how to design greenplum database constructure - greenplum

i am working on designing constructure in Greenplum database.
we have many clinets which need to store data for them.
there are two ways to design database constructure. we build one database and different schemas in this database for each clients
or build different databases for each clients, which way is better?
waht is nmore ,we need to migrate databases or schemas from dev environment to environment

Either way will work. If you are keeping multi-tenants in Greenplum and there is no data sharing, you might be better off keeping them in separate databases - easier for security and for backups. If there is a requirement that they share some common data, then using multiple schemas in one database is the better option.
I am not sure what version of Greenplum you are on, but you should be able to backup a schema from dev and restore it with gprestore using the --redirect option to put it in the database you want it to be in.
Jim McCann


Which is the fastest way to create a test database(with all data) from a production database which is quite big in size (400 GB)?

I am a java person and not so much familiar with Oracle available features. Please help me.
The requirement is that, we are looking for some virtual(replica/mirror/view) database to be created from Production database just for testing purpose. Once we are done with executing all the automation test cases, delete the virtual database created. So are there any such concepts in Oracle ?
We are on Oracle 12c.
Many apps use same DB(its huge)
PS: We also use docker for deployment and also AWS.
use Rman duplicate to duplicate the test database from production.
you can duplicate from backups or duplicate from active database
You can probably ask your database admin to export the table space to a new test machine which has the same oracle version installed. May require If there are only very few tables, then you can spool your tables out and use sqlloader to load them to a test database ( you will need to manually create the structure of the tables in test environment before hand.
In both cases, you might want to scrub out the sensitive information as per your requirements and standards.

Which is the fastest way to replicate oracle database deployed in RDS?

For example: Lets say i have two database DB1 and DB2. Now my requirement is to refresh data from DB1 to DB2 every night. DB1 is live database and DB2 is for non business users for data analysis.
My questions:
1) What must be the tool i should use for my requirement? I need a solution that is fast, since the database copy has to be done everyday.
2) Does AWS have any tool to automate the backup and restore the data?
There's a load of ways to do this and the answer comes down to what storage you're using, are they on the same server and then ultimately the size of the database.
RMAN's more a backup / recovery tool but definitely a runner for cloning. If you're not sure what RMAN does then I wouldn't even start to implement it as it's very tricky if you aren't super comfortable with Oracle DB's.
My recommendation is just use Oracle datapump, export the schema's you need to a dump file then ship it over and import them into the other database making sure to overwrite/drop the existing schemas.
Other than doing a differential clone at a SAN level this is probably the quickest and definitely easiest way to get it done

ETL tool migration : Best Practices in Parallel Run

I am new to ETL migration. I have worked with Talend, but not yet faced the task to migrate large ETL project from one tool to another(IBM Data Manager to Informatica PowerCenter or Informatica Developer).
I am looking to general guidlines for migrate jobs from one tool to another one, and of course for my specific case.
I will be more clear:
The Databases Sources and Targes will be the same, what I have to migrate is the ETL part itself.
The approach will be the parallel run as suggested at this blog :
Parallel Run
In my case I have not to migrate the all DWH instead only the ETL as the old software will become a legacy one and the new one is from another Vendor(luckly both of them can export XML ).
I am looking for the pratical approch for parallel run, indeed I am been suggested to copy the Sources and Targes Tables in the orginal Database schema, but it does not look to me the best way to go(even not pratical when a schema has many tables).
The DWH I am woking of course has several DBS instance in Oracle and some in SQL Server, a Test server and a Production one, as well as for each, a Staging, Storage and a Data Mart area.
As from this related question and its answer, I am thinking to copy each schema on the go for each project.
Staging in ETL: Best Practices
Looking to have guidlines references, but my specific case is the migration from IBM Data Manager to Informatica PowerCenter
The approach depends on various criteria and personal preferences. Either way you will need to either duplicate parts or all of the source and destination systems. On one extreme you can use two instances of the entire system. If you have complex upstream processes that are part of the test, or you have massive numbers of tables and processes, and you have the bandwidth and resources to duplicate your system then this approach may be optimal.
At the other extreme, if any complex processes occur within the ETL tool itself, or you are simply loading tables and need to check they are loaded correctly, then making copies of the tables and pointing your new or old tool to the table copies may be the way to go. This method is very simple and easy to setup.
Keep in mind this forum is not meant to replace blogs and in-depth tech articles on those techniques.

Developer sandboxes for Oracle database

We are developing a large data migration from Oracle DB (12c) to another system with SSIS. The developers are using a production copy database but the problem is that, due to the complexity of the data transformation, we have to do things in stages by preprocessing data into intermediate helper tables which are then used further downstream. The problem is that all developers are using the same database and screw each other up by running things simultaneously. Does Oracle DB offer anything in terms of developer sandboxing? We could build a mechanism to handle this (e.g. have dev ID in the helper tables, then query views that map to the dev), but I'd much rather use built-in functionality. Could I use Oracle Multitenant for this?
We ended up producing a master subset database of select schemas/tables through some fairly elaborate PL/SQL, then made several copies of this master schema so each dev has his/her own sandbox (as Alex suggested). We could have used Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting but it's too expensive. Another option for creating the subset database wouldn have been to use Jailer. I should note that we didn't have a need to mask any sensitive data.
Note. I would think this a fairly common problem so if new tools and solutions arise, please post them here as answers.

Oracle: how do I get a copy of the schema of the production DB onto a dev DB

My team does not have direct, command-line access to the oracle boxes but we have need to, from time to time, spin up dev instances of the DB.
We do not need the data, but we do need the layout. Are there any tools that would interrogate an oracle instance and build a new instance?
Take a look at this tool.
We use the version for Sql Server in my shop and are very happy with it.
(I'm not affiliated with Red Gate, just a satisfied customer)
There are lots of ways...
You can do a schema export in TOAD and most other decent tools or you can write something using data pump
for starters
