How to delete fields from a partitioned table in Hive stored as parquet? - hadoop

I'm looking for a way to modify a parquet data table in HIVE to remove some fields. The table is managed but it doesn't matter because I can convert it to external.
The problem is that I can not use the command ALTER TABLE ... REPLACE COLUMN with partitioned parquet tables.
It is works well for textfile format (partitioned or not) and only for non-partitioned parquet tables.
I've tried to replace column but this is the result:
hive> ALTER TABLE db_test.mytable REPLACE COLUMNS(name String);
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask.
Replacing columns cannot drop columns for table db_test.mytable.
SerDe may be incompatible
I've thought about some solutions, but none of them fits my scenario:
- [Optional] Convert the table in external.
- Delete the table.
- Re-create the table with the fields that I want.
- MSCK REPAIR TABLE to add HDFS partitions.
- [Optional] Convert back to managed table.
- Create temporary table as selection of the original table with the fields that I choose.
- Delete the original table.
- Rename the temporary table to the original name.
Both options affect my process because I would lose the statistics of my table. This table is consumed with MicroStrategy by Impala and I need to mantain the statistics.
In addition, the second solution is bad with very large data tables.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

You can use first method and then run
hive> anayze table <db_name>.<table_name> compute statistics;
to compute all the statistics of the table.


Dynamic Partition on external hive table

Is there a way to dynamically partition an external Hive table? I referred to posts which mentioned to follow below steps -
Create an external non-partitioned table
Create an external partitioned table
Use insert into table command to insert the data from non-partitioned to partitioned table
Problem with the above solution is that I need to always use the insert command if my base (non-partitioned) table is modified (addition/deletion of parquet files).
I am seeking for a solution where I need not do any insert command and my partitioned table should be updated as and how my non-partitioned table is changed.

Refresh hive tables in Hive

I have few tables in Hive, every day new csv file will be adding to the hive table location. When a new data is available i need to refresh the tables so that i can see new data in the tables.
steps we follow to load the data:
first create a table with csv serde properties
create another table with parquet table to do in production
insert the data from first table to second table.
New file:
I searched in google and found this can be done via:
1) incremental table, loading the new file in to incremental table and do insert statement. In my case we have more than 100 tables and so not want to create these many incremental tables
2) Using refresh command via Impala shell.
Our initial tables are stored as csv serde format. so when i do refresh on the initial tables i get an error impala does't support serde propertied.
Can you please provide a solution in my case.

How to update Hive partitioned columns to a new set of columns?

I have a dynamic partitioned managed table in Hive partitioned by (country,state).
I wish to add one more column to these partitioned columns, say (country,state,city).
I am thinking I may use ALTER TABLE tab_nm DROP PARTITION old_partitions and then use another ALTER TABLE tab_nm ADD PARTITION.. to add new set of columns.
In one blog I read that a new table be created with latest partitions, load the data from the table with old partitions. But then I do not wish to recreate the table as its a huge production table.
I still have not implemented the ALTER TABLE.. since I am wondering that the DROP PARTITION may remove all the data in those partitions.
Please help.

Insert partitioned data into partitioned hive table

I have stored the data in hdfs using Pig Multistorage with the column id.
So data stored as
Now I have created a partitioned table in hive and I want to load the data from /output folder into this partitioned table. Is there any way to achieve this?
First you create a temp hive table where you load all the data from pig output.
Then You load to your actual partitioned hive table from temp table.
Something like below:
FROM emp_external temp INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE emp_partition PARTITION(country) SELECT,,temp.dept,temp.sal,;
Else you can explore Hcatlog for this case.
not sure if you are looking to insert the data in the outputfolder (created from pig) to an existing table or loading the data in the output folder in to a new hive partitioned table.
If you want to load the data in to new hive table, you can create a new partitioned table pointing to the output folder
If you are looking to load the data into an existing hive table, then you can either create a temp table as #Aman mentioed and do a insert in to the destination table
You can just move/copy the files in the hdfs from output/ to hive table location.
Hope this helps
Assign a Hive schema to pig output location with partitioned columns (Alter table Add Partition) as column id. Now both are hive tables and you can use where clause over partitioned column to move over the data.

How to alter Hive partition column name

I have to change the partition column name (not partition spec), I looked for the commands in hive wiki and some google pages. I can find the options for altering the partition spec,
i.e. For example
In /table/country='US' I can change US to USA, but I want to change country to continent.
I feel like the only option available for changing partition column name is dropping and re-creating the table. Is there is any other option available please help me.
Thanks in advance.
You can change column name in metadata by following:
But as the document says, it only changes the metadata. Hive partitions are implemented as directories with the naming pattern columnName=spec. So you also need to change the names of those directories on HDFS by using "hadoop fs" command.
You have alter the partition column using simple swap method.
Create a new temp table which is same schema as current table.
Move all files in the old table to newly create table location.
hadoop fs -mv <current_table_name> <temp_table_name>
Alter the schema of the original table (Rename or drop the partitions)
Recopy/load the temp table data to the original table with appropriate partition values.
hadoop fs -mv <temp_table_name> <current_table_name>
msck repair the the original table & drop the temp_table.
NOTE : mv command move the file from one location to another with reducing the copy time. alternately we can use LOAD DATA INPATH for copy the data to the original table.
You can not change the partition column in hive infact Hive does not support alterting of partitioning columns
You can think of it this way - Hive stores the data by creating a folder in hdfs with partition column values - Since if you trying to alter the hive partition it means you are trying to change the whole directory structure and data of hive table which is not possible exp if you have partitioned on year this is how directory structure looks like
If you want to change the partition column you can perform below steps
Create another hive table with required changes in partition column
Create table new_table ( A int, B String.....)
Load data from previous table
Insert into new_table partition ( B ) select A,B from table Prev_table
As you said, rename the value for of the partition is very straightforward:
hive> ALTER TABLE test.usage PARTITION (country ='US') RENAME TO PARTITION (date='USA');
I know that this is not what you are looking for. Unfortunately, given that your data is already partitioned by country, the only option you have is to drop the table, remove the data (supposing your table is external) from the HDFS and reinsert the data using continent as partition.
What I would do in your case is to have multiple partition levels, so that your folder structure will look like that:
That way you can query the data for different levels of granularity (in this case continent and country).
Adding solution here for later:
Use case: Change partition column from STRING to INT
set hive.mapred.mode=norestrict;
alter table {table_name} partition column ({column_name} {column_type});
