WebSocket connection to 'protocol=7&client=js&version=4.3.1&flash=false' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED - laravel

I was implementing laravel websockets package in project it is working fine in my local machine but on server first it was giving error of Connection timeout That problem was solved when add TCP port in aws security group but after that it starts giving new error
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Here are errors I am getting in console when try to connect websocket server
I was searching about this error i found this github thread . Which is saying try to bound with but I dont know what does it means,
I was also getting this error on local machine but was later resolved when i downgrade package version 1.6
NOTE: I am using ubuntu server aws services


WebSocket connection to url/_next/webpack-hmr' failed

I am using next.js version 12 to deploy a webpage but when deployed it gives a warning in console
websocket.js?a9be:45 WebSocket connection to 'wss://eteaga.com/_next/webpack-hmr' failed:
In the localhost it doesn't give any warnings or problems. Is it the new version of next.js that needs some configuration added?

Facing this error when i upload laraval app to live server

This error occur when i trying to hit api from live server.But locally api running correctly. I got this error
cURL error 28: Failed to connect to testapi.certccie.com port 443: Connection timed out (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
Here we uploaded error image
Maybe this is because of your host that your host dont access to certccie.com.
Try on another host.

Ispconfig 3: Error: Authentication failed. Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server

I am using ispconfig, and I have created a FTP user with the respective password. But when I try to connect to that server I hm experiencing this error.
Error: Authentication failed.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
I tried all the solutions given Here, but to no avail.
So I found the error,
I had used FileZilla to login into the server for uploading some file, and the connection was using the sftp:// protocol.
When I tried to conenct with the ftp account the above error was being reported, even after I updated/confirmed the user password.
Finally I realized that the protocol was wrong and after removing the sftp:// protocol prefix, it defaulted to ftp:// which the server readily accepted.

FTP stopped working on Linux server

Our FTP service from our server just stops working and we have no idea why each time
we get this error: Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server". Error: Could not connect to server
any ideas where to check in server?
If you are sure that the server is actually running. Try to restart it using something like:
service vsftpd restart
You need to replace vsftpd with whatever FTP you might be using. See if you get any erros when doing this.

Connect DbVisualizer to HSQLDB on Mac

I need to connect DbVisualizer to HSQLDB. I've installed both on my mac (OSX 10.6.9). I've installed DbVisualized 8.0.5, and HSQLDB. I have both open, but when I try to ping the server, I receive the error message: "Cannot connect to 'localhost' on port 9001." The message below shows up in the Connection Message window:
An error occurred while establishing the connection:
Long Message:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
   Type: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException
   Error Code: -1301
   SQL State: 08001
By default, when you run the HSQLDB Server, it shows some messages in the window. The last maessage should indicate susseful startup.
[Server#80fa6f]: 2011-11-12 21:03:24.904 HSQLDB server 2.2.6 is online on port 9001
[Server#80fa6f]: To close normally, connect and execute SHUTDOWN SQL
When you ping from DbVis, the server rejects the data because it's not valid data for making a connection. It shows an exception. This is normal behaviour. On the DBVis side, it should return success after the ping.
You should then connect from DbVis and it should work.
You must use the same HSQLDB jar on both DbVis and HSQLDB (you probably have done this).
You can also double check by executing the HSQLDB (version 2.2.x) jar, which brings up its own database manager and allows you to connect to the server.
One likely cause is network problems. You can try the IP address instead of 'localhost'
