FireFox Addon WebExtension API - open local file / application - firefox

I would like to write a mozilla firefox extension by using the WebExtension API. I couldn´t find a source code using the WebExtension API for my purposes.
var {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome"); // Low-Level API Imports (For Launcher)
var prefs = require("sdk/simple-prefs").prefs;
var app = "C:\\abcd\\test.exe";
var file = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
var process = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIProcess);
if (file.exists()) {
var params = prefs["param"];
var args = ["" + params + ""];, args, args.length);
How does a source code for writing a mozilla firefox extension by using the WebExtension API look like?

Unfortunately I can´t use your suggested solution, because there have to be made settings on the local PC additional to the Addon. I would like to prevent making these settings. I am interested in a solution, where a variable path can be executed directly out of the Browser. For example, a folder or a local file should open there
can't be done with webextensions alone (webextensions were in part meant to prevent this), you'd have to have a native app installed as well, and message pass to it, using the native messaging api that was mentioned.


How do I access BlockBlobClient in Azure Storage JavaScript client library for browsers?

I'm attempting to use BlockBlobClient in a browser page to upload a file using a server-supplied sastoken / URL, similar to this C# code:
var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(assetUploadUrl));
blob.UploadFromFile(FilePath, null, new BlobRequestOptions {RetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry()});
Although the docs suggest BlockBlobClient is available in #azure/storage-blob and should be able to upload browser data from an input[type=file] element using uploadBrowserData, I can find no reference to BlockBlobClient in the browser library source. I looked into modifying the browserify export scripts but I can't find any references in the main package source either. Also the example code suggests that using #azure/storage-blog gives you a BlobServiceClient by default:
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("#azure/storage-blob");
Is BlockBlobClient actually available in the JavaScript client library?
Okay I've figured this out, I need to use the Azure Storage client library for JavaScript, there's even a sample of doing exactly what I need to do. Now I just need to figure out how to bundle npm package files for use in Razor pages.

Does Google offer API access to the mobile friendly test?

Is there an API that allows access to Google's Mobile Friendly Test which can be seen at
If you can't find one by googling, it probably doesn't exist.
A hacky solution would be to create a process with PhantomJS that inputs the url, submits it, and dirty-checks the dom for results.
PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API.
However, if you abuse this, there is a chance that google will blacklist your ip address. Light use should be fine. Also be aware that google can change their dom structure or class names at any time, so don't be surprised if your tool suddenly breaks.
Here is some rough, untested code...
var url = '';, function (status) {
// set the url
document.querySelector('input.jfk-textinput').value = "";
// check for results once in a while
var results = getResults(); // TODO create getResults
//TODO save the results
}, 1000);
There is an option in pagespeed api{url}&key={api key}
key can be obtained form google cloud platform.
Acquire a PageSpeed Insights API KEY in and create a credentials, follow the google's instructions.
In C# (6.0) and .NET 4.5.2, I did some like this:
(add in your project a reference for Newtonsoft.Json.)
String yourURL = "";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var response = client.GetAsync($"/pagespeedonline/v3beta1/mobileReady?url={yourURL }&key=AIzaSyArsacdp79HPFfRZRvXaiLEjCD1LtDm3ww").Result;
string json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
JObject obj = JObject.Parse(json);
bool isMobileFriendly = obj.Value<JObject>("ruleGroups").Value<JObject>("USABILITY").Value<bool>("pass");
There is an API (Beta) for the Mobile Friendly-Test. (Release Date: 31.01.2017).
The API test outputs has three statuses:
MOBILE_FRIENDLY_TEST_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED Internal error when running this test. Please try running the test again.
MOBILE_FRIENDLY The page is mobile friendly.
3.NOT_MOBILE_FRIENDLY The page is not mobile friendly.
Here are more informations:

Best way to control firefox via webdriver

I need to control Firefox browser via webdriver. Note, I'm not trying to control page elements (i.e. find element, click, get text, etc); rather I need access to Firefox's profiler and force gc (i.e. I need firefox's Chrome Authority and sdk). For context, I'm creating a micro benchmark framework, not running a normal webdriver test.
Obviously raw webdriver won't work, so what I've been trying to do is
1) Create a firefox extension/add-on that does what I need: i.e.
var customActions = function() {
console.log('calling customActions.')
// I need to access chrome authority:
var {Cc,Ci,Cu} = require("chrome");
var file = require('sdk/io/file');
// And do some writes:
var textWriter ='a/local/path.txt', 'w');
textWriter.write('sample data');
console.log('called customActions.')
2) Expose my customActions function to a page:
var mod = require("sdk/page-mod");
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
include: ['*'],
contentScriptFile: data.url("myscript.js"),
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.on('callCustomActions', function() {
and in myscript.js:
exportFunction(function() {
}, unsafeWindow, {defineAs: "callCustomActions"});
3) Load the xpi during my webdriver test, and call out to global function callCustomActions
So two questions about this process.
1) This entire process is very roundabout. Is there a better practice for talking to a firefox extension via webdriver?
2) My current solution isn't working well. If I run my extension via cfx run directly (without webdriver) it works as expected. However, neither the sdk nor chrome authority do anything when running via webdriver.
By the way, I know my function is being called because the log line "calling customActions." and "called customActions." both do print.
Maybe there are some firefox preferences that I need to set but haven't?
It may be that you do not need the add-on at all. Mozilla uses Marionette for test automation of Firefox OS amongst other things:
Marionette is an automation driver for Mozilla's Gecko engine. It can
remotely control either the UI or the internal JavaScript of a Gecko
platform, such as Firefox or Firefox OS. It can control both the
chrome (i.e. menus and functions) or the content (the webpage loaded
inside the browsing context), giving a high level of control and
ability to replicate user actions. In addition to performing actions
on the browser, Marionette can also read the properties and attributes
of the DOM.
If this sounds similar to Selenium/WebDriver then you're correct!
Marionette shares much of the same ethos and API as
Selenium/WebDriver, with additional commands to interact with Gecko's
chrome interface. Its goal is to replicate what Selenium does for web
content: to enable the tester to have the ability to send commands to
remotely control a user agent.

How can I authenticate with google inside of a firefox plugin

I'd like to add a calendar entry from my Firefox plugin to the user's Google calendar (with their authorization, of course). Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to authenticate with Gapi within the context of the Firefox SDK.
I tried including the client.js from gapi directly as a module in my source, but this isn't effective, since it can't access the window object. My next attempt was something akin to what I do with jQuery - load it in a content script:
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var self = require('sdk/self');
function initAuth() {
var worker = tabs.activeTab.attach({
url: 'about:blank',
contentScriptFile: ['gapi.js'),'authContentScript.js')]
exports.initAuth = initAuth;
var googleClient = require('./googleClient');
I get the following problem:
console.error: foxplugin:
Error opening input stream (invalid filename?)
In the ideal situation, it would open a new window in the browser that allows the user to login to Google (similar to what happens when one requests access to the oauth2 endpoint from within a "real" content script).
I had the same problem so I've made an npm plugin for that. It's called addon-google-oauth2 and works for Google OAuth2 tested with AdSense API. It's really simple, it just calls REST APIs for OAuth2. Steps:
Create an OAuth2 client for native application. No web or Android, just native.
If your addon is using jpm ok, if it uses cfx, please migrate to jpm
Download and save the dependency with npm
npm install addon-google-oauth2 --save
Follow the tutorial on the file. It's easy, just two API calls
Insert the HTML and JS file on your data/ directory

How to access HTTP Authentication dialog using Firefox SDK

I am writing a Firefox add-on for Linux users to pass credentials for NTLM authenticated sites.some what similar to AutoAuth which is written using XUL framework
my question is how to access Authentication Dialog using Firefox SDK?
With the add-on sdk you don't have XUL overlays so only thing you really can do outside of that is to use the window watcher. Since popup windows are considered windows you'll see them in the onTrack function when they popup in the browser.
This example code watches windows looking for the window location chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul which is similar to what the autoauth add-on is doing. That dialog is used for a number of auth questions so you'll have to do the additional work of detecting NTLM auth.
var { isBrowser } = require("sdk/window/utils");
var delegate = {
onTrack: function (window) {
if (!isBrowser(window) && window.location === "chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul") {
// this could be the window we're looking for modify it using it's window.document
onUntrack: function (window) {
if (!isBrowser(window) && window.location === "chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul") {
// undo the modifications you did
var winUtils = require("window-utils");
var tracker = new winUtils.WindowTracker(delegate);
With this code you're pretty much at the point of the autoauth add-on's load() function. You can use window.document.getElementById() to access the DOM of that window and alter the elements within it.
NOTE That the window-utils module is deprecated so you'll need to keep up with the SDK as they move from that module to (hopefully) something else similar.
