Sending a registration request to Laravel - laravel-5

I'm trying to send a post request to my Laravel app so that I could create a User without the UI.
I've tried sending a post request via cURL:
curl --data "name=test&password=password120918&" http://localhost:8080/register
This didn't work.
This is a fresh install of Laravel 5.4
I can't find anything to do with the RegisterController in the routes/web.php file.
What would the url to register a user be for Laravel 5.4? (I'm pretty sure it works the same way as 5.3)
Thank you.

I know that in laravel there is a default way to do things, But if your just looking to create a user from post request and send it back as a response you can do it yourself.
in your routes.php
Route::post("/users", "UsersController#store");
Then create a UsersController.php and add the method:
public function store(Request $request){
//You should add validation before creating the user.
$user = App\User::create([
"email" => $request->email,
"name" => $request->name,
"password" => bcrypt($request->password)
return response(["error" => "Your error here"], 400);
return response(["user" => $user], 200);
Then try it our with postman or curl command like
curl -X POST -F 'name=Testing User' -F 'password=pass1234' -F '' http://localhost:8080/users

php artisan route:list
Will show you all of the registered routes for your application. When using Laravel's built in auth, routes are registered without them actually being in your routes file.
By default Laravel adds a POST route for /register to


How can write test for laravel api route with auth.basic middleware

My laravel project has an API route by auth.basic middleware which is used id of the authenticated user in the controller. when I call it in postman it works well and I get 401 when the username or password is incorrect, but in laravel APITest which extends from DuskTestCase, authentication does not take place so I get 500 instead of 401 when the user's informations were incorrect. However, by correct information, I have the same error because auth() is null.
it is written like below, which is wrong?
api.php route:
Route::get('/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx', 'xxxxx#xxxx')->middleware('auth.basic');
$response = $this->withHeaders(['Authorization' => 'Basic '. base64_encode("{$username}:{$password}")])->get("/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx");
You can use actingAs() method for authentication in tests.
An example from docs:
public function testApplication()
$user = factory(App\User::class)->create();
->withSession(['foo' => 'bar'])
->see('Hello, '.$user->name);
Another example that you can use for an API:
$user = User::factory()->create();
$response = $this->actingAs($user)->json('GET', $this->uri);
For more information:

Login by code seems to not work in laravel

Basically i'm trying to send by email a link that lets you login with a specific account and then redirects you to a page.
I can seccessfully generate link and send them via email using URL functionalities in laravel using this code:
Generating the link:
$url = "some/page/".$travel_id;
$link = URL::temporarySignedRoute(
'autologin', now()->addDay(), [
'user_id' => 3,
'url_redirect' => $url,
And sending the mail:
Mail::send('', $data, function ($message) use ($data) {
$message->from('', 'blablabla');
$message->to('', 'blablabla')->subject('test');
There is a route that catches the link sent by mail that is supposed to log you in with the user (in this case, the one with the id '3') and redirect you to some page but when it redirects, it prompts you to the login page, as if you are not logged.
Here is the route:
Route::get('/autologin', function (Request $request) {
$user = User::findOrFail($request->user_id);
if (! $request->hasValidSignature()) {
return redirect($request->input('url_redirect'));
When i try to do a Auth::check() after the Auth::login($user); it returns true, so is the user logged in?
I also tried to use Auth::loginUsingId($request->user_id); with no different results.
Any idea of what's happening?
So i found the problem,
I was logging in with a backpack user but i was using the default auth feature of laravel.
Turns out i need to use: backpack_auth()->login($user); instead of Auth::login($user); if i want to login using a backpack user.
Also use backpack_auth()->check() instead of Auth::check().

How to prevent an error on undefined routes in Laravel 5.5

I developed an API with Laravel 5.5. All is working fine.
But imagine that a user enter an "api" url directly in the browser (for example: api/books), then they will receive an error:
Route [login] not defined.
How to prevent this? I tried to add some routes in the routes/web.php file, but without success.
Or perhaps I should do nothing (there will be very few users who will do that)?
I found the answer here:
Laravel 5.5 change unauthenticated login redirect url
I only do that in the "app/Exceptions/Handler.php" file, I modified the function "render" like that :
public function render($request, Exception $exception)
// return parent::render($request, $exception);
// add dom
return redirect('/');
// or redirection with a json
return response()->json(
'errors' => [
'status' => 401,
'message' => 'Unauthenticated',
], 401
And it works fine. As the "Laravel" part will be used only as back end for APIs, it will be enough.

laravel passport giving Unauthenticated error

I am using laravel passport but when I try to hit the post route that gives me user data it's giving me error like
here is my controller method
public function getDetails()
$user = Auth::user();
return response()->json(['success' => $user], $this->successStatus);
Route::post('register', 'API\PassportController#register')-
Route::post('login', 'API\PassportController#login')->name('login');
//Route::post('details', 'API\PassportController#getDetails')->middleware('auth:api');
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function(){
Route::get('user', 'API\PassportController#user');
Route::post('details', 'API\PassportController#getDetails');
screenshot of postmen
please let me know what inputs you want from my side
Your codes look ok to me, but if I'm not mistaken you added your "Authorization" manually: please try this way from the image below, by clicking on Authorization tab, left next to Headers tab.
And make sure that your token is the one that is returned from the server when you make login request: see the image below.

Laravel 5.1 Mail::send doesn't work - gives 500 internal server error

I took an example from the Laravel 5.1 documentation for Mail and replaced it with my send and receiver email ids.
Mail::raw works in the controller and if I use Mail::send in tinker it works. However, if I use Mail::send in the controller it doesn't work.
Everything is set up as described on the Laravel 5.1 mail page. . I have also cleared app cache, config cache and view cache.
public function sendEmailReminder(Request $request, $id)
$user = User::findOrFail($id);
Mail::send('emails.reminder', ['user' => $user], function ($m) use ($user) {
$m->from('', 'Your Application');
$m->to($user->email, $user->name)->subject('Your Reminder!');
The error could be from the email you are trying to send from, in order to send the email successfully this email has to be a valid email address and the one register as your MAIL_USERNAME
It was a permissions issue for the storage/frameworks directory. Once I changed the permissions it worked fine..
