Executing gradle scripts from external directories - gradle

I need to execute groovy script with gradle, but the thing is that these scripts are located in external directory (let's say it's Desktop). I've heard, that in previous versions of Gradle (currently working on 3.2.1) it was not possible, since it is not part of the gradle project. I wonder if it is possible now, or do I have to copy all these scripts into some folder located in gradle project, to execute it.
User story:
I found script in external directory (based on some properties passed to console) - I have absolute path to the script
Now I want to execute this script (build.gradle) without copying it into my gradle project
I'm pretty green with gradle and I hope I made my point clear.
Thanks for help and every attempt :)

Is that what you're looking for? To run the script clone the repository, navigate to 42556631/project folder and run the command:
gradle -b ../script/build.gradle clean build

yes you need to move build.gradle file into project/Build Script folder and then run it.


Update gradle version if necessary on autodeployment

I updated gradle locally by changing the version in my build.gradle file here:
wrapper {
gradleVersion = '5.6.1'
Next I was not able to build directly due to errors, but my IDE noticed that the version of gradle has changed and offered to install it through a popup. After that everything worked.
When I pushed my changes to my autodeployment tool it currently builds the project by executing:
call gradlew clean war
But I'm getting the same errors and this time there's no smart IDE to come to the rescue :D Therefore my question:
How can I make sure my gradle always updates to the version that is defined in build.gradle before trying to build?
The version of Gradle that is used by the wrapper script is the one defined in the file gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties.
When you want to update Gradle, you could go manually changing that file, but this won't update the actual wrapper script and jar file. So it is a better practice to run ./gradlew wrapper, which will update gradle-wrapper.properties and, if needed, the other support files as well.
To tell the wrapper task which version you want to use upgrade to, you can either use a command line parameter, or do what you are doing and keep the version in the build.gradle file (this is always what I do as well).
I usually run the wrapper task twice: first to update the version and second to both download the new version and then regenerate the scripts from this new version.
Remember to commit all files changed by the wrapper task, which could be gradlew, gradlew.bat and the two files in the gradle/wrapper folder.

Gradle downloads to ?/.gradle directory when running tasks

Gradle created a ?/.gradle/ in the directory that gradle was run in. We would expect the cache directory to be created at ~/.gradle.
/project # Project root and cwd when running gradle command
/.gradle # Expected - project-specific gradle folder
/? # Directory literally named with a question mark
/.gradle # Unexpected - Global gradle folder with wrappers and cached artifacts
The user running the scripts did not have a home directory, giving the user a home directory or specifying a gradle-user-home solved the issue:
gradle --gradle-user-home=/foo/bar ...
GRADLE_USER_HOME=/foo/bar gradle ...
There are two different folders gradle stores information. ~/.gradle is used to store downloaded artifacts, gradle wrappers, etc. Basically everything that can be shared between multiple builds. The .gradle folder in your project is used to store project specific information used for example by the gradle up-to-date check mechanism.
let's find it out why it behaves like this.
As gradle use following code to get user home:
Follow the link for openjdk 8 source code.
It comes to conclusion: When JVM can not found user name in os, it will use ? as a return. So gradle will create ?/.gradle for usage.

problems running state machine examples

Congratulations on the spring state machine, I found it yesterday and have been trying it out, specifically the turnstile example running in STS. I found it very easy and intuitive to build a FSM.
Because spring shell doesn't work well in STS I tracked down the instructions to run the examples from the command line in the reference doc,
"java -jar
but running it got an error
"no main manifest attribute, in spring-statemachine-samples-turnstile-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar".
Although not even a novice in using gradle, I tried fixing this by adding this line to build.gradle in the jar section
"manifest.attributes['Main-Class'] = 'demo.turnstile.Application'"
(which doesn't handle the various sub-projects I know) but got this error
"NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/shell/Bootstrap".
If it is possible to run the samples from gradle, could you include them in the reference document? I tried running the samples using
gradle run
but it there was no interaction with the shell scripts.
Samples are designed to be run as executable jar and with shell so that you can interact without a need to recompile with every change. Your error indicates that you didn't build that sample jar as mentioned in docs.
./gradlew clean build -x test
This will automatically use spring boot plugin which will add the necessary jar manifest headers to jar meta info to make it a true executable jar. Essentially every every sample is a spring boot app.
Building SM sample projects in Windows Environment:
Open Command prompt (windows key + r -->cmd-->Enter), Change directory to project root folder spring-statemachine-master (Inside the Extracted folder).
Run gradlew install to get all spring dependencies copied to local machine.
Run gradlew clean build -x test to get the spring shell jars built. Courtesy Janne
These steps should ideally get all .jar built, look into \build\libs folder of respective sample project for jar files.
Run the like any other java jar file java -jar [jar-file-name.jar] (make sure to be change directory to jar file directory location).
One more thing where I was stuck was, How to give events to SM:
It's like this sm event EVENT_NAME_AS_DEFINED_IN_CLASS. Ref
E.g.: sm event RINSE --> to washer project

Running a buildscript.xml file from jenkins

I am new to Jenkins CI and i am trying to run my buildscript.xml file from jenkis in windows OS,
can someone help me how do i do it correctly? Alternatively i have a build.bat batch file too, if i execute it in command prompt like ">build.bat trunk head"
it invokes build script and starts the build.
how can i accomplish the same in jenkins?
Thanks in advance.
Create a new Freestyle job
Select your Source Code system (svn, git, etc)
Specify which repo to check out from, and into which folder, for example my_co
The checkout will be available in what's known as workspace, and you can reference it's absolute location with %WORKSPACE%\my_co anywhere in the build
Create Invoke Ant build step, and specify location of your buildscript.xml, relative to %WORKSPACE%, and optional which targets to execute.
Create Execute Windows Batch Command build step, and call your batch file, again the location is relative to %WORKSPACE%

Having a shell script refer to XCode build paths

I have a shell script that runs lcov (test coverage) on an iOS project that I have Hudson. Hudson's copy of this project is derived from a Git repository. The way that I have set up now is that whenever the repo is updated or if someone manually builds the project in Hudson, Hudson would automatically run the app, and then run my shell script after the build is done. lcov can only be run after the app is not only built, but automatically run with some functional test tools. So, I cannot run the shell script as part of the build process, through XCode. It must be run after the app finishes building and running.
However, I would like to use this project in multiple Hudson jobs. Unfortunately, in each Hudson job, the iOS project is named differently. I would like to refer to the build path with some sort of environmental variable, but I don't know how to. Does anyone have any tips as to how to find that?
If I understand you correctly this is really a Hudson question. You can set "global variables" in your Hudson config and then invoke shell scripts, batch files, ant builds etc. You can also set them dynamically on each invocation of your Hudson job. Not sure exactly how to help you in your specific environment without more info.
