How to rename all partition columns in hive - hadoop

When I am trying to rename all partition columns in an existing table for date range of one year which are partitioned - this is what I am getting.
hive> ALTER TABLE test.usage PARTITION ('date') RENAME TO PARTITION (partition_date);
FAILED: ValidationFailureSemanticException Partition spec {partition_date=null} contains non-partition columns.
I got that syntax from here: 1

Given that I am not 100% sure if what you want is to rename the value of the partition or actually change the column which the table is partitioned.
Let's suppose you want to rename the partition's value.
There is an issue in Hive 0.13 and in Hive 0.14 is working fine. Anyways, this should work:
set fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache=false;
set fs.file.impl.disable.cache=false;
Now run the query by setting this property.
> hive> set fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache=false;
> hive> set fs.file.impl.disable.cache=false;
> hive> ALTER TABLE test.usage PARTITION (date='oldValue') RENAME TO PARTITION (date='newValue');
Let's suppose you want to change the partition column
In this case what you will need to do is to recreate the table changing the column which the table will be partitioned.
Note: Remember that if you already had data inside the partitions, you will need to reinsert the data.
Please see also this answer


Hive External Table - Drop Partition

Facing a weird issue. Alter table command to drop partition works well for > or < or >= or <= signs but not for = check.
Working command:
Command that's not working and throwing an error stating that partition does not exist:
When I do show partitions, I can see '20231230' partition.
Note: bizdate is a varchar(10)
Check the list of partition in the table:
Perhaps it tries dropping the partition. It seems that the data was removed at some point on HDFS but the hive tables metadata still thinks those partitions exist
ALTER TABLE *tableName* drop if exists PARTITION(bizdate="20231230");
& Re-pair the broken table
msck repair table *table_name*;

How to delete fields from a partitioned table in Hive stored as parquet?

I'm looking for a way to modify a parquet data table in HIVE to remove some fields. The table is managed but it doesn't matter because I can convert it to external.
The problem is that I can not use the command ALTER TABLE ... REPLACE COLUMN with partitioned parquet tables.
It is works well for textfile format (partitioned or not) and only for non-partitioned parquet tables.
I've tried to replace column but this is the result:
hive> ALTER TABLE db_test.mytable REPLACE COLUMNS(name String);
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask.
Replacing columns cannot drop columns for table db_test.mytable.
SerDe may be incompatible
I've thought about some solutions, but none of them fits my scenario:
- [Optional] Convert the table in external.
- Delete the table.
- Re-create the table with the fields that I want.
- MSCK REPAIR TABLE to add HDFS partitions.
- [Optional] Convert back to managed table.
- Create temporary table as selection of the original table with the fields that I choose.
- Delete the original table.
- Rename the temporary table to the original name.
Both options affect my process because I would lose the statistics of my table. This table is consumed with MicroStrategy by Impala and I need to mantain the statistics.
In addition, the second solution is bad with very large data tables.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
You can use first method and then run
hive> anayze table <db_name>.<table_name> compute statistics;
to compute all the statistics of the table.

How can I partition a hive table by (only) a portion of a timestamp column?

Assume I have a Hive table that includes a TIMESTAMP column that is frequently (almost always) included in the WHERE clauses of a query. It makes sense to partition this table by the TIMESTAMP field; however, to keep to a reasonable cardinality, it makes sense to partition by day (not by the maximum resolution of the TIMESTAMP).
What's the best way to achieve this? Should I create an additional column (DATE) and partition on that? Or is there a way to achieve the partition without creating a duplicate column?
Its not a new column, but its a pseudo-column, You should re-create your table with adding the partitioning specification like this :
create table table_name (
id int,
name string,
timestamp string
partitioned by (date string)
Then you load the data creating the partitions dynamically like this
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
FROM table_name_old tno
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table_name PARTITION(substring(timestamp,0,10))
SELECT,, tno.timestamp;
Now if you select all from your table you will see a new column for the partition, but consider that a Hive partition is just a subdirectory and its not a real column, hence it does not affect the total table size only by some kilobytes.
As partition is also one of the column in hive, every partition has value(assign using static or dynamic partition) and every partition is mapped to directory in HDFS, so it has to be additional column.
You may choose one the below option:
Let's say table DDL:
CREATE TABLE temp( id string) PARTITIONED BY (day int)
If the data is organised day wise then add static partition:
location '/2017/02/02';
SELECT id FROM temp 
WHERE dayOfTheYear(**timestamp**)=1;
Generate day number using dynamic partition:
FROM temp;
Hive doesn't have any dayOfTheYear function you create it.

hive first column to consider in partition table

Creating partition table in hive, does it mandatory to choose always the last column for partition column.
If I choose 1st column as partition, I cant do filter data, is there any way to choose first column for partition?
In hive, if you want to partition a table, you have to define partition column first during table creation time. & while populating the data into table you need to specify as follow:
"INSERT INTO partitioned_table PARTITION(status) SELECT id , name, status from temp_tbl "
in this way using you can partition based on last column only. if you want to partition on the basis of first column. you have to write a Mapreduce job for that . that is the only option available.
I guess the problem you are facing is that you already have table "source" in your local system or hdfs and you want to upload it to partitioned table. And you want the first column in the source table to be partitioned in hive. As the source table does not have headers i guess we can not do anything here if we try to directly upload the file in the hive destination folder. The only alternate way i know is that create a non partitioned table in hive whose structure is exactly the same as the source file. then upload the source data to non partitioned table first, then copy the data from non partitioned table to partitioned table.
Suppose the source file is like this
create table source(eid int, ename int, esal int) partitioned by (dept string)
your non partioned table where you upload the data is like thiscreate table nopart(dept string, esal int,ename string, eid int)
then you use the dynamic partition by command insert overwrite table source partition(dept) select eid,ename,esal,dept from nopart;
the order of the parameters is the only point here.

How to alter Hive partition column name

I have to change the partition column name (not partition spec), I looked for the commands in hive wiki and some google pages. I can find the options for altering the partition spec,
i.e. For example
In /table/country='US' I can change US to USA, but I want to change country to continent.
I feel like the only option available for changing partition column name is dropping and re-creating the table. Is there is any other option available please help me.
Thanks in advance.
You can change column name in metadata by following:
But as the document says, it only changes the metadata. Hive partitions are implemented as directories with the naming pattern columnName=spec. So you also need to change the names of those directories on HDFS by using "hadoop fs" command.
You have alter the partition column using simple swap method.
Create a new temp table which is same schema as current table.
Move all files in the old table to newly create table location.
hadoop fs -mv <current_table_name> <temp_table_name>
Alter the schema of the original table (Rename or drop the partitions)
Recopy/load the temp table data to the original table with appropriate partition values.
hadoop fs -mv <temp_table_name> <current_table_name>
msck repair the the original table & drop the temp_table.
NOTE : mv command move the file from one location to another with reducing the copy time. alternately we can use LOAD DATA INPATH for copy the data to the original table.
You can not change the partition column in hive infact Hive does not support alterting of partitioning columns
You can think of it this way - Hive stores the data by creating a folder in hdfs with partition column values - Since if you trying to alter the hive partition it means you are trying to change the whole directory structure and data of hive table which is not possible exp if you have partitioned on year this is how directory structure looks like
If you want to change the partition column you can perform below steps
Create another hive table with required changes in partition column
Create table new_table ( A int, B String.....)
Load data from previous table
Insert into new_table partition ( B ) select A,B from table Prev_table
As you said, rename the value for of the partition is very straightforward:
hive> ALTER TABLE test.usage PARTITION (country ='US') RENAME TO PARTITION (date='USA');
I know that this is not what you are looking for. Unfortunately, given that your data is already partitioned by country, the only option you have is to drop the table, remove the data (supposing your table is external) from the HDFS and reinsert the data using continent as partition.
What I would do in your case is to have multiple partition levels, so that your folder structure will look like that:
That way you can query the data for different levels of granularity (in this case continent and country).
Adding solution here for later:
Use case: Change partition column from STRING to INT
set hive.mapred.mode=norestrict;
alter table {table_name} partition column ({column_name} {column_type});
