How to show popover only in window bounds? - macos

Button which show the popover lay on the button left corner of window.
How to show popover only in window bounds?
Attention! Mac OS.

This is not possible. NSPopover is a floating window that is connected to a certain other window but otherwise stays completely on its own. You can however try manually to keep it within certain bounds on screen by calculating a popup position that keeps the popover bounds with that area. But this won't work in all cases anyway (e.g. if the user moves the app window so that there's simply not enough room for the popover).


macOS, changing the size of a view controller by dragging

The user clicks a button and I present a new viewController as show.
Inside that VC there is a AVPlayerView, the same size as the VC.
The app itself can change size if the user drags any of its corners but the VC displaying the movie cannot.
Why things like that that should work by default, don't work as expected? What can be done to make this work?
This is the main app.
I can drag its corners and make it bigger or small. I can click on the green semaphore and make it full screen and it works fine.
When I press the Help icon, this "window" appears. It is a viewController that was added the story board.
This cannot be scaled. It "appears" to be a window, because it contains a semaphore. I cannot scale this but I can make it full screen by the green semaphore.
Note: I have added the view to a WindowController and now when the user presses the Help button this window controller is launched and the video appears. No change. Video cannot be scaled.
Found the problem.
I had to add a window controller controlling that View Controller.
View controller was not resizing even after #1.
Then I found that I could not have
self.preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 940,height: 504)
inside awakeFromNib.
Now it works perfectly.
"The app itself can change size" –– what you're saying is that the window can be resized by the user.
"but the VC displaying the movie cannot" –– Again in this case, you're not trying to resize a view controller, you're trying to resize a window. The window contains your view controller.
The reason the window can't be resized is probably due to the layout constaints. I imagine there must be constraints somewhere in the view hierarchy which specifies that the video player (or some other view) has a specific width and height. Because it's a constant value, the window can't resize.

Mac OS X/Cocoa: create "docked" sidebar that reduces maximizable area, like the Dock

When the OS X dock is shown, it "reserves" some screen area and prevents maximized windows from going behind the dock when maximized. How do I make my own Cocoa application do the same?
A window's "maximizable area" is based on the screen's visibleFrame.
[[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]
The returned rectangle is always based on the current user-interface settings and does not include the area currently occupied by the dock and menu bar.
Because it is based on the current user -interface settings, the returned rectangle can change between calls and should not be cached.
The rectangle defining the portion of the screen in which it is currently safe to draw your application content.
There is no mention of being able to adjust this visibleFrame rectangle, so I do not think you will have any success influencing the "global" Zoom size.
However, if you only want to adjust the Zoomed size of your app's window, return a smaller rectangle in the NSWindowDelegate method windowWillUseStandardFrame:defaultFrame:.
The standard frame for a window should supply the size and location that are “best” for the type of information shown in the window, taking into account the available display or displays. For example, the best width for a window that displays a word-processing document is the width of a page or the width of the display, whichever is smaller. The best height can be determined similarly. On return from this method, the zoom: method modifies the returned standard frame, if necessary, to fit on the current screen.
This will allow you to take into account a "docked sidebar" when Zooming your app's windows. Other apps will be resized on top of the docked sidebar.

How do I resize a window (animating)? Hiding and unhiding menus

Yeah, I did my homework and I found the setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES but I don't understand how am I find out the height necessary to make it bigger or smaller. Let me exemplify: I'm making kind of spotlight search tool but when the user start the app it will just have a textfield (to type in the search keywords) and a button (Filter Settings) and the window fits the size of these two objects (NOTE: The window start position is on the center and on the top of the screen). When the user hits the "Filter Settings" button I want the window to make an animation going down and then showing the "check box group" that filters the search results.
In your case you need to find out the height of the check box group that you are adding to the view. An easy way to do this is to make a seperate view in your nib that contains the check boxes. Hook up the view to the window using IB, and when it is time to display the check boxes add that view to the windows content view and animate the window resize.

NSPanel parent window floats on top of full-screened NSView

I have an NS panel that is the child of an NS Window; the panel is set to floating window level. The parent window has an NSView that is in full screen mode, so the NSPanel, is floating on top of the full screened NSView. Anytime I click the panel, it brings the parent window into floating mode as well, such that it renders on top of the movie. Is there any way for me to prevent this?
Whenever you enter fullscreen mode, why don't you just remove the panel as a child window? It should still be displayed and function, but then it won't bring the other window forward. Then when you exit fullscreen mode, add it back as a child window.

MainMenu.xib with dispositioned main window

Each time I create any type of cocoa project (document-based, with core-data and/or spotlight importer) and open MainMenu.xib, I get a warning sign in bottom right object palette window corner saying that window is out of screen bounds. Why is this so? Any remedy?
I get a warning sign in bottom right object palette window corner saying that window is out of screen bounds. Why is this so?
Because the window falls at least partially outside the screen bounds.
Any remedy?
Put it completely within the screen bounds. Select the window and use the Content Size & Position section of the Size (⌘3) inspector to move it.
Simply dragging the window by its title bar will not help, since that position is only for display in IB; it doesn't affect the window that will appear in your app, which is what the warning is about. You need to use the Size inspector.
I once had a similar problem when I had a second monitor connected to my MBP.
When the second monitor was set to a low resolution (I think it was 1024x768), Interface Builder came up with that particular warning. (Although the window did fit between the main menu and the Dock).
