Creating aliases in .bash_profile that run a shell script - shell

So I have a script called that I want to be able to run using the command "lyrics" in the terminal.
I have opened up my .bash_profile and am wondering how I can create the alis which 1) finds the script and then 2) executes it
The file is inside a folder called bash at the following path
What I have so far (inside my bash profile), which doesn't work because I guess it's not "executing" the script.
alias spotlyrics=“/Users/username/Documents/bash/“
I get the following error when running "spotlyrics" in the terminal:
-bash: “/Users/username/Documents/bash/“: No such file or directory
Would love some help, thanks!

You've been editing your .bash_profile with something that is not a proper text editor. The quotation marks are not ASCII, and therefore not actually quotation marks as far as the shell is concerned.

Instead of beating around the bush with aliasing a script to a name it mostly already has, why not put the script in a directory in PATH and let it be its own command?
mkdir ~/bin
echo 'PATH+=:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
mv "/path/to/" ~/bin/spotlyrics && chmod +x ~/bin/spotlyrics
Then restart the shell (log out and back in) and you won't need the alias.

Well, the shell scripts are not executable by just calling it's name, they should be run using "source" command(in case of not c-shell, dot command(.) can also be used).So while adding an alias in .bashrc or .bash_profile for running a shell script append source command before the path to the shell script.
In your case probably this should work:`
alias spotlyrics='source /Users/username/Documents/bash/'`
Please let me know if it doesn't work. Because it worked for me.


How to properly write a bash executable file

I am having some issue in writing a simple executable .sh file via bash.
The order of operation as soon as I open a terminal (ctrl+alt+T) are:
pc:~$ roscd
pc:~/catkin_docking_ws/devel$ cd ..
pc:~/catkin_docking_ws$ cd devel/lib/tuginterface/
pc:~/catkin_docking_ws/devel/lib/tuginterface$ ./tuginterface
I have been investigating this small issue and came across this source which advises to change and rename the project as an alias and that is exactly what I tried to do:
alias proj="roscd"
alias proj2="cd .."
alias proj3="cd devel/lib/tuginterface/"
alias exec="./tuginterface"
My current executable file after many trials is:
alias proj="roscd"
alias proj2="cd .."
alias proj3="cd devel/lib/tuginterface/"
alias exec="./tuginterface"
But it still does not work.
The same post advises to create a script and after that an alias in the startup file.
Please advise on how to solve this problem and sorry if it is a simple question but I don't seem to catch the mistake I am making.
The script doesn't need to define aliases. Aliases are commands that you can type yourself. The script can just execute the commands directly.
cd ~/catkin_docking_ws/devel/lib/tuginterface
I've combined the three cd commands into one that jumps straight to the correct directory.
"But I thought cd doesn't work in shell scripts?"
It depends what you're looking for. When a script changes directory it affects later commands in the script, so in that respect it does work. The change of directory is only inside the script, though. The person calling the script won't see the directory change. Their current directory is unaffected.

Sourcing the same shell script file everytime

I just had a quick question regarding sourcing files in shell script.
I have created a shell script file that has a function which I can execute. However, everytime I restart my terminal and run the command in my shell I have to run source ~/path/to/shell/file everytime before running my function.
Is there any permanent fix for this?
Thank you!
This is what the shell startup files are for. If you're using bash, any commands you place in the file .bashrc in your home directory ($HOME/.bashrc) will be executed every time you start a new shell (the name is short for "bash run commands"). So either copy the file with your function definition into the .bashrc or just add the source command to it, and you should be good to go.

Raspbian: Reset Bash environment variables

I was trying to get a crontab working on my Raspberry PI and I think I messed up my environment variables. I can execute a file from the GUI by right-clicking and choosing execute. However I cannot get the same file to run from command line. I can use ls to see the file (, but when I type, I get "bash: command not found".
I think I messed up my environment variables when I put this in the crontab.
I followed the examples in Script doesn't run via crontab but works fine standalone.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Let me clarify what efforts I took on my part BEFORE posting my question on stackoverflow before getting anymore downvotes.
First of all thanks S. Adam Nissley for your suggestions.
In answer to your steps listed above.
Running this from home path, or fully qualified path does Not work as stated.
Error: bash: command not found
I have also ensured read/write and execute permissions on the file with
chmod +x ./
Also, my bash script starts off with the following shebang
So, what i'm trying to say is, regardless of using crontab or not the issue at hand is that I can not even execute the script from command line. This started happening after I was messing around with the environment variables in the crontab. I'm looking for a way to revert to the situation where I can at least run/execute bash commands from the terminal.
The only way I can effectively execute this script is (right-click execute) through the GUI.
Assuming you are in the same directory as your script, you should just be able to enter
If it does not execute, make sure it is executable with the command
chmod +x ./
chmod 755 ./
And if it still won't execute, make sure it has an appropriate hashbang on the very first line of the script like #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash
When you add it to your crontab, make sure it has the full path like
/home/pi/bin/ <br/>
EDIT: Default PATH and SHELL for Raspbian
You can check your PATH and SHELL environmental variables from the command line as follows:
echo $SHELL
echo $PATH
The default PATH for Rasbian is:
And the default SHELL is:
So if you need to set those it is as simple as:
If you are having other issues with your environment, you may want to disable some of your local settings to see if the problem is in your profile. You can list all files with ls -a, which includes hidden files. Raspbian typically has a .bashrc and a .profile in each user's home directory. To disable them simple rename them:
mv .bashrc .bashrc_disabled
mv .profile .profile_disabled
If that solves the problem, you can inspect the files and make the necessary corrections before renaming them back to their original names.

How to run a shell script just by typing its name?

I am very stuck on a task for my controlled assessment. I have been asked to create a shell script in nano that echoes hello world and hello $user. I have set the script to be executable. (chmod 755 Script1 and chmod +x Script1). I have been tasked to be able to make the script run just by typing 'Script1' , I do not know how to set the path to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Basically you need to have it in the PATH environment variable.
Suppose it's in a folder on /a/b/folder/, try:
This tells the shell to look for executables there when looking for commands to run.
To make sure it's always executable you have several options:
Set the path variable in your profile using ~/.bashrc (sets it for bash, commonly done in ubuntu, which is what I use) or ~/.profile.
Set it globally using /etc/environment or others...
Move the folder to a folder already on your path (echo $PATH to see what's there already).
Note that these files are source-ed on different stages and persist on different environments.
For even more information read this.
TIP: To test that you've set the file correctly, we'll take ~/.bashrc as an example, you can use source ~/.bashrc and everything in ~/.bashrc will be loaded. That way you can be sure it won't mess things up next time you log in.
Alias the script in .bash_profile
in home path open the .bash_profile file and add the following entry,
alias Script1='/path/to/Script1'
Then reload the bash by,
. .bash_profile
After that try to call the script by using just its name. i.e, Script1

Converting a shell script to a dmg

I have a shell script with some functionalities. I want to convert it to an executable file. Any idea if this is possible?
Add the following line at the very top of your script:
This is known as a shebang. It indicates which program to invoke the shell script with when you execute it. You could change it to anything. Eg, to run a zsh script you would use #!/bin/zsh, which is the path to the zsh interpreter on my machine.
Then you need to mark the file as executable using chmod. You can do this as follows:
chmod +x myscript
You can now run the script like this:
Or, if you're in the directory the script is in:
The '.' expands to the path of your current working directory.
If you want to be able to run the script from anywhere, stick it somewhere in your path. Eg.
mv myscript /usr/bin
You can now run the script from anywhere by typing in just the name.
