Jira confluence setup - installation

We decided to use jira and confluece with postgre. I have a question about the setup. I red the documentation but its still not clear to me. Do I need to create two databases and two login roles, one for confluence and one for jira with pgAdmin or just one database and one login role?

I just worked this out recently. You want two separate databases for sure.
I would recommend two database users, but you would be able to use just one if you wanted.
For what it's worth I had really good success using phppgadmin.
I'd call one database confluence and the other jira. It's really easy when the usernames match the database.

You can use one database username for both JIRA and Confluence but you need to have TWO Different Databases for them. You shouldn't try to install both of them in one database with different schema since it may cause lots of problem with a plugins later since they are using AO tables and sometimes you have same tables for both.


How to update data in supabase having one to many relation?

I am working on a smaller project. I have two tables e.g. properties and agents. One property can have many agents. How can I update data in both tables using one query?
Here is the link to update data in postgres How I can update one to many relation in Postgres?
Supabase uses postgrest under the hood for the RESTful api, currently the suggested solution there is to write an rpc() function and call that.
Alternatively, since Supabase is just PostgreSQL, you always have the option of connecting directly using any postgres client and using the postgres solution you mentioned in your question.

how to design greenplum database constructure

i am working on designing constructure in Greenplum database.
we have many clinets which need to store data for them.
there are two ways to design database constructure. we build one database and different schemas in this database for each clients
or build different databases for each clients, which way is better?
waht is nmore ,we need to migrate databases or schemas from dev environment to environment
Either way will work. If you are keeping multi-tenants in Greenplum and there is no data sharing, you might be better off keeping them in separate databases - easier for security and for backups. If there is a requirement that they share some common data, then using multiple schemas in one database is the better option.
I am not sure what version of Greenplum you are on, but you should be able to backup a schema from dev and restore it with gprestore using the --redirect option to put it in the database you want it to be in.
Jim McCann

Oracle Application Express - Backups

I have been tasked with creating some backups for some Oracle Apex apps (Application Express v4. The request is to back up both the applications & referenced db objects (not sure if this means just structure or structure & data).
On the one hand, I would have expected standard db backups to handle most or all of this but I'm very new to Apex so it's all a learning curve.
I'm currently exporting the application from apex and then exporting (using SQL Developer) all the database object dependencies that Apex gives me - although I see that the list doesn't include functions that are used for auth.
This seems a really clunky process that's very prone to mistakes (miss an object, save something to the wrong place, no guarantees of consistency etc).
Does Apex (my version!) offer something to do the job or is there something else I could be doing? I've had a good google but nothing has stood out.
UPDATE: I realise now that I should have included some extra info. I'm currently at a large organisation & I believe our db backups (which I guess/hope are done using rman) are done by a different department. I think the motivation for the request is so that we have some local, easily accessible backup so that if one of the developers messes something up we don't have to go through multiple layers of organisation (& undoubtedly a lot of time) to sort ourselves out. I suspect that some kind of source control would be a great starting point but I'm not sure how far I'll get with that idea - especially as we seem to have little in the way of autonomy over things like servers.
RMAN is the way to go to backup an oracle database:
there are tons of material on the hows and whys online; just google "oracle rman" and you'll find what you need (the documentation should cover you as well of course).
Standard DB backups will include everything you need.
The Apex applications I develop are static, meaning the end users make no changes to the Apex application, and there is no need to make a specific backup other than to store the original apex application .sql installation files in a safe place.
If you must, you can make an export of the database schemas the application uses. For example with the expdp utility.
IN apex you need to take 2 backups one in the workspace
Second your application
Third is while using export import from the database it tends to loose & character in procedure ..So beter use rman and take a complete backup.
I have found this Oracle white paper Life Cycle Management with Oracle Application Express (Revision 2) which does what it says on the tin - including various strategies for exporting, backing up & managing 'lost application development'. It's a really good read and I'll be using it as a template for suggestions of how we can manage our process in future.

Developer sandboxes for Oracle database

We are developing a large data migration from Oracle DB (12c) to another system with SSIS. The developers are using a production copy database but the problem is that, due to the complexity of the data transformation, we have to do things in stages by preprocessing data into intermediate helper tables which are then used further downstream. The problem is that all developers are using the same database and screw each other up by running things simultaneously. Does Oracle DB offer anything in terms of developer sandboxing? We could build a mechanism to handle this (e.g. have dev ID in the helper tables, then query views that map to the dev), but I'd much rather use built-in functionality. Could I use Oracle Multitenant for this?
We ended up producing a master subset database of select schemas/tables through some fairly elaborate PL/SQL, then made several copies of this master schema so each dev has his/her own sandbox (as Alex suggested). We could have used Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting but it's too expensive. Another option for creating the subset database wouldn have been to use Jailer. I should note that we didn't have a need to mask any sensitive data.
Note. I would think this a fairly common problem so if new tools and solutions arise, please post them here as answers.

Neo4j - get friend list up to the 4th degree

I am working with one application which requires to show a friend list up to the 4th degree. After some research I came to know about one solution i.e. Neo4j.
I didn't get a clear idea from their tutorial, can I connect Neo4j to MySQL, and if not how should I implement that myself? I am currently using the codeigniter framework with MySQL.
neo4j is a database, and mysql is a database. so, this question is largely about connecting databases from different vendors together.
at this time, neo4j and mysql do not support direct connections to each other. you'd typically accomplish your desired task by exporting your data from mysql as CSV files (http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-export-table-to-csv/) and importing to neo4j (http://jexp.de/blog/2014/06/load-csv-into-neo4j-quickly-and-successfully/)
michael hunger, a colleague of mine at neo4j, recently wrote this auto importer. you might want to check it out to make this process much easier:
before going through this data export/import, you may just want to download neo4j and play with the movie dataset. you can do this in about a minute (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om6E-HqtrZ0).
then, there are standalone PHP drivers for Neo4j:
josh addell, the author of Neo4jPHP, has even written a post about how to use codeignitor 2 with his library:
