Sending USB vendor specific commands to USB HUB? - windows

I have USB 2.0 HUB which I can program,
when I connect the HUB to my PC, WINDOWS recognize it as standart USB 2.0 HUB ,and I see in the device manager that "iusb3hub.sys" is the driver.
is there any simple way to send "vendor specific" commands to the HUB?
I thought about writing WINUSB application but as I understand, I will have to replace the driver and then windows will no recognize it as USB 2.0 HUB


USB OTG on Project Tango

Does anyone know if the Project Tango tablet supports USB OTG? Or alternatively if the USB 3.0 port on the dock can act as an OTG hub? Online it only states that these ports are for charging so I am unsure if OTG functionality is also included. It would certainly increase the usefulness of the Tango's tracking capabilities if it was also able to interface with other devices.
Tango device supports "USB 3.0 host via dock connector". It means that it is possible to connect external device USB, but setup requires additional source of power.
Please refer official web site:
The Project Tango tablet support USB OTG, you could interface to other devices.
I'm checking the Tango tablet with an app named "USB OTG Checker". It says that the USB OTG API is loaded, and I can browse a USB memory drive attached to the dock's USB 3.0 port.
The USB OTG Checker says that the Tango tablet fails the check for USB OTG Signal, but I think this is because I'm not attaching a true external data source, like a USB Hard Drive.

How to detect if the USB device is conected to 3.0 port or 2.0port in windows service using win32 apis

I have written a window service using c++ with win32 apis, which will notify whenever USB device is connected to computer,using SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT.
Suppose my computer has both USB3.0 and USB2.0 port, How would Service came to know whether device is connected to 3.0 or 2.0 port using this machanism ?
Kindly help me to solve this problem.

ST-LINK V2 USB driver WinUSB Access Denied

I have a Win7/64 development machine configured (by someone else I can't contact) to develop/debug an embedded project using an ST-LINK/V2 dongle. The PC detects and installs the dongle Ok but no application can access the dongle, giving 'No ST-Link device detected' type errors.
What makes this so frustrating is I have another Win7/64 machine that works flawlessly using identical driver, software and dongle and I haven't been able to transfer the dev environment between machines.
I've found (using USBlyzer) that WinUSB returns IRP Status STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED to each dongle access request. I'm hoping someone has seen something like this before.
P.S. "STMicroelectronics STLink dongle driver" is dated 28/07/2010.
The difference is not with the development software but the USB driver installed in the OS for the class of the ST-LINK/V2 dongle. The original installation installs a custom driver to support the dongle. Note that there is a different USB driver for Windows 8 and for Windows 7. STM has a site for the appropriate custom Windows drivers as well as firmware updates for the processor in the dongle, itself.

Can I debug/deploy my app on Window RT tablet through USB?

I know I can remote debug my winRT app through wifi, but is it possible to debug/deploy app via USB? I'm asking this, since USB would be faster than the wifi alternative.
This is possible via a USB to USB (Easy transfer cable). The cables just simulate a network connection, so it will work like wifi.
You will need to ensure the drivers are compatible with the arm device, but they should be. This device is made by Microsoft for windows 8 so should work:

PTP over usb on windows phone 7

I am trying to write a small app which can communicate with USB device when connected to a WP7 device. Is it possible to use PTP protocol over USB from a WP7 device? Does a phone needs to support USB host controller to be able to communicate via PTP over USB?
I'm afraid it's not currently possible. The only external access currently provided by the SDK (including the beta Mango release) is via HTTP or network sockets.
While the phone is connected to the PC I believe it can access it's internal IP address, but that's as close as you're going to get for now.
