissions: [
additionalPermissionCheck: () =>
this.eventAccessGroupService.hasEventAccessGroupException()//this is the service to make http call
id: 'new-events',
label: 'Report new event',
icon: 'far fa-calendar-plus fa-2x',
url: `/incident/${this.organisationId}/create`,
permissions: [EventReportingPermissions.Report]
for(let item of menus) {
let canAccess = this.checkPermissions(
return filteredMenuItems;
//local function
private checkPermissions(moduleId: number, permissions: number[]): boolean {
//following returns value from local function and no http call
return this.userSecurityService.userHasLicenseAndPermission(
//additionalPermissionCheck?: () => Observable<boolean>;
I am not sure I am understanding correctly but is your callback the function that performs the permission checking?
If so you can use a map pipe:
// Beware this returns Observable<boolean> and not boolean
const safeCallbackResult = callback ? callback() : of(true) // default to returning true as we'd like to check for the second condition
return callback().pipe(
map(canDoAction => canDoAction ? this.userSecurityService.userHasLicenseAndPermission(...) : false)
If you'd like to return a boolean, you can't. Because the moment you need to await for the callback's observable emission that is an operation that can take some time. Even though you could make the function async
private async checkPermissions(
moduleId: number,
permissions: number[],
callback?: () => Observable<boolean>
): Promise<boolean> {
// callback().toPromise() if using RxJS 6
// firstValueFrom(callback()) if using RxJS 7
if(callback && ! (await callback().toPromise())) return false
return this.userSecurityService.userHasLicenseAndPermission(...)
Something like this:
sub = myHttpGetCall$().subscribe(value => {
if (value && localValue) {
// do whatever when both are true
Where localValue is the return value from your local function, which I assume is not an async operation.
Use an RxJs iif
booleanObservable$ = iif(() => yourLocalCondition, yourHttpRequest$, of(false));
If your localCondition is true it will make the http request otherwise there is no point so it just retuns an observable that emits false.

Cypress custom command wont return value

I have a function that I want to add as a command so i can reuse it.
Its on cypress/support/commands.js:
Cypress.Commands.add("generatePassword", () => {
return 'randomstring';
Then on my test I want to use it as:
it("Visits page", () => {
const password = generatePassword();
// Here it logs this:
//{password: {chainerid: chainer146, firstcall: false}}
Any idea on how to get the actual value? Now i get this:
{chainerid: chainer146, firstcall: false}
Basically cypress works in promise chain and you're returning the promise chainerid from your custom command. You have to chain it to use in next statement. Use something like below.
it("Visits page", () => {
return cy.generatePassword().then(pwd => {

Get vuex store state after dispatching an action

I'm creating a chat application in Laravel 6 + Vue + Vuex. I want make a call to vuex store and get a state after a dispatch actions is complete and then I want to do some processing on that state in my vue component.
In ChatWindow component
mounted: function () {
this.$store.dispatch('setContacts').then(() => {
console.log('dispatch called')
// I want to call the getter here and set one of the data property
setContacts: (context) => {'/users').then(response => {
let users =;
// consoled for testing
context.commit('setContacts', users);
setContacts: (state, users) => {
state.contacts = users;
Please see the screenshot below. The then method of dispatch is running before setContacts in action.js.
I need to call the getter after completing dispatch action. (which will effectively set the contacts state). Then, I want to get the contacts through getContacts getter like this.
getContacts: (state) => {
return state.contacts;
I also tried calling computed property in then in mounted and it didn't work. Also, shouldn't 'dispatch called' in mounted run after console.log of setContacts in action.js as it is in then method? Thanks!
Maybe you could wrap axios call inside another promise.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'/users')
.then(response => {
let users =;
// consoled for testing
context.commit('setContacts', users);
.catch(error => {
And then
.then(() => {
console.log('dispatch called')
console.log('getter ', this.$store.getters.contacts)
Let me know what happens. It was working for a small demo that I tried.

Observable from Subject

I'm trying to create actions from updates from a RX Subject
It's working but I get the error below.
Here is my Epic
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({payload}) =>
.subscribe(res => {
if (res.progress > 0)
else if(res.progress === -1){
requestSceneProcessing(res).map(res => {
And here is the Subject
export function UploadSceneWithFile(scene){
const subject$ = new Subject()
const uploader = new S3Upload({
getSignedUrl: getSignedUrl,
uploadRequestHeaders: {'x-amz-acl': 'public-read'},
contentType: scene.file.type,
contentDisposition: 'auto',
s3path: 'assets/',
onProgress: (val)=> subject$.next({...scene,progress:val}),
onFinishS3Put: ()=>subject$.next({...scene,progress:-1}),
return subject$
I read from a previous post that I'm supposed to be using .map, not .subscribe but nothing happens if I don't subscribe (the upload doesn't happen)
What's the best way of doing this?
subscribeToResult.js:74 Uncaught TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
at Object.subscribeToResult (subscribeToResult.js:74)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._innerSub (mergeMap.js:132)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext (mergeMap.js:129)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._next (mergeMap.js:112)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:89)
at FilterSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/filter.js.FilterSubscriber._next (filter.js:89)
at FilterSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:89)
at Subject../node_modules/rxjs/ (Subject.js:55)
at createEpicMiddleware.js:60
at createEpicMiddleware.js:59
at SafeSubscriber.dispatch [as _next] (applyMiddleware.js:35)
The problem is that you subscribe inside mergeMap and return a Subscription which is invalid. The callback needs to return only Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
I'm not sure what exactly you need to do but if you need to perform some side-effects you can use do() operator instead of subscribing.
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({ payload }) => UploadSceneWithFile(payload)
.do(res => {
Or it looks like you could put do after mergeMap as well:
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({ payload }) => UploadSceneWithFile(payload))
.do(res => {

custom async validation not working when returning a promise

I'm calling the web api to check if an urlalias is available, for this task I'm using a httpservice in my async validator.
The issue is that when the validator is called, all the correct code path is performed (all the console.log() run and behave as expected).
Whether the promise from the validation returns/resolves to null or an { 'isUrlAliasActivityMainAvailable': true }, the controller always shows an error object as following, thus keeping the form state as invalid, why (bloody hell!)?
I'm using: angular:2.1.0 and rxjs:5.0.0-beta.12
This is my formbuilder:{
"urlAliasActivityMain":[null,[ ValidatorsZr.isUrlAliasActivityMainAvailableAsyncValidator(this.httpActivityService)]],
This is my validator:
public static isUrlAliasActivityMainAvailableAsyncValidator(httpActivityService: HttpActivityService) {
return function (control: FormControl): Promise<any> | Observable<any> {
const promise = new Promise<any>(
(resolve, reject) => {
(data: any) => {
if (data == false) {
console.log("data == false");
resolve({ 'isUrlAliasActivityMainAvailable': true });
else {
console.log("data == true");
return promise;
Your async validator is listed in the synchronous validators location in the array and is being incorrectly evaluated.
[objectValue, synchronous validators, asynchronous validators]
control(formState: Object, validator?: ValidatorFn|ValidatorFn[],
asyncValidator?: AsyncValidatorFn|AsyncValidatorFn[]) : FormControl
Construct a new FormControl with the given formState,validator, and
formState can either be a standalone value for the form control or an
object that contains both a value and a disabled status.
To correct it, move your validator to the appropriate array location:{
"urlAliasActivityMain":[null, null, ValidatorsZr.isUrlAliasActivityMainAvailableAsyncValidator(this.httpActivityService)],
