I have to create some "list of predicates" in prolog.
But I don't fully understand the way of thinking
that I have to learn if I want to create some working predicates.
I've seen some popular tutorials (maybe I've not been searching precisely enough), but I can not find any tutorial that teaches how to plan an algorithm using REALLY elementary steps.
For example...
Write a concat(X,Y,Z). predicate that is taking elements from the lists X and Y and concatenates them in the list Z.
My analysing algorithm:
Firstly I define a domain of the number of elements I'll be concatenating (the lengths of the lists X and Y) as non-negative integers (XCount >= 0 and YCount >= 0). Then I create a predicate for the first case, which is XCount = 0 and YCount = 0:
... then test it and find that it is working for the first case.
Then, I create a predicate for the second case, where XCount = 1 and YCount = 0, as:
... and again test it and find that it is working with some unexpected positive result.
I can see that this algorithm is working not only for XCount = 1 but also for XCount = 0. So I can delete concat([],[],[]). and have only concat(X,[],X)., because X = [] inside predicate concat(X,[],X). is the same as concat([],[],[])..
The second unexpected result is that the algorithm is working not only for XCount in 0,1 but for all XCount >= 0.
Then I analyse the domain and search for elements that weren't handled yet, and find that the simplest way is to create a second predicate for YCount > 0.
Remembering that using just X as the first argument can cover all XCount >= 0, I create a case for YCount = 1 and all Xes, which is:
And this is the place where my algorithm gets a brain-buffer overflow.
Respecting stackoverflow rules, I'm asking precisely.
Is there any way to find the answer by myself? By which I mean - not an answer for the problem, but for the algorithm I've shown to solve it.
In the other words, the algorithm of my algorithm.
If you can answer question 1, how can I find this type of hint in future? Is there a specific name for my problem?
How precise do I have to be - how many cases and in what language can I try to implement my algorithm that is not just "doing" things, but is "thinking" how to plan and create other algorithms.
Lists are not defined as counts of elements in them. lists are defined recursively, as empty, or a pair of an element and the rest of elements:
list([_A|B]) :- list(B).
Lists can be the same:
same_lists([], []).
same_lists([A|B], [A|C]) :- same_lists(B, C).
Or one can be shorter than the other, i.e. its prefix:
list_prefix([], L):- list(L).
list_prefix([A|B], [A|C]):- list_prefix(B, C).
Where the prefix ends, the suffix begins:
list_split([], L, L):- list(L).
list_split([A|B], Sfx, [A|C]):- list_split(B, Sfx, C).
So, general advice is: follow the types, how they are constructed, and analyze the situation according to all possible cases. With lists, it is either empty, or non-empty lists.
The goal is to select shapes that don't touch each other using constraints (clpfd). Calling start(Pairs,4) would return Pairs = [1,3,5,7].
One problem I noticed is that if I print Final before labeling, it prints [1,3,5,7]. Which means labeling isn't doing anything.
What could I change/add to this code in order to fix that and also remove possible backtracking?
% init initialises Pairs and Max
% Pairs - The elements inside the Nth list in Pairs,
% represent the index of the shapes that shape N can touch
start(Final, N):-
init(Pairs, Max),
length(Final, N),
domain(Final, 1, Max),
secondrule(_, []).
secondrule(PairH, [H|T]):-
secondrule(PairH, T).
H #< T1,
This is an Independent Set problem, which is an NP-hard problem. Therefore, it is unlikely that anybody will ever find a way to do it without search (backtracking) for general instances.
Regarding your code, labeling/2 does nothing, because your rules/2 is in fact a search procedure that returns the solution it it can find it. all_different/1 is useless too, because it is implied by ascending/1.
Presumably, your goal is a program that sets up constraints (without any search) and then searches for a solution with labeling/2. For that, you need to rethink your constraint model. Read up a bit on independent sets.
This is probably the most trivial implementation of a function that returns the length of a list in Prolog
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :- count(B, U), T is U + 1.
one thing about Prolog that I still cannot wrap my head around is the flexibility of using variables as parameters.
So for example I can run count([a, b, c], 3). and get true. I can also run count([a, b], X). and get an answer X = 2.. Oddly (at least for me) is that I can also run count(X, 3). and get at least one result, which looks something like X = [_G4337877, _G4337880, _G4337883] ; before the interpreter disappears into an infinite loop. I can even run something truly "flexible" like count(X, A). and get X = [], A = 0 ; X = [_G4369400], A = 1., which is obviously incomplete but somehow really nice.
Therefore my multifaceted question. Can I somehow explain to Prolog not to look beyond first result when executing count(X, 3).? Can I somehow make Prolog generate any number of solutions for count(X, A).? Is there a limitation of what kind of solutions I can generate? What is it about this specific predicate, that prevents me from generating all solutions for all possible kinds of queries?
This is probably the most trivial implementation
Depends from viewpoint: consider
count(L,C) :- length(L,C).
Shorter and functional. And this one also works for your use case.
library CLP(FD) allows for
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :- U #>= 0, T #= U + 1, count(B, U).
?- count(X,3).
X = [_G2327, _G2498, _G2669] ;
(further) answering to comments
It was clearly sarcasm
No, sorry for giving this impression. It was an attempt to give you a synthetic answer to your question. Every details of the implementation of length/2 - indeed much longer than your code - have been carefully weighted to give us a general and efficient building block.
There must be some general concept
I would call (full) Prolog such general concept. From the very start, Prolog requires us to solve computational tasks describing relations among predicate arguments. Once we have described our relations, we can query our 'knowledge database', and Prolog attempts to enumerate all answers, in a specific order.
High level concepts like unification and depth first search (backtracking) are keys in this model.
Now, I think you're looking for second order constructs like var/1, that allow us to reason about our predicates. Such constructs cannot be written in (pure) Prolog, and a growing school of thinking requires to avoid them, because are rather difficult to use. So I posted an alternative using CLP(FD), that effectively shields us in some situation. In this question specific context, it actually give us a simple and elegant solution.
I am not trying to re-implement length
Well, I'm aware of this, but since count/2 aliases length/2, why not study the reference model ? ( see source on SWI-Prolog site )
The answer you get for the query count(X,3) is actually not odd at all. You are asking which lists have a length of 3. And you get a list with 3 elements. The infinite loop appears because the variables B and U in the first goal of your recursive rule are unbound. You don't have anything before that goal that could fail. So it is always possible to follow the recursion. In the version of CapelliC you have 2 goals in the second rule before the recursion that fail if the second argument is smaller than 1. Maybe it becomes clearer if you consider this slightly altered version:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
count([], 0).
count([_|B], T) :-
T #> 0,
U #= T - 1,
count(B, U).
Your query
?- count(X,3).
will not match the first rule but the second one and continue recursively until the second argument is 0. At that point the first rule will match and yield the result:
X = [_A,_B,_C] ?
The head of the second rule will also match but its first goal will fail because T=0:
X = [_A,_B,_C] ? ;
In your above version however Prolog will try the recursive goal of the second rule because of the unbound variables B and U and hence loop infinitely.
I have the following code for getting the length of a list in prolog, it works recursively.
Is there any other way for getting the length?
len([], 0).
len([H|T], N) :-
len(T, NT), N is NT + 1.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You are asking the wrong question :)
But seriously: the only sensible way of finding the length of a list is to use the built-in length/2. How it is implemented is irrelevant -- more important are its semantics:
?- length([a,b], 2).
?- length([a,b], 4).
?- length([a,b,c], Len).
Len = 3.
?- length(List, 3).
List = [_G937, _G940, _G943].
?- length(List, Len).
List = [],
Len = 0 ;
List = [_G949],
Len = 1 ;
List = [_G949, _G952],
Len = 2 . % and so on
Either way, it doesn't get simpler than that. Any other way of finding the length of a list, or checking for the length of a list, or creating a list of a certain length, or enumerating lists of increasing length is going to be less "simple" than using length/2.
And then: learning Prolog means learning how length/2, and the other nicely declarative built-ins can be used.
Repeating an element N times
Splitting a list into segments of some length
Exactly one pair in a list
Rotate a list
I am sure you can think of many other uses of length/2.
Here is an iterative solution that uses repeat/0 predicate:
getlength(L,N) :-
getlength_list([]), !, getlength_res(N)
retract(getlength_res(V)), W is V + 1, assert(getlength_res(W)),
retract(getlength_list([_|T])), assert(getlength_list(T)), fail
This solution creates and retracts facts getlength_res/1 and getlength_list/1 as it walks through the list, replacing the old list with a shorter one, and the old number with a number that is greater by one at each iteration of repeat/0. In a sense, the two dynamically asserted/retracted facts behave very much like assignable variables of imperative languages.
In general, iterative solutions in Prolog are harder to read than their recursive counterparts. This should come as no surprise, considering that anything that has an effect of an assignment statement of an imperative programming language goes against the grain with Prolog's design philosophy.
Sorry I could not resist to try out this "challenge":
Input=[a,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b,a,b,c,d,f], between(1,inf,K),findall( _,between(1,K,_),FreeList), ( FreeList=Input,!,true).
findall/3 is doing the behind-the-scenes recursion, code is making unifications of lists FreeList and Input until they unify
As a basic Prolog exercise, I set myself the task of writing a binary tree height predicate that would work forwards and "backwards" - that is, as well as determining the height of a known binary tree, it should be able to find all binary trees (including unbalanced ones) of a known height. This is the best solution I've come up with so far...
tree_eq1([],s). % Previously had a cut here - removed (see comments for reason)
tree_eq1([_|T],n(L,R)) :- tree_eq1(T,L), tree_eq1(T,R).
tree_eq1([_|T],n(L,R)) :- tree_eq1(T,L), tree_lt1(T,R).
tree_eq1([_|T],n(L,R)) :- tree_lt1(T,L), tree_eq1(T,R).
tree_lt1([_,X|T],n(L,R)) :- XX=[X|T], tree_lt1(XX,L), tree_lt1(XX,R).
The first argument is the height, expressed as a list - the elements are irrelevant, the length of the list expresses the height of the tree. So I'm basically abusing lists as Peano-style natural numbers. The reasons this is convenient are...
No concerns about negative numbers.
I can check for > or >= without knowing the exact number - for example, by matching two items on the head of the list, I ensure the list length is >=2 without caring about the length of the tail.
Neither of these properties seem to apply to Prolog numbers, and I can't think of a way so far to adapt the same basic approach to use actual numbers in place of these lists.
I've seen a few examples in Prolog using Peano-style numbers, so my question is - is this normal practice? Or is there some way to avoid the issue that I haven't spotted yet?
Also, is there a way to convert to/from a Peano-style representation that won't break the bidirectionality? The following don't work for fairly obvious reasons...
length(L,N), tree_eq1(L,X).
% infinite set of lists to explore if N is unknown
tree_eq1(L,X), length(L,N)
% infinite set of trees to explore if X is unknown
The best I can think of so far is an is-this-variable-instantiated test to choose between implementations, which seems like cheating to me.
BTW - I have some ideas for other methods which I don't want spoilers for - particularly a kind of dynamic programming approach. I'm really focused on fully understanding the lessons from this particular attempt.
First: +1 for using lists lengths for counting, which sometimes really is quite convenient and a nice alternative for successor notation.
Second: For reversible arithmetic, you typically use constraints instead of successor notation, because constraints allow you to work with actual numbers and come with built-in definitions of the usual mathematical relations among numbers.
For example, with SICStus Prolog or SWI:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
tree_height(s, 0).
tree_height(n(Left,Right), Height) :-
Height #>= 0,
Height #= max(HLeft,HRight) + 1,
tree_height(Left, HLeft),
tree_height(Right, HRight).
Example query:
?- tree_height(Tree, 2).
Tree = n(s, n(s, s)) ;
Tree = n(n(s, s), s) ;
Tree = n(n(s, s), n(s, s)) ;
Third, notice that the most general query, ?- tree_eq1(X, Y)., does not work satisfactorily with your version. With the snippet above, at least it gives an infinite number of solutions (as it should):
?- tree_height(T, H).
T = s,
H = 0 ;
T = n(s, s),
H = 1 ;
T = n(s, n(s, s)),
H = 2 .
I leave their fair enumeration as an exercise.
I'm in a bit of pickle in Prolog.
I have a collection of objects. These objects have a certain dimension, hence weight.
I want to split up these objects in 2 sets (which form the entire set together) in such a way that their difference in total weight is minimal.
The first thing I tried was the following (pseudo-code):
-> findall with predicate createSets(List, set(A, B))
-> iterate over results while
---> calculate weight of both
---> calculate difference
---> loop with current difference and compare to current difference
till end of list of sets
This is pretty straightforward. The issue here is that I have a list of +/- 30 objects. Creating all possible sets causes a stack overflow.
Helper predicates:
sublist(X, [_ | RestY]) :-
sublist([Item|RestX], [Item|RestY]) :-
subtract([], _, []) :-
subtract([Head|Tail],ToSubstractList,Result) :-
subtract(Tail, ToSubstractList, Result).
subtract([Head|Tail], ToSubstractList, [Head|ResultTail]) :-
generateAllPossibleSubsets(ListToSplit,sets(Sublist,SecondPart)) :-
subtract(ListToSplit, Sublist, SecondPart).
These can then be used as follows:
:- findall(Set, generateAllPossibleSubsets(ObjectList,Set), ListOfSets ),
So because I think this is a wrong way to do it, I figured I'd try it in an iterative way. This is what I have so far:
totalWeightOfSet([Head|RestOfSet],Weight) :-
totalWeightOfSet(RestOfSet, RestWeight),
Weight is HeadWeight + RestWeight.
findBestBalancedSet(ListOfObjects,Sets) :-
Temp is WeightA - WeightB,
abs(Temp, Difference),
betterSets(ListOfObjects, Difference, Sets).
betterSets(ListOfObjects,OriginalDifference,sets(A,B)) :-
Temp is WeightA - WeightB,
abs(Temp, Difference),
OriginalDifference > Difference,
betterSets(ListOfObjects, Difference, sets(A, B)).
betterSets(_,Difference,sets(A,B)) :-
The issue here is that it returns a better result, but it hasn't traversed the entire solution tree. I have a feeling this is a default Prolog scheme I'm missing here.
So basically I want it to tell me "these two sets have the minimal difference".
What are the pros and cons of using manual list iteration vs recursion through fail
This is a possible solution (the recursion through fail) except that it can not fail, since that won't return the best set.
I would generate the 30 objects list, sort it descending on weight, then pop objects off the sorted list one by one and put each into one or the other of the two sets, so that I get the minimal difference between the two sets on each step. Each time we add an element to a set, just add together their weights, to keep track of the set's weight. Start with two empty sets, each with a total weight of 0.
It won't be the best partition probably, but might come close to it.
A very straightforward implementation:
maplist(weight,L,W), %// user-supplied predicate weight(+E,?W).
( abs(N2-N1-N) < abs(N1-N2-N)
-> N3 is N1+N,
; N3 is N2+N,
If you insist on finding the precise answer, you will have to generate all the partitions of your list into two sets. Then while generating, you'd keep the current best.
The most important thing left is to find the way to generate them iteratively.
A given object is either included in the first subset, or the second (you don't mention whether they're all different; let's assume they are). We thus have a 30-bit number that represents the partition. This allows us to enumerate them independently, so our state is minimal. For 30 objects there will be 2^30 ~= 10^9 generated partitions.
maplist(weight,L,W), %// user-supplied predicate weight(+E,?W).
keysort(WL,SL), %// not necessary here except for the aesthetics
length(L,Len), length(Num,Len), maplist(=(0),Num),
You will have to implement the binary arithmetics to add 1 to Num on each step, and generate the two subsets from SL according to the new Num, possibly in one fused operation. For each freshly generated subset, it's easy to calculate its weight (this calculation too can be fused into the same generating operation):
This binary number, Num, is all that represents our current position in the search space, together with the unchanging list SL. Thus the search will be iterative, i.e. running in constant space.