Power BI - Powerpoint Export is Not even Showing - powerpoint

I was going to try to export a template I created to powerpoint. But when I go to the export option I only get one option in export which is only to a powerbi template. As note: I'm still on Office 2010 with no chance of changing it and have the most recent version of powerbi.
Any thoughts? Thanks.

The Export to PowerPoint option is available on Power BI Web, but not Power BI Desktop. You can choose the report you want to export, click File and then Export to PowerPoint.
Thus, you have to publish the report to Power BI web to use this function.
Details: Export reports from Power BI to PowerPoint (Preview)


Quicksight Exporting reports with controls

I want to export a specific visual to excel but I want the controls I have selected to show up on that Excel export. How do I do this in Quicksight?

Using Visual Studio Comm 2019 to create BI Cube. Wizard welcome screens won't go away, so can't enter information

Using Visual Studio Community Edition 2019 to create BI Cube. Just installed that latest Microsoft.DataTools.AnalysisServices add on. The Wizards for both adding a Data Source and for adding a Data Source View both start with a welcome screen that occludes the input fields and they won't go away, so I can't enter information. They both have a check box that says "don't show again", but that does not help, they continue to show, even after I click thru taking all the defaults, save the project, and restart it.
See image.
MS actaully got back to me quickly, on a Sunday! thank you Patrick.
"One thing we’ve noticed is that for VS 2019, sometimes you can get a better experience by following this trick:
“Navigate to Tools in the Menu bar, then click ‘Options’. Next, under the Environment tab click ‘General’ and uncheck the option 'Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities'.”
That disables a newer PMA (Per-Monitor-Awareness) feature of Visual Studio that our extension hasn’t yet been updated to take account of.

Margins in Visual Basic Editor Excel 2016

My visual basic editor only allows me to type in one column. In other words, only one letter per line. Please see the image below. How do I fix this? (visual basic for mac)
This is a bug in Excel. To fix this, you simply need to update Excel. Click "Help" > "Check for Updates", then close Excel. Next, click the "Check for Updates" button in the Microsoft AutoUpdate window, and select for Excel to update. After updating, when you reopen Excel the problem will be fixed.
Never mind, found the answer here :
MS has no plans to push the VB editor forward on the Mac...Wonder if they put that on the glossy brochure for office 2016?

Save and restore code clippings in Visual Studio Toolbox

I occasionally give demos and training at my office. I have seen and used the technique where you drag code into the Visual Studio toolbox, so that you can later drag it into a code file during a demo.
My question:
I would like to be able to save and later reload tabs (each tab contains a demo/tutorial of code snips), so that I can get rid of clippings that I am not using, but still get them back.
Anyone know how to do that in Visual Studio? (using VS 2012 Professional)
Note: I have seen this article that describes where they are saved: Where does Visual Studio save code blocks that are dragged on the Toolbox
However, I am looking for a way to restore the snippets without restoring my entire set of vs settings.
If you still have the tool box options available in VS, in theory you can export just the toolbox contents through Tools > Import and Export Settings... and import them later.
On the Import and Export Settings Wizard, choose Export..., click Next >. In the Choose Settings to Export > Which settings do you want to export? list, clear everything and then navigate to General Settings > Toolbox and select it. Then click Next > and save the file where you want.
Afterwards you should be able to restore just the Toolbox settings by using the Tools > Import and Export Settings... dialog.
Note that after I did an import I didn't see the snippet in the Toolbox, using VS 2017 V15.2, until I shut VS down and re-started it.

Is there a way to export reports from Microsoft CRM4?

I'm setting up a proper dev environment for my client (dev/qa/stage/prod). I'd like to find a way to export reports so we can cleanly move from one environment to the next. Custom RDL type reports are easy (just import the RDL in the next environment), but the reports that are built inside CRM don't appear to export anywhere. Am I missing something? Is this another feature that was missed?
Apperciate the help.
For any report in CRM you can:
Navigate to the reports grid
Highlight the report you want
Click Edit report
Click Actions-> Download Report
This will give you the .rdl file. Why do you want to export and import native reports?
The reports are stored in the CRM installation directory which will most likely be something like the following: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Reports\
Go to reports.
Select the report and click 'edit report' in the toolbar
in actions click 'Download report' and you get a spiffy little RDL file to play with.
