How to post multiple objects with axios - ajax

I am able to use JSON.stringify to post a single object literal to a webapi action. However when I try to post two parameter objects the second one comes in null (my webapi has a default value of null for the second parameter). Any ideas how to do this?


Passing extra parameter through GetAll method of webapi

How to pass an extra parameter through a Get method of webapi because when i pass
GetALL(int page,int limit,int start) it works fine but when in passed one more parameters that is optional and may be null it throws error.
GetAll(int page,int limit,int start,string ? search)
What is the best way to make it working
In Web API optional parameters are those which can be nulled.
If you have type values like int or DateTime, you need to make them nullableby using the ? syntax.
But when they're classes instead of value type, they are directly convertible to null, so you don't need to, and can not, mark them as nullable. SO, your method signature must be simply this:
GetAll(int page,int limit,int start,string search)
If you wanted page, limit or start to be nullable, you should declare them as int?. So, int he signature above this 3 parameters are compulsory, and the last one optional.
EDIT, for OP comment
When you use the default routing for Web API the only way to choose the right method is by parameter matching, i.e. the parameters in the request must match the parameters in the action including the optional parameters. So, there are two ways to make it work:
post the optional parameters as empty parameters. For your case, provided you're using the query string, include a &search= in the URL
modify the routes, so that the parameters are provided as route parameters, and define the search parameter as optional
You can also completely modify the web API routing by including the action in the route. In that case, you have to specify the action in the URLs to invoke the action, but the method can be chosen by action name (given by method name or Action attribute), and not by parameter matching. In that case you don't need to provide the optional parameters. It will work like MVC routing.

Web API ignores non-model body parameters; should throw error

In Web API v2 when you supply data in the POST body that are not part of the model, they are ignored by the framework. This is fine in most cases, but I need to check this and return an error response, so the user doesn't get unexpected results (he expects these wrong parameters to do something...).
So how do I check for this? The model will be null, but when the framework has parsed the data and returned a null-model, I can no longer access the body through Request.Content. So what options are there?
One way is to derive your DTO class from DynamicObject. Check out my blog post:

MVC 4 WebAPI - Is there a way to get a dictionary of values passed to a POST action?

I am able to successfully retrieve an object via POST action.
I am trying to build a proof of concept for dynamic treatment of form values posted, so that I do not know at design time what those names or values will be.
Is there a particular type of binder or formatter etc. that should be added after [FromBody] attribute in the post action to achieve this?
Essentially I need a name-value-pair. I tried KeyValuePair and dynamic. Dynamic returns an object. I don't know how to get the key names and values out of it.
This should do what you are looking for.
public HttpResponseMessage Post(FormDataCollection collection) {

ASP .NET Web API Post modelbinding issues

I am a web API newbie, trying my first POST to the API (all my GETs are fine). And no matter what I try, model binding doesn't seem to work. Routing is fine, because I see control coming to the correct method, but model object references is always null. I tried with a simple class as model (two properties, both strings), still no luck.
Any suggestions on what I am missing? I am using fiddler to post. eg: request body has
Tried with a = at the start, Tried method-argument-variable= at the start, no luck.
null always.
When you sending the parameter by request body , you must use the [FromBody] attribute in method body. [FromBody] denotes it binds the parameters from request to the model class.
Check whether you are using [FromBody] or by url ?
public List<PortalUser> GetPortalUsers([FromBody]PortalUser PortalUser)
{ }

Values in the url is get or post?

I just wanted to know the values which I pass in URL are of Get type or Post type.
Neither or both. They are just part of the query string. Since they are part of the URI, they can appear in any kind of HTTP request.
(Some confusion might occur because PHP will populate the $_GET superglobal with them no matter what verb (GET, POST, PUT, etc) was used to make the request. Some other environments are more sensible, Perl tends to call them Query Params, ASP.NET uses Request.QueryString)
The browser sends any request that contains query parameters, those query parameters populate $_GET. As #Quentin says, they need not necessarily be from a GET request.
On the other hand,
A POST is made most commonly during form submission. $_POST variables are not a part of the URL, and are sent as POSTDATA.
