Permission Error while starting wakanda server - wakanda

We currently moved our production project from wakanda 10 to wakanda 1.1.3.
After opening the solution in the latest wakanda 1.1.3 we are getting the following error message when we start the wakanda server
Permission denied
failed to create a listening socket
cannot start the HTTP server
cannot start the 'jeannie' project
cannot open the solution
"ServerHD:users:wakamda:Document:jennie"jemmie.waSolution" for running
is their a possible solution to solve this permission denied problem???
Thanks in advance


websocket._exceptions.WebSocketProxyException: failed CONNECT via proxy status: 403 when running in python anywhere

When trying to run my .py script it's showing the error
websocket._exceptions.WebSocketProxyException: failed CONNECT via proxy status: 403
I am using a module tvdatafeed which uses websocket. Please help to solve the issue. So that I can test my script on cloud
Free accounts cannot connect out to websocket endpoints.

WebSocket connection to 'protocol=7&client=js&version=4.3.1&flash=false' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I was implementing laravel websockets package in project it is working fine in my local machine but on server first it was giving error of Connection timeout That problem was solved when add TCP port in aws security group but after that it starts giving new error
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Here are errors I am getting in console when try to connect websocket server
I was searching about this error i found this github thread . Which is saying try to bound with but I dont know what does it means,
I was also getting this error on local machine but was later resolved when i downgrade package version 1.6
NOTE: I am using ubuntu server aws services

pgAdmin 4 Desktop Runtime has stopped working

I've installed pgAdmin4 v2 on Windows 7. The installation went fine and I could launch it successfully without any issue. After couple of days, now if I try to load GUI I am getting the error – “pgAdmin 4 Desktop Runtime has stopped working”. Log file shows below error entries:
raise URLError(err)
URLError: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 407 authenticationrequired>
2018-03-26 13:16:01,937: ERROR pgadmin: Exception when checking for update
Does anyone know how to fix the issue?
Version check was root cause of the problem as my network has restricted access. Disabling version check in application config settings (UPGRADE_CHECK_ENABLED = False in fixed the issue in my case.

FTP stopped working on Linux server

Our FTP service from our server just stops working and we have no idea why each time
we get this error: Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server". Error: Could not connect to server
any ideas where to check in server?
If you are sure that the server is actually running. Try to restart it using something like:
service vsftpd restart
You need to replace vsftpd with whatever FTP you might be using. See if you get any erros when doing this.

Appfog "af update" Permisson denied Error

I'm using appfog that is application server service with a cloud.
When it comes to my problem, I'm create new app (node.js project) and trying to upload my project files with Af CLI Tool (on Ruby) but get an error (Permisson denied) also if running Google Chrome, I get the error:
Permission denied - ./AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Cache/data_0
If turn off Google Chrome I get the error "Permission denied - Read". Please help me.
You must enter the path of the project because by default updater you try to project your filepath: //C:/Users/userName.
