Newest Web2Py & Pycharm Debugger not compatible? - debugging

I just created a new Web2Py project from the Github source
(git clone --recursive
While I was working on the project I noticed that my debugger is not working on my own controllers.
It works whenever I put a breakpoint in the but as soon as one is in my own controllers it stops working. The page just gets loaded instantly and PyCharm behaves like normal.
I have ran & debugged multiple web2py projects before this and have updated to the latest version.
Anyone who has encountered similar problems or any clue on a fix?
Edit: I migrated the the project to an old web2py version, now the debugger works. Anyone with an answer as too why would be a genius.
Project Configuration:
Console output while running page:


Error upgrading Magento 2.4.3-p1 to 2.4.4

I updated PHP to 8.1 and the site from 2.4.3-p1 to 2.4.4, first on a test server and everything went well, but when I did in production the frontend is working correctly, but the backend comes in but the only link in the menu that works is the control panel itself, the others do not open (store, system, ...).
I compiled and deployed several times and it didn't work.
Files in pub/static are generated normally.
Has anyone been through this situation? Do you have any idea?

Expo project out of sync

I am working on an Expo project with React Navigation. The code is working properly in my local environment, but my co-worker is seeing an issue where the TabNavigator tabs do not work (almost as if they are frozen).
We are working on the same code base and each cloned the code into a new location and installed all packages fresh. I'm still not seeing the issue and he is. We can't seem to get our code in sync.
Any suggestions on what to do?

Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props Not Found

So, I have been trying to fix this error I am getting over a month now, but with no success. I am currently working on a personal app project in collaboration with one other friend and surprisingly the project compiles perfectly fine on my friend's machine.
I am getting the below error:
"The imported project "C:\Users\divye\Documents\NHSF Xamarin App\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\netstandard1.0\Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk".
I can't understand why my code will not compile. I have gone through lots and lots of Stack Overflow posts already and tried pretty much all the proposed solutions without any success. As a last resort I am having to post on here.
I have tried the following:
Deleted the project locally from my machine and re-cloned the git repository and then tried running the project
Cleaned the project out and tried rebuilding again
Have spoken with my friend who is also working on the project, and matched my local project set out to his
I have gone into the Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android .csproject files and also manually added in the Import statement for 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props'
I have manually checked the folder '$..\netstandard1.0\ folder path to make sure the 'Xamarin.Forms.DefaultItems.props' file physically exists in the folder and it does for both iOS and Android.
Updated all packages in Xamarin Studio for the project to make sure latest versions of the packages are being used
Downgraded the Xamarin.Forms package to see if it could be to do with a bug in the latest package but this does not seem to be the issue.
A suggested fix that worked for my friend was recreating the project to contain the ASP.NET backend for mobile packages. I have tried this as well.
I was initially getting the error on my Mac so I thought I would give it a go on my Windows machine. Same thing happens on there too.
I am stumped at the issue. It is failing to build at all. Neither iOS or Android work.
I am hoping someone from here can help.
Remove the whitespaces in the pathname of the project!

UnityContainerExtensions.cs not found

After updating some NuGet packages, it turned out that some things in my website got broken by new code. I updated to the new Unity inversion control 5.0.0, etc. So after a while of hunting around and trying to fix it, I was able to get it to finally build and launch the site. However, the Unity IOC was broken because I kepts getting the "Error in Application '~/', controller must have a parameterless constructor". I saw that my couple of Unity files (UnityConfig.cs and UnityMvcActivator.cs) were gone, so I replaced them with ones I had in the backup folder.
Well, now it launches a loading site, but in VS it now says "UnityContainerExtensions.cs not found". I see that it looks all over for this file, around 'C:\ Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC...' and then it goes looking through 'c:\projects\unity]Abstractions\src\Utility...' - a folder that I can't even see.
This is in VS2015, doing a web application with Framework 4.6.
What can I do to just make it work again, as when I first had it so many months ago?
Alright, I was able to fix my Unity problem by rolling back on some of the packages. I'm the kind of person who likes to have no notifications, so I clicked Update All, and apparently the updates weren't necessarily compatible with my project here. To get it working again I has to bring back:
Unity.Abstractions = 2.0.0
Unity = 4.0.1
Unity.AspNet.WebApi = 4.0.1
Unity.Mvc = 4.0.1
Now to great relief, all works just as it did before!
However, I do wish I knew why the breakages happen and also why these packages are listed as updates when they are not going to work with my project.
Till the future, my system is going to have to consist of a Post-It "Do not update these xxxx packages, they will break stuff". And I wish to gain an understanding of what is the reason behind such Unity mess.

Using jQuery Mobile in Tool for Cordova project targeted Windows Phone 8.1 & Windows 8.1 will resulted in layout not rendering properly

I am not sure if this is a known bug or some conflict with jQuery Mobile within the Tool for Cordova project but when I use jQuery Mobile inside mine project the layout did not rendered correctly.
For example, start with a blank project. I then added both jQuery 2.1.3 and jQuery Mobile 1.4.5 from NuGet. Then inside the index.html, I have added a text input element. It is pretty simple and nothing is complicated. Then trying to run the project on both simulators and real devices would yield the result that the text input element did not appear at all, even though it resided inside the DOM. Further investigation provided the same result like this question: Tools for Apache Cordova: JQueryMobile wraps input tags inside a head tag?. This did not happened when I targeted the app with Android or iOS. Everything would rendered correctly in those two platforms.
I suspect that there are some conflicts when Visual Studio built the application and injected WinJS as well as jQuery Mobile. I have searched a lot of place and there are no mentions of incompatibility between them.
After trying everything, I gone back to the basic. I started installing Cordova CLI and tested to see if this problem would be there. To my surprise, the Windows 8.1 and WP 8.1 projects from the Cordova CLI build are working perfectly fine. Everything is rendered correctly, although there was an issue with jQuery Mobile changePage().
If this is actually a bug in pre-released software, then I hope in the final release, everything should work correctly. In the meantime, anyone would like to try suggesting me a workaround for this problem. I know there are at least me and the other guy from the question that I have linked above that had issue like this.
Update my finding: The problem is with the library winstore-jscompat.js. Apparently, even with the new CTP 3.1, the file is not the recent one from GitHub. I downloaded the new version from GitHub, replaced it with the old one, and everything works perfectly now.
The GitHub is from here:
