changing chrome prefs in `ruby` after starting the browser - ruby

I have created a browser using
`#prefs = {download: { prompt_for_download: false, default_directory: "#{Dir.home}/new2" } } :chrome, prefs: #prefs`
and when my script runs, it initiates another window while clicking Print option on Chrome
I want to change the prefs of the opened window to #prefs once it opens
Is there any way of writing it in ruby, watir, page-object
I have no idea how to change the prefs of newly opened window

Those things can only be set at the time of browser instantiation. They are the parameters used by the browser driver when creating the session and can not be changed on an active season.


Automate javascript splash downloads in Ruby Watir

In case of a download initiated by Javascript (usually by some Javascript code that submits a form, which may be dynamically added to the page), none of the standard method for forcing a file download in Watir worked for me: I still get the browser file-download confirmation pop-up, which cannot be scripted in Watir. Worse, it looks like even conventional methods that worked when following a convential link to download a file, are now broken in newest browsers, please see this other question:
How to download a file using Watir 6.0
Any suggestion on how to do it?
The documentation for that is here now:
prefs = {
download: {
prompt_for_download: false,
default_directory: '/path/to/dir'
b = :chrome, options: {prefs: prefs}
Best practice, though, is not to use Watir or Selenium to handle downloads. Ideally the creation of and access to the file is handled in a unit or integration test. Watir interacts with browsers, whereas downloads are partially an operating system function. This is to say that it may not be possible to do exactly what you need.
If was having a similar problem and I enable the logger.level it helped me to determine if the prefs were even being set for the "chromeOptions"
Selenium::WebDriver.logger.level = :info
prefs = {
download: {
prompt_for_download: false,
default_directory: "#{FigNewton.download_files}"
args = ['--ignore-certificate-errors', '--disable-popup-blocking', '--disable-translate', '--disable-infobars']
browser = :chrome, options: {prefs: prefs, args: args }
I'm not saying this will resolve your issue, however just wanted to provide you the information about the logger.level. I find it helpful.

Ruby/Selenium Opening URLs In Same Chrome Tab Instead Of Different Tabs

I am currently writing a program where I need to open two tabs in Chrome with Selenium/Ruby. Both tabs will hold a different url. So far, I have the following code:
body = $driver.find_element(:tag_name => 'body')
body.send_keys(:control, 't')
sleep 15
Two tabs are created but when I try to invoke $ "WEB BROWSER URL" , the browser opens the [WEB BROWSER URL] in the first tab where the Chrome extension is. Does anyone know a way to get the two urls in their own respective tabs? Please let me know if I need to provide additional details.
To open a link in a new tab:
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome ""
# open a new tab and set the context
driver.execute_script "'_blank', 'tab2')"
driver.switch_to.window "tab2"
driver.get ""

How do I use my own cookies in capybara?

I'm trying to (ab)use the capybara web testing framework to automate some tasks on github that are not accessible via the github API and which require me to be logged in and click on buttons to send AJAX requests.
Since capybara/selenium is a testing framework it helpfully creates a temporary session which has no cookies in it. I'd like to either stop it from doing that, or else I'd like to know how to load my cookie store into the browser session that it creates.
All I'm trying to do is this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome ""
Or this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'capybara'
Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|, :browser => :chrome)
session =
session.visit ""
In both cases I get the landing page you'd see as a logged-out user or incognito mode in the browser. I'd like to get my logged-in landing page like I just fired up a web browser myself and navigated to that URL.
Since I have 2FA setup on github that makes automating the login process from the github landing page somewhat annoying, so I'd like to avoid automating logging into github. The tasks that I want to automate do not require re-authenticating via 2FA.
For MacOSX+Ruby+Selenium this works:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'selenium-webdriver'
caps ="chromeOptions" => {"debuggerAddress" => ""}, detach: false)
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, :desired_capabilities => caps ""
Then fire up chrome with this:
% /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --user-data-dir=/Users/lamont/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome --profile-directory=Default --remote-debugging-port=20480
Obviously the paths will need to be adjusted because they're OSX-centric and have my homedir in them.
There is also a bug in the selenium-webdriver gem for ruby where it inserts a 'detach' option which gets into a fight with 'debuggerAddress':
/Users/lamont/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.4/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.53.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/response.rb:70:in `assert_ok': unknown error: cannot parse capability: chromeOptions (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
from unknown error: unrecognized chrome option: detach
The lib/selenium/webdriver/chrome/bridge.rb file can be edited to take that out as a quick hack:
chrome_options['binary'] = Chrome.path if Chrome.path
chrome_options['nativeEvents'] = true if native_events
chrome_options['verbose'] = true if verbose
#chrome_options['detach'] = detach.nil? || !!detach
chrome_options['noWebsiteTestingDefaults'] = true if no_website_testing_defaults
chrome_options['prefs'] = prefs if prefs
To implement something similar in Ruby, check out this page that goes over that. Thanks to lamont for letting me know in the comments.
You can start chrome using a specific Chrome profile. I am not sure what the ruby implementation would look like, but in python it looks something like:
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options as ChromeOptions
options = ChromeOptions()
# more on this line here later.
options.add_experimental_option('debuggerAddress', '')
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=otpions)
In order for this to work you need to do a few things.
manually start chrome from terminal/command prompt with these command line arguments
--user-data-dir=/path/to/any/custom/directory/home/user/Desktop/Chromedir --profile-directory="Profile 1" --remote-debugging-port=7878
make sure "Profile 1" is already existing in the same --user-data-dir (make sure user Profile 1 has necessary chrome://components/
to run any apps that require those components)
you can use any free port in place of 7878
verify that http://localhost:7878 is running and returns value.
This should manually launch chrome with the "Profile 1" profile, and so long as it has logged into the site in question, it will stay logged in like a normal user so long as you follow these instructions to run the tests.
I used this to write a quick netflix bot that clicks the "continue playing" button when it pops up, and it's the only way to get DRM content to play as far as I have found. But it retains the cookies for the login, and also launches chrome with whatever components the profile is set up to have.
I have tried launching chrome with specific profiles before using different methodologies, but this was the only way to really force it to work how I wanted it to.
Edit: There are methods for saving cookie info as well although I don't know how well they work. Check out this link for more info, as my solution is probably not the best solution even if it works.
The show_me_the_cookies gem provides cross-driver cookie manipulation and can let you add new cookies. The one thing to be aware of when using selenium is that you need to visit the domain before you can create cookie for it, so you'll need to do something like
visit ""
visit ""
for it to work - first visit just puts the browser/driver in a state where you can create the cookie, second visit actually goes to the page with the cookies set.
I had to tweak the OP's answer (from within her question) to get this going with Ruby in 2022.
Chromedriver installed and allowed to run even though it's not signed:
> brew install chromedriver
> xattr -d /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
Chrome launched and accepting commands on a specific port:
> /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --user-data-dir=~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome --profile-directory=Default --remote-debugging-port=20480
This created a new profile in Chrome so I signed in to my account and got the browser set up, ready to start interacting with the (legacy EdTech) site I'm trying to automate.
Actual use
require 'selenium-webdriver'
caps ="goog:chromeOptions" => {"debuggerAddress" => ""})
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, capabilities: caps ""

Suppress auto-closing window in Watir

I am using Watir with Chromedriver to automate form submission on some website. I have to login and submit multiple forms. The problem is, when I click the submit button the page the page automatically closes, so when I goto('next_url') I get this error:
/Users/jackz/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.27.2/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/response.rb:52:in `assert_ok': 'auto_id' does not refer to an open tab (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
The Watir instance is still there, but the window is closed. I could create a new instance every time, but then I would have to login again every time and this would take longer.
So how can I either:
Open a new window in the same Watir instance
Suppress the window from closing after I submit
require 'watir-webdriver'
#b = :chrome
#this is when the window closes
#then I get an error
I figured out an answer to my own question. I can open a new window in Watir using javascript:
b =
This opens a window where I can fill out the form, then when the window automatically closes I still have the original window to work with. Probably not the best solution, but it works for now.
Add this to your existing code if your using chrome. else, modify accordingly as per your browser.
This will keep the window open, and the current watir session active.
caps ="chromeOptions" => {'detach' => false})
browser = :chrome
What Mrityunjeyan suggested above was in a right direction, but you need to change a few things to make it work.
caps ="chromeOptions" => {'detach' => true })
b ='chrome', desired_capabilities: caps)
Check the documentation here.

Using default Firefox profile in Watir Webdriver but switching off JavaScript

I would like to use my default profile in firefox when watir-webdriver launches a friefox browser, but then I want to switch off javascript in that browser this way:
browser = :ff, :profile => "default"
The second reference doesn't work, because the "profile" is not a member of the browser object. How can I access it? Or any other method to switch off javascript either in the default profile or in the running firefox window? I want to do this programmatically, because at the end of my Ruby script I would like to switch it on again.
I think you would do it like this:
profile =
profile['javascript.enabled'] = false
browser = :ff, :profile => profile
