Function defined in .bashrc not recognized - bash

I'm trying to make the function below available from a bash session, so I added it to .bashrc:
function del () { mkdir -p ~/.trash; mv "$#" ~/.trash; }
This works fine in a shell script, but when I call the .bashrc version from the terminal, like:
$ del test.txt
I always get this:
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `test.txt'
I am executing source ~/.bashrc every time I change the file, and I already tried different ways of writing the function, what's wrong with it? It works in a .sh file, so maybe a special syntax for .bashrc is required?
Turns out that the session kept an old alias with the same name, even after sourcing .bashrc again. type del helped me detecting it. Running unalias del or starting a new session solved the problem.

From the OP's ammended closing paragraph:
Turns out that the session kept an old alias with the same name, even
after sourcing .bashrc again. Type del helped me detecting it. Running
unalias del or starting a new session solved the problem.
(This answer exists only to keep this Q out of the unanswered category.)


source /.bash_profile command not working

I am trying to refresh my aliases on my Mac (OS Catalina 10.15.6) after defining new aliases in my .bash_profile file with the command:
source ~/.bash_profile
But terminal keeps giving this error message:-bash: s: command not found
This is confusing because for the longest time this command worked. I even had it included in my .bash_profile file as an alias, where it worked fine.
I'm aware the problem could have to do it with an error in my PATH but I've never made any edits to my PATH so have no idea what the issue could be?
Thanks in advance.
My first instinct would be to check both ~/.bashrc, and /etc/bashrc if it exists. That is where I customarily define aliases, and it looks to me as though a bad alias may be your problem.
I'm not saying it was the one you made, although it might be. Just go through your rc and profile files and look for any aliases which might in any way clash with source.
I suspect the source command is working just fine and the problem is a bad line in the ~/.bash_profile itself that looks like it's trying to run a command named s. I would look in there for the problem.
It might help to run it with xtrace on via bash -x ~/.bash_profile – running it in a separate process like that won't have any of the presumably-desired side effects of sourceing it in your current shell, but you can see what it's trying to do so that you can fix it.
(You can also just set -x before the source and get both xtrace and running in the current shell; just be sure to set +x afterwards or your shell session will be full of debug output.)

zsh: command not found - only works when I change path, but on restarting terminal, path changes back

I have 4 files in my bin. Funnily, two of them work when I call them in the terminal - the other (newer) two don't.
My bin file looks like this:
When I type 'which chd-project' in terminal (chd-project is one of the bash scripts which works), it says /usr/local/bin/chd-project - however I can't find a local file on my Mac.
When I type which id-project (the bash script that can't be found), it just says id-project not found.
If I set PATH=$HOME/bin, I can then call the id-project file. However, whenever I restart my terminal, it resets again. This can sometimes be buggy, though, as later commands in that same bash script can sometimes not be found.
When I type echo $PATH I get /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
However, like previously stated, I can call chd-project in my terminal (although it says usr/local/bin if i use 'which') but I can't call id-project.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your PATH variable is "reset" for every session you start. That's because the current session doesn't set environmental variables persistently. However, before a session is started it executes files that, for example, hold the value of PATH.
If you want to add this for every terminal you open, you should extend your path in your bash profile.
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
Please take not that you shouldn't overwrite your PATH variable, because it's used to find commands like mv, cp, etc.
I don't know Atom that well, but if you would open a regular (not an in-IDE) terminal it should work. It could be that Atom doesn't execute .bashrc for whatsoever reason. You could try to add it to to your profile.
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" >> $HOME/.profile

scp gives "[file] not a directory" error when using parameters

I created a custom command in my .bashrc file which is:
function copySomething{
scp "$1" somesshalias:~/
Whenevery I type copySomething filename.txt it gives me filename.txt: Not a directory. However: When I type scp filename.txt somesshalias:~/ it works as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
.bashrc is sourced
removing the target file doesnt change anything
I sourced the bashrc after every change but it seems like the old function did not get replaced by the new one. Restarting my console fixed the problem. Should have done that earlier...
Sourcing was the problem.
I sourced the bashrc after every change but it seems like the old function did not get replaced by the new one. Restarting my console fixed the problem. Should have done that earlier...

Creating aliases in .bash_profile that run a shell script

So I have a script called that I want to be able to run using the command "lyrics" in the terminal.
I have opened up my .bash_profile and am wondering how I can create the alis which 1) finds the script and then 2) executes it
The file is inside a folder called bash at the following path
What I have so far (inside my bash profile), which doesn't work because I guess it's not "executing" the script.
alias spotlyrics=“/Users/username/Documents/bash/“
I get the following error when running "spotlyrics" in the terminal:
-bash: “/Users/username/Documents/bash/“: No such file or directory
Would love some help, thanks!
You've been editing your .bash_profile with something that is not a proper text editor. The quotation marks are not ASCII, and therefore not actually quotation marks as far as the shell is concerned.
Instead of beating around the bush with aliasing a script to a name it mostly already has, why not put the script in a directory in PATH and let it be its own command?
mkdir ~/bin
echo 'PATH+=:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
mv "/path/to/" ~/bin/spotlyrics && chmod +x ~/bin/spotlyrics
Then restart the shell (log out and back in) and you won't need the alias.
Well, the shell scripts are not executable by just calling it's name, they should be run using "source" command(in case of not c-shell, dot command(.) can also be used).So while adding an alias in .bashrc or .bash_profile for running a shell script append source command before the path to the shell script.
In your case probably this should work:`
alias spotlyrics='source /Users/username/Documents/bash/'`
Please let me know if it doesn't work. Because it worked for me.

How to reload .bash_profile from the command line

How can I reload file .bash_profile from the command line?
I can get the shell to recognize changes to .bash_profile by exiting and logging back in, but I would like to be able to do it on demand.
Simply type source ~/.bash_profile.
Alternatively, if you like saving keystrokes, you can type . ~/.bash_profile.
. ~/.bash_profile
Just make sure you don't have any dependencies on the current state in there.
Simply type:
. ~/.bash_profile
However, if you want to source it to run automatically when terminal starts instead of running it every time you open terminal, you might add . ~/.bash_profile to ~/.bashrc file.
When you open a terminal, the terminal starts bash in (non-login) interactive mode, which means it will source ~/.bashrc.
~/.bash_profile is only sourced by bash when started in interactive login mode. That is typically only when you login at the console (Ctrl+Alt+F1..F6), or connecting via ssh.
If you don't mind losing the history of your current shell terminal, you could also do
bash -l
That would fork your shell and open up another child process of bash. The -l parameter tells Bash to run as a login shell. This is required, because .bash_profile will not run as a non-login shell. For more information about this, read here.
If you want to completely replace the current shell, you can also do:
exec bash -l
The above will not fork your current shell, but replace it completely, so when you type exit it will completely terminate, rather than dropping you to the previous shell.
You can also use this command to reload the ~/.bash_profile for that user. Make sure to use the dash.
su - username
I like the fact that after you have just edited the file, all you need to do is type:
. !$
This sources the file you had just edited in history. See What is bang dollar in bash.
You just need to type . ~/.bash_profile.
Refer to What does 'source' do?.
Save the .bash_profile file
Go to the user's home directory by typing cd
Reload the profile with . .bash_profile
Add alias bashs="source ~/.bash_profile" into your Bash file.
So you can call bashs the next time.
If the .bash_profile file does not exist, you can try to run the following command:
. ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
instead of .bash_profile.
You can find more information about bashrc.
alias reload!=". ~/.bash_profile"
Or if want to add logs via functions:
function reload! () {
echo "Reloading bash profile...!"
source ~/.bash_profile
echo "Reloaded!!!"
While using source ~/.bash_profile or the previous answers works, one thing to mention is that this only reloads your Bash profile in the current tab or session you are viewing. If you wish to reload your bash profile on every tab/shell, you need to enter this command manually in each of them.
If you use iTerm, you can use CMD⌘ + Shift + I to enter a command into all current tabs. For terminal it may be useful to reference this issue;
I use Debian and I can simply type exec bash to achieve this. I can't say if it will work on all other distributions.
I am running macOS v10.12 (Sierra) and was working on this for a while (trying all recommended solutions). I became confounded, so I eventually tried restarting my computer! It worked.
My conclusion is that sometimes a hard reset is necessary.
Simply re-sourcing the file won't "reload" in the sense that something is first unloaded, then loaded again. If that is what you want you can do:
hash -r && _SHOW_MESSAGES=1 exec -a -bash bash
