what is user_id in google oauth command line example? - ruby

Where is user_id supposed to come from in this example?
Using the command line example from here:
I've only changed the example by removing the '/path/to/' and there is a client_secrets.json in my working directory.
require 'googleauth'
require 'googleauth/stores/file_token_store'
OOB_URI = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
scope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive'
client_id = Google::Auth::ClientId.from_file('client_secrets.json')
token_store = Google::Auth::Stores::FileTokenStore.new(
:file => 'tokens.yaml')
authorizer = Google::Auth::UserAuthorizer.new(client_id, scope, token_store)
credentials = authorizer.get_credentials(user_id)
if credentials.nil?
url = authorizer.get_authorization_url(base_url: OOB_URI )
puts "Open #{url} in your browser and enter the resulting code:"
code = gets
credentials = authorizer.get_and_store_credentials_from_code(
user_id: user_id, code: code, base_url: OOB_URI)
Running this code prints out a url to plug into my browser. The url takes me to a consent screen. After I accept, I'm given a code to plug back into the terminal.
Then I get the error:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `user_id' for main:Object
... because obviously user_id is not defined, but where do I get it?
Alternately, is there a better, newer, or better documented oauth 2.0 library I should be using for Ruby in combination with all of the youtube apis?

For anyone else that is wondering I believe that you can safely set
This will present the user with a "choose account" dialog if the user is redirected to the authorizer.get_authorization_url

The user_id should the email address of the person who clicks the link.


Erro to connect Google Sheets API

I'm trying to follow these Ruby quickstart code(https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/ruby#step_2_set_up_the_sample),
require "google/apis/sheets_v4"
require "googleauth"
require "googleauth/stores/file_token_store"
require "fileutils"
OOB_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".freeze
APPLICATION_NAME = "Google Sheets API Ruby Quickstart".freeze
CREDENTIALS_PATH = "credentials.json".freeze
# The file token.yaml stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
# created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
# time.
TOKEN_PATH = "token.yaml".freeze
# Ensure valid credentials, either by restoring from the saved credentials
# files or intitiating an OAuth2 authorization. If authorization is required,
# the user's default browser will be launched to approve the request.
# #return [Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials] OAuth2 credentials
def authorize
client_id = Google::Auth::ClientId.from_file CREDENTIALS_PATH
token_store = Google::Auth::Stores::FileTokenStore.new file: TOKEN_PATH
authorizer = Google::Auth::UserAuthorizer.new client_id, SCOPE, token_store
user_id = "default"
credentials = authorizer.get_credentials user_id
if credentials.nil?
url = authorizer.get_authorization_url base_url: OOB_URI
puts "Open the following URL in the browser and enter the " \
"resulting code after authorization:\n" + url
code = gets
credentials = authorizer.get_and_store_credentials_from_code(
user_id: user_id, code: code, base_url: OOB_URI
# Initialize the API
service = Google::Apis::SheetsV4::SheetsService.new
service.client_options.application_name = APPLICATION_NAME
service.authorization = authorize
# Prints the names and majors of students in a sample spreadsheet:
# https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms/edit
spreadsheet_id = "1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms"
range = "Class Data!A2:E"
response = service.get_spreadsheet_values spreadsheet_id, range
puts "Name, Major:"
puts "No data found." if response.values.empty?
response.values.each do |row|
# Print columns A and E, which correspond to indices 0 and 4.
puts "#{row[0]}, #{row[4]}"
but I'm getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
5: from quickstart.rb:42:in `<main>'
4: from quickstart.rb:22:in `authorize'
3: from /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.2/gems/googleauth-1.1.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:67:in `from_file'
2: from /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.2/gems/googleauth-1.1.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:67:in `open'
1: from /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.2/gems/googleauth-1.1.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:70:in `block in from_file'
/home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.2/gems/googleauth-1.1.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:84:in `from_hash': Expected top level property 'installed' or 'web' to be present. (RuntimeError)
I think it's a authentication issue.
I'm using a service accounts authentication https://developers.google.com/workspace/guides/create-credentials#create_credentials_for_a_service_account
Maybe the code doesn't work for service account authentication, but I couldn't find any documentation that talks about how to integrate Google Sheets with my code using service account authentication.
Okay, I'm gonna say that your credentials configuration did not setup properly.
I'm gonna follow these steps if I were you:
Step 1: Install this gem
Step 2: Get your Google Service Account Credentials, when this step is done, you should get a .json file. I'm gonna call it google_service_account_credentials.json file.
Step 3: Try this snippet:
require "google/apis/sheets_v4"
require "googleauth"
CREDENTIALS_PATH = "google_service_account_credentials_path/google_service_account_credentials.json"
# Author & Authen with Google by Google Service Account Credentials
authorizer = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds(
json_key_io: File.open(CREDENTIALS_PATH),
scope: SCOPE)
# Initialize the API
service = Google::Apis::SheetsV4::SheetsService.new
service.authorization = authorize
# Some demo code to prove it run
# Prints the names and majors of students in a sample spreadsheet:
# https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms/edit
spreadsheet_id = "1BxiMVs0XRA5nFMdKvBdBZjgmUUqptlbs74OgvE2upms"
range = "Class Data!A2:E"
response = service.get_spreadsheet_values spreadsheet_id, range
puts "Name, Major:"
puts "No data found." if response.values.empty?
response.values.each do |row|
# Print columns A and E, which correspond to indices 0 and 4.
puts "#{row[0]}, #{row[4]}"
Step 4: Enjoy (hope it helps) <3
Further information you can get from here, I just customize the answer so it suit your need :"))
The code you are using from the Ruby quickstart Is designed to for use with a Authorization credentials for a desktop application
This code can be used with either an installed client or a web client created on google cloud console. Which is what the error message is telling you
Expected top level property 'installed' or 'web' to be present.
The code for use with a service account is not the same
Links: Oauth service

how to refactor IEX exchange data calls for grabbing data from api in ruby program

I am using the iex exchange api for grabbing info about stocks. It's working great but my code is very ugly was wondering how to refactor the code.
stock = IEX::Api::Client.new(
publishable_token: token,
endpoint: 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1'
This is what is needed to grab the info. The problem is that I have to put the code above in every method that utilizes the api. For instance,
def self.stock_price(ticker)
stock = IEX::Api::Client.new(
publishable_token: token,
endpoint: 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1'
company = stock.company(ticker)
quote = stock.quote(ticker.upcase)
puts "#{company.company_name}: #{quote.latest_price}"
def self.week_52_high(ticker)
stock = IEX::Api::Client.new(
publishable_token: token,
endpoint: 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1'
key_stats = stock.key_stats(ticker)
puts "52-week high: #{key_stats.week_52_high}"
def self.week_52_low(ticker)
stock = IEX::Api::Client.new(
publishable_token: token,
endpoint: 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1'
key_stats = stock.key_stats(ticker)
puts "52-week low: #{key_stats.week_52_low}"
Is there any way to factor that call out to a different file and call the method that way? The code is very repetitive as is. The "stock" variable is what i need to actually work with, should I made that a global variable? I've heard that's a no-no but is this case an exception? Also, where i have
publishable_token: token,
that token variable is actually my actual, hard-coded token, not the "token" variable you see, I simply changed it for security issues. What should I do instead of hard-coding it? The documentation says to turn it into an environment variable but i dont know what that means. Thanks in advance!
What should I do instead of hard-coding it? The documentation says to
turn it into an environment variable but i dont know what that means.
An environment variable is a variable whose value is set outside the the application, typically through functionality built into the operating system or shell. You need to check the documentation for your setup to see how to set env vars.
You can get env vars in Ruby through the ENV hash.
ENV.fetch('FOO') # will raise a KeyError if it is not set instead of just returning nil
Rails 5.2 and up have secure credentials that can be used instead. It stores your credentials in an encrypted YAML file that can be checked into source control.
How do I refactor this?
One way to refactor this would be to use delegation instead of bunch of largely static methods:
require 'forwardable'
class MyClient
extend Forwardable
ENDPOINT = ENV.fetch('IEX_API_ENDPOINT', 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1')
def_delegators :#client, :company, :quote, :key_stats
def initialize(publishable_token: TOKEN, endpoint: ENDPOINT, client: nil)
# This is know as constructor injection and makes it easy to mock out
# the dependency in tests
#client = client || IEX::Api::Client.new(publishable_token: TOKEN, endpoint: ENDPOINT)
def stock_price(ticker)
company_name = company(ticker).company_name
price = quote(ticker.upcase).latest_price
puts "#{company_name}: #{price}"
def week_52_high(ticker)
puts "52-week high: #{key_stats(ticker).week_52_high}"
def week_52_low(ticker)
puts "52-week low: #{key_stats(ticker).week_52_low}"
#client = MyClient.new

How do I authorize a service account for Google Calendar API in Ruby?

How do I authorize a service account for Google Calendar API in Ruby? I tried the quick start guide, but it crashed.
require 'google/apis/calendar_v3'
require 'googleauth'
require 'googleauth/stores/file_token_store'
require 'fileutils'
OOB_URI = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'.freeze
APPLICATION_NAME = 'Google Calendar API Ruby Quickstart'.freeze
CLIENT_SECRETS_PATH = 'client_secrets.json'.freeze
CREDENTIALS_PATH = 'token.yaml'.freeze
# Ensure valid credentials, either by restoring from the saved credentials
# files or intitiating an OAuth2 authorization. If authorization is required,
# the user's default browser will be launched to approve the request.
# #return [Google::Auth::UserRefreshCredentials] OAuth2 credentials
def authorize
client_id = Google::Auth::ClientId.from_file(CLIENT_SECRETS_PATH) ### LINE 19
token_store = Google::Auth::Stores::FileTokenStore.new(file: CREDENTIALS_PATH)
authorizer = Google::Auth::UserAuthorizer.new(client_id, SCOPE, token_store)
user_id = 'default'
credentials = authorizer.get_credentials(user_id)
if credentials.nil?
url = authorizer.get_authorization_url(base_url: OOB_URI)
puts 'Open the following URL in the browser and enter the ' \
'resulting code after authorization:\n' + url
code = gets
credentials = authorizer.get_and_store_credentials_from_code(
user_id: user_id, code: code, base_url: OOB_URI
# Initialize the API
service = Google::Apis::CalendarV3::CalendarService.new
service.client_options.application_name = APPLICATION_NAME
service.authorization = authorize
# Fetch the next 10 events for the user
calendar_id = 'primary'
response = service.list_events(calendar_id,
max_results: 10,
single_events: true,
order_by: 'startTime',
time_min: Time.now.iso8601)
puts 'Upcoming events:'
puts 'No upcoming events found' if response.items.empty?
response.items.each do |event|
start = event.start.date || event.start.date_time
puts "- #{event.summary} (#{start})"
>ruby quickstart.rb
C:/ruby23/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/googleauth-0.6.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:97:in `from_hash': Expected top level property 'installed' or 'web' to be present. (RuntimeError)
from C:/ruby23/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/googleauth-0.6.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:83:in `block in from_file'
from C:/ruby23/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/googleauth-0.6.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:80:in `open'
from C:/ruby23/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/googleauth-0.6.2/lib/googleauth/client_id.rb:80:in `from_file'
from quickstart.rb:19:in `authorize'
from quickstart.rb:39:in `<main>'
The (outdated) documentation for authorizing service accounts only has examples for Java and Python.
Old similar question with 0 answers: Google Calendar API in Ruby using Service Account
For anyone still looking this is what worked for me:
require 'google/apis/calendar_v3'
require 'googleauth'
scope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar'
authorizer = Google::Auth::ServiceAccountCredentials.make_creds(
json_key_io: File.open('/path/to/creds.json'),
scope: scope)
service = Google::Apis::CalendarV3::CalendarService.new
service.authorization = authorizer
calendar_id = 'primary'
response = service.list_events(calendar_id,
max_results: 10,
single_events: true,
order_by: 'startTime',
time_min: Time.now.iso8601)
puts 'Upcoming events:'
puts 'No upcoming events found' if response.items.empty?
response.items.each do |event|
start = event.start.date || event.start.date_time
puts "- #{event.summary} (#{start})"
The trick was finding the docs for the google-auth-library-ruby
OK I found a way.
require 'google/apis/calendar_v3'
require 'googleauth'
# Get the environment configured authorization
scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar']
authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default(scopes)
# Clone and set the subject
auth_client = authorization.dup
auth_client.sub = 'myemail#mydomain.com'
# Initialize the API
service = Google::Apis::CalendarV3::CalendarService.new
service.authorization = auth_client
# Fetch the next 10 events for the user
calendar_id = 'primary'
response = service.list_events(calendar_id,
max_results: 10,
single_events: true,
order_by: 'startTime',
time_min: Time.now.iso8601)
puts 'Upcoming events:'
puts 'No upcoming events found' if response.items.empty?
response.items.each do |event|
start = event.start.date || event.start.date_time
puts "- #{event.summary} (#{start})"
C:\Users\Chloe\workspace>ruby quickstart.rb
Upcoming events:
- Test (2018-05-17)
- SSL Certificate for CMS (2019-02-13)
But I wonder where it saves the refresh token and access token? All I have to do now is make it work for ephemeral file systems like Heroku and store the tokens in the database.

How do I do a really simple Sinatra LDAP authentication?

I looked at the Sinatra docs and they only seem to reference HTTP authentication. I'm looking for a really simple way to control access to routes based on a user being authorised/authenticated via an LDAP server.
I've already built a class that does the LDAP bit and returns an LDAP object if the user has successfully authenticated and nil if they haven't:
>>DirectoryUser.authenticate('user', 'password')
I can use this to determine if they've successfully authenticated or not.
As a next step I want to splice this into a simple Sinatra app that provides a form to collect the LDAP user and password:
require 'directoryUser'
require 'sinatra'
enable :sessions
get '/form' do
username = params[:username]
password = params[:password]
haml :form
Then I want to only allow routes if the 'DirectoryUser' object exists:
get '/protected' do # Only if DirectoryUser object exists
"This route is protected"
get '/unprotected' do
"This route is unprotected"
I've spent hours trying to find an answer to this but so far and can't seem to find anything that works for me.
I'd probably go with something like this:
require 'directoryUser'
require 'sinatra'
enable :sessions
helpers do
def authorize!
redirect(to('/login')) unless session[:user_id]
get '/login' do
haml :login # with the login form
post '/login' do
user = DirectoryUser.authenticate(params[:username], params[:password])
if user
session[:user_id] = user.id
# Or: session[:logged_in] = true, depending on your needs.
redirect to('/protected')
redirect to('/login')
get '/protected' do
'This route is protected'
get '/unprotected' do
'This route is unprotected'

ROR Devise: allowing username or email logins: undefined local variable

I've been following the tutorial on the Devise github page here: https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Allow-users-to-sign_in-using-their-username-or-email-address
I'm in the second part of the tutorial where we allow users to recover their password using either their username or email and there's a large block of code that the tutorial says to copy into the User model. This is the line that throws an error:
def self.find_record(login)
where(attributes).where(["username = :value OR email = :value", { :value => login }]).first
This is the error I get:
NameError (undefined local variable or method `attributes' for #<Class:0xa70e1a8>):
app/models/user.rb:63:in `find_record'
app/models/user.rb:44:in `find_recoverable_or_initialize_with_errors'
app/models/user.rb:30:in `send_reset_password_instructions'
Anyone know why this error is showing up?
You're not passing in any attributes, and there's no 'attributes' class method, so where(attributes) doesn't work. It doesn't look like you need to either. Change your method to:
def self.find_record(login)
where(["username = :value OR email = :value", { :value => login }]).first
For what it's worth, I don't see how it would have worked in the tutorial either.
