Observable from Subject - rxjs

I'm trying to create actions from updates from a RX Subject
It's working but I get the error below.
Here is my Epic
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({payload}) =>
.subscribe(res => {
if (res.progress > 0)
else if(res.progress === -1){
requestSceneProcessing(res).map(res => {
And here is the Subject
export function UploadSceneWithFile(scene){
const subject$ = new Subject()
const uploader = new S3Upload({
getSignedUrl: getSignedUrl,
uploadRequestHeaders: {'x-amz-acl': 'public-read'},
contentType: scene.file.type,
contentDisposition: 'auto',
s3path: 'assets/',
onProgress: (val)=> subject$.next({...scene,progress:val}),
onFinishS3Put: ()=>subject$.next({...scene,progress:-1}),
return subject$
I read from a previous post that I'm supposed to be using .map, not .subscribe but nothing happens if I don't subscribe (the upload doesn't happen)
What's the best way of doing this?
subscribeToResult.js:74 Uncaught TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
at Object.subscribeToResult (subscribeToResult.js:74)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._innerSub (mergeMap.js:132)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext (mergeMap.js:129)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._next (mergeMap.js:112)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/Subscriber.js.Subscriber.next (Subscriber.js:89)
at FilterSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/filter.js.FilterSubscriber._next (filter.js:89)
at FilterSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/Subscriber.js.Subscriber.next (Subscriber.js:89)
at Subject../node_modules/rxjs/Subject.js.Subject.next (Subject.js:55)
at createEpicMiddleware.js:60
at createEpicMiddleware.js:59
at SafeSubscriber.dispatch [as _next] (applyMiddleware.js:35)

The problem is that you subscribe inside mergeMap and return a Subscription which is invalid. The callback needs to return only Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
I'm not sure what exactly you need to do but if you need to perform some side-effects you can use do() operator instead of subscribing.
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({ payload }) => UploadSceneWithFile(payload)
.do(res => {
Or it looks like you could put do after mergeMap as well:
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({ payload }) => UploadSceneWithFile(payload))
.do(res => {


How to rewrite this code using rxjs observables instead async/await?

I need that createUser function returns Observable<UserEntity> but in this function I also have to make 2 queries to DB and check if this user exists. The code below uses async/await and looks pretty good and clean. But the problem is that I use rxjs everywhere in this project and would like to write it somehow using rxjs. Can it be as clean as now but with Observables?
async create(user: CreateUserDTO): Promise<UserEntity> {
const userByEmail = await this.getUserByEmail();
const userByLogin = await this.getUserByLogin();
if (userByLogin || userByEmail)
// retrun error here
return await this.createUser(user);
I am using RxJs 6.5
forkJoin will emit result when both async functions getUserByEmail & getUserByLogin complete their execution
If getUserByEmail & getUserByLogin returns Promise,for that using from to convert a promise into an observable
mergeMap to subscribe the inner observable.In our case createUser returns observable
create(user: CreateUserDTO): Observable < UserEntity > {
//If getUserByEmail & getUserByLogin returs Promise
const getUserByEmail$ = from(this.getUserByEmail());
const getUserByLogin$ = from(this.getUserByLogin());
//If Both returns Observable
//const getUserByEmail$ = this.getUserByEmail();
//const getUserByLogin$ = this.getUserByLogin();
return forkJoin({
userByEmail: this.getUserByEmail(),
userByLogin: this.getUserByLogin(),
tap((res) => {
if (res.userByEmail || res.userByLogin) {
throw 'User exists!';
mergeMap(() => {
return from(this.createUser(user));
//If createUser returns Observable,then
//return this.createUser(user);
Assuming that this.getUserByEmail(), this.getUserByLogin() and this.createUser(user) return Promises, the code could look like this
create(user: CreateUserDTO): Observable<UserEntity> {
// with the rxjs from function we turn a Promise into an Observable
const userByEmail$ = from(this.getUserByEmail());
const userByLogin$ = from(this.getUserByLogin());
// with forkjoin we create an Observable which notifies when all the
// Observables which have been passed in as parameters notify
return forkJoin([userByEmail$, userByLogin$]).pipe(
// with concatMap you wait for the upstream Observable (i.e. the
// Observable created by forkJoin) to notify and complete, and then
// you return the next Observable in the chain, which is, in this case,
// the Observable which (when subscribed) creates the user
concatMap(([userByLogin, userByEmail]) =>
if (userByLogin || userByEmail) {
// throw error here
return from(this.createUser(user))
Otherwise, if this.getUserByEmail(), this.getUserByLogin() and this.createUser(user) return Observables you do not need to use the from rxjs function and the code would be slightly simpler, like this
create(user: CreateUserDTO): Observable<UserEntity> {
return forkJoin([this.getUserByEmail(), this.getUserByLogin()]).pipe(
concatMap(([userByLogin, userByEmail]) =>
if (userByLogin || userByEmail) {
// throw error here
return from(this.createUser(user))

error Policy in Apollo Client React does'nt work

I have aproblem when test Apollo.When I try query with apollo and graphql, i want response return error and partical data, so I set property errorPolicy:'all'. But its not work. I don't no why? Help please!
Here my code:
query { animal {
age }, school {
numberfd } } `
const { loading,data,error} = useQuery(GET_DASHBOARD_DATA, {
onCompleted: (res) => {console.log("complete",res)},
onError : (res,data) => {console.log("ERRRR",res,data)},
and i want to receive:
error:[...], data:[animal:[...]] }
but its only response error.Here is Apollo's doc: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/data/error-handling/
onError type is onError?: (error: ApolloError) => void;. You don't have data inside onError callback.
After useQuery you can add:
console.log('data', data)
console.log('error', error)
I faced the same issue with errorPolicy: 'all', I only received the partial result inside onCompleted callback of useQuery, but no errors.
I created an ErrorLink like this:
private createErrorLink = () => {
return new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
return forward(operation).map((response) => {
// filter out errors you don't want to display
const errors = filterSomeErrors(response.errors);
if (errors && response?.data) {
response.data.errors = errors;
return response;
Now inside my onCompleted callback I get my data as well as errors. You will have to tweak your types a bit, because seems there is no errors field on response.data by default.
Mind that if you use onError from Apollo and return something from the link, it will retry your request containing errors!

How do I iterate over functions that return rxjs observables

I want to iterate over a series of asynchronous functions and end the iterating when a false is returned.
I'm new to rxjs and can't get the use-case below to work. I feel like I'm not understanding something fundamental. Can someone please point it out to me?
function validateA(): Observable<any> {
// do stuff.
return of({ id: "A", result: true }); // hardcoding result for now
function validateB(): Observable<any> {
// do stuff
return of({ id: "B", result: true }); // hardcoding result for now
function validateC(): Observable<any> {
// do stuff
return of({ id: "C", result: false });// hardcoding result for now
from([validateA, validateB, validateC])
map(data => data()),
takeWhile(data => !!data.result)
.subscribe(data => console.log(`${data.id} passed!`));
I would say that the core of your logic is right. What is missing is some rxJs pecularity.
The solutions could be something like this. Explanation of the nuances are in the comments.
// start from an array of functions and turn it into a stream using RxJs from function
from([validateA, validateB, validateC])
// now execute each function sequentially, one after the other, via concatMap
// operator. This operator calls each function and each function returns an Observable
// concatMap ensures that the functions are called sequentially and also that the returned Observable (because each function returns an Observable)
// is "flattened" in the result stream. In other words, you execute each function one at the time
// and return the value emitted by the Observable returned by that function
// until that Observable completes. Considering that you use the "of" function to
// create the Observable which is returned by each function, such Observable emits just one value and then completes.
concatMap(func => func()),
// now you have a stream of values notified by the Observables returned by the functions
// and you terminate as soon as a flase is received
takeWhile(data => !!data.result)
.subscribe(data => console.log(`${data.id} passed!`));
The following seems to do the trick and calls functions lazily:
import { from, Observable, of } from "rxjs";
import { concatAll, find, map } from "rxjs/operators";
function validateA() {
return of({ id: "A", result: false });
function validateB() {
return of({ id: "B", result: true });
function validateC() {
return of({ id: "C", result: false });
from([validateA, validateB, validateC])
map(validate => validate()),
find(data => data.result)
.subscribe(data => console.log(`${data.id} passed!`));

How to get the data from BehaviorSubject after its completed?

I have a function that returns a BehaviorSubject but when I try to use the data I get back from the function I need to use it once all the data is back, is there a way to know when the BehaviorSubject is done pulling all the data?
I tried using .finally but it never gets called. Here is the code I'm using.
getData() {
let guideList = '';
function(data) {
guideList = data.join(',');
function(err) {
function() {
getChildren(node: TreeNode) {
const nodeIds$ = new BehaviorSubject([]);
//doForAll is a promise
node.doForAll((data) => {
return nodeIds$;
Attached is a screen shot of the console.log
Easiest way is to just collect all the data in the array and only call next once the data is all collected. Even better: don't use a subject at all. It is very rare that one ever needs to create a subject. Often people use Subjects when instead they should be using a more streamlined observable factory method or operator:
getChildren(node: TreeNode) {
return Observable.defer(() => {
const result = [];
return node.doForAll(d => result.push(d.id)).then(() => result);

Redux Observable: How to return an action from a callback?

I'm using the WebRTC library which has a very specific API. The peerConnection.setRemoteDescription method's 2nd argument is supposed to be a callback for when it finishes setting the remote description:
This is one of my wrapper functions for my WebRTC class:
export function setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, callback) {
if (!sdp) return;
return peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(
new RTCSessionDescription(sdp),
callback, // <-------------
And this is a sketch of what I want to do:
function receivedSdp(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(VideoStream.RECEIVED_SDP)
.mergeMap(action => {
const {peerConnection} = store.getState().videoStreams;
const {sdp} = action.payload;
return WebRTC.setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, () => {
return myReducer.myAction(); // <------ return action as the callback
This doesn't work since I'm not returning an Observable. Is there a way to do this?
P.S. this is the WebRTC API: https://github.com/oney/react-native-webrtc/blob/master/RTCPeerConnection.js#L176
martin's answer is correct about using Observable.create or new Observable--same thing (except it's not clear to me why you need the mergeAll() since the mergeMap will flatten?)
As a bonus, you could also use Observable.bindCallback for this.
// bindCallback is a factory factory, it creates a function that
// when called with any arguments will return an Observable that
// wraps setRemoteSdp, handling the callback portion for you.
// I'm using setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC) because I don't know
// if setRemoteSdp requires its calling context to be WebRTC
// so it's "just in case". It might not be needed.
const setRemoteSdpObservable = Observable.bindCallback(WebRTC.setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC));
setRemoteSdpObservable(peerConnection, sdp)
.subscribe(d => console.log(d));
Usage inside your epic would be something like this
// observables are lazy, so defining this outside of our epic
// is totally cool--it only sets up the factory
const setRemoteSdpObservable = Observable.bindCallback(WebRTC.setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC));
function receivedSdp(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(VideoStream.RECEIVED_SDP)
.mergeMap(action => {
const {peerConnection} = store.getState().videoStreams;
const {sdp} = action.payload;
return setRemoteSdpObservable(peerConnection)
.map(result => myReducer.myAction());
You could use this to create Observable wrappers for all the WebRTC apis.
So the problem is that setRemoteSdp doesn't return an Observable while myReducer.myAction() does and that's the Observable you want to merge?
You can use Observable.create and wrap the WebRTC.setRemoteSdp call:
.mergeMap(action => {
return Observable.create(observer => {
WebRTC.setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, () => {
The Observable.create returns an Observable that emits another Observable from myReducer.myAction(). Now I have in fact so-called higher-order that I want to flatten using mergeAll() (concatAll would work as well).
