How can I authenticate with google inside of a firefox plugin - firefox

I'd like to add a calendar entry from my Firefox plugin to the user's Google calendar (with their authorization, of course). Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to authenticate with Gapi within the context of the Firefox SDK.
I tried including the client.js from gapi directly as a module in my source, but this isn't effective, since it can't access the window object. My next attempt was something akin to what I do with jQuery - load it in a content script:
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var self = require('sdk/self');
function initAuth() {
var worker = tabs.activeTab.attach({
url: 'about:blank',
contentScriptFile: ['gapi.js'),'authContentScript.js')]
exports.initAuth = initAuth;
var googleClient = require('./googleClient');
I get the following problem:
console.error: foxplugin:
Error opening input stream (invalid filename?)
In the ideal situation, it would open a new window in the browser that allows the user to login to Google (similar to what happens when one requests access to the oauth2 endpoint from within a "real" content script).

I had the same problem so I've made an npm plugin for that. It's called addon-google-oauth2 and works for Google OAuth2 tested with AdSense API. It's really simple, it just calls REST APIs for OAuth2. Steps:
Create an OAuth2 client for native application. No web or Android, just native.
If your addon is using jpm ok, if it uses cfx, please migrate to jpm
Download and save the dependency with npm
npm install addon-google-oauth2 --save
Follow the tutorial on the file. It's easy, just two API calls
Insert the HTML and JS file on your data/ directory


How do I access BlockBlobClient in Azure Storage JavaScript client library for browsers?

I'm attempting to use BlockBlobClient in a browser page to upload a file using a server-supplied sastoken / URL, similar to this C# code:
var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(assetUploadUrl));
blob.UploadFromFile(FilePath, null, new BlobRequestOptions {RetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry()});
Although the docs suggest BlockBlobClient is available in #azure/storage-blob and should be able to upload browser data from an input[type=file] element using uploadBrowserData, I can find no reference to BlockBlobClient in the browser library source. I looked into modifying the browserify export scripts but I can't find any references in the main package source either. Also the example code suggests that using #azure/storage-blog gives you a BlobServiceClient by default:
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("#azure/storage-blob");
Is BlockBlobClient actually available in the JavaScript client library?
Okay I've figured this out, I need to use the Azure Storage client library for JavaScript, there's even a sample of doing exactly what I need to do. Now I just need to figure out how to bundle npm package files for use in Razor pages.

How to read and set cookies from Browser/WebView in NativeScript?

I'm building an app which mainly displays public data from a website. A few items require authentication to read. I don't want to recreate the entire website in the app so I'd like to have the user log in via a web view or browser popup and grab the cookie containing the token from this session. I would then use it to authenticate my in-app rest calls in order to fetch the data. This should work on iOS and Android but I couldn't come up with a functioning solution yet. How would one read and write cookies from the phone browser / webview? I'm using the latest Angular (9) and NativeScript.
For android
The webview UI
<WebView height="1200px" src=""
The typescript code
import * as application from 'application';
declare const android;
onLoadFinished(args: LoadEventData) {
android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(<cookie name>)
android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance().setCookie(<cookie name>, <cookie value>)
For IOS seems it is little bit complicated
Refer StackOverflow set cookie in IOS nativescript

Failed Prop Type Error in Fine Uploader

I'm trying to get Fine Uploader React to work but keep running into issues.
I'm getting the following errors:
Here's the URL:
Here's what I've done so far:
Downloaded the source on to my computer from
I then npm installed react-fine-uploader and fine-uploader as per instructions
I ran webpack to transpile and bundle the code
Added an entry point and index.html
Finally, I simply published the app to a new Azure app/website
Any idea what's causing the issue?
P.S. My goal is to use Fine Uploader to upload files to Azure Blob Storage. At this point, I'm simply trying to get Fine Uploader going. I do realize that I'll have to enter a few pieces of information about my blog storage endpoint, etc. but I don't think this error is related to any of that.
A Gallery (and every higher level component of that library) needs an "uploader" props as explained in the section
An uploader is one of the 3 classes avaiable in the fine-uploader-wrappers package
those are for upload to
Aws s3
or your enpoint
The uploader class need all the configuration endpoint, credentials, custom configuration, etc... (you can find a comprehensive list here in the api section
An example for s3 direct upload would be something like:
const uploader = new FineUploaderS3({
options: {
request: {
endpoint: "",
signature: {
endpoint: "/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php"
and use that uploader in a gallery
<Gallery uploader={ uploader } />
There are many usefull option for customization: callbacks, onEventHandler, etc you can find them all in the docs of fineuploader
Edit: if im not mistaken react-transition-group is necessary even if it's not listed anywhere in the docs...

Is it possible to open a local native Application like from a button in Chrome browser

I know this sounds crazy... but I really hope to have something like this...
Click on a button in a page, like:
And there is a button in it. When I click that button, it runs a local application. In this case I hope it can get some extra information from the button, like:
<button id="">Run</button>
var scriptName = $(this).attr("id");
I am using Macintosh / Google Chrome.
as you are on localhost:8080/index I assure you can open it from the backend part (frontend API is not yet evolved to have security permission which allow that in a safe manner)
To do so, your frontend script would create an ajax call to the backend at a specific url you choose asking the backend to proceed. You could start a child process in a terminal (you could do anything you want that is already possible via command line interface (CLI) or just use the default open to simplify
here is a nodejs / express example but it's possible with java, php python and manymore
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var app = require('express')();
app.get('/path/to/trigger/comand', function(req, res){
spawn('open', ['']);
// [...]
open take a ressource to open, you may put here any kind of ressource your OS will open with it's default behaviour

Use gapi.client javascript to execute my custom Google API

I have a service that is successfully deployed to Google Endpoints and it is accessible through browser.
Now I am trying to load Google API javascript client library to call my services using javascript.
As far as I know, I should do this
gapi.client.load([MY_APP_NAME], 'v1', function() {
var request = gapi.client.[API_NAME].[SERVICE_NAME].[METHOD]();
request.execute(function(jsonResp, rawResp) {...});
But I always get an exception at run time complaining about gapi.client.[MY_API_NAME] is undefined. I do the same thing with any Google API (such as Plus) and it works fine. For example, If I load 'plus' API, I will have access to and I can call methods.
Am I missing something? All samples and documents are about Google Service APIs and I could not find a sample for custom APIs (the one that developers write).
I even tried gapi.client.request with different paths (absolute path and relative path) but I get 404 - Not Found error in "status".
var request = gapi.client.request({'path':
, 'method': 'GET'});
request.execute(function(jsonResp, rawResp) {...});
var request = gapi.client.request({
'method': 'GET'});
request.execute(function(jsonResp, rawResp) {...});
The problem was a missing parameter in calling gapi.client.load().
I looked at the definition of gapi.client.load at this link
gapi.client.load(name, version, callback)
which then later I found out is not totally correct and an optional parameter is missing (app_api_root_url).
gapi.client.load(name, version, callback, app_api_root_url)
If the app_api_root_url is missing, the client is loaded for Google Service APIs only (app_api_root_url such as
You can find more details on how to use gapi.client.load() properly at this link
As you can see in the following piece of code, I didn't have ROOT parameter when I was calling gapi.client.load and that is why Google by default was looking at its own service API and obviously could not find my APIs.
var ROOT = '';
gapi.client.load('your_api_name', 'v1', function() {
var request = gapi.client.your_api_name.your_method_name();
request.execute(function(jsonResp, rawResp) {
//do the rest of what you need to do
}, ROOT);
NOTE: your_app_id is used in ROOT parameter only to load the client script. After loading is done, you will have an object that is named after your API and not your app. That object is like your Java (service) class and you can use to invoke methods directly.
