What is String:.+ in spring request mapping's path param - spring

While I was modifying the code written by other developer I come across an end point #RequestMapping(value = "/ICD/{icdcode:.+} and wanted to know what is :.+ in the path variable.

This has already been answered
Spring MVC #PathVariable getting truncated
Spring MVC #PathVariable with dot (.) is getting truncated
Spring - Path variable truncate after dot - annotation
Basically, it is a regular expression. Spring considers that anything behind the last dot is an extension and get rid of it.
If you have a mapping to /somepath/{email} and try /somepath/test#gmail.com the value for the path parameter email will be test#gmail
Using the regular expression {pathparam:.+} everything is considered part of the value, even what is behind the last dot.


How to match nested path parameter in rest url (spring boot)

I'd like to match a nested path of rest url, e.g. I'd like use one parameter to capture /folder_1/folder_2/a.sh for the following rest url. Is there any way to do that in spring boot. And BTW, I also want to match the empty path if it is /files. Thanks
The answer is regexp pattern using MappingRequest.
You can find a similar question here

Spring-boot MVC file suffix regression?

Previous to Boot 2.0.0 we used:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{ipAddress:.+}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
which allowed us to pass in an IP address and not have it drop the last octet thinking it was a file name suffix, this is documented on several posts.
In 2.0.0, this still works, except for addresses ending in .123. which cause a 406.
Have managed to workaround using tips from https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/web.html#mvc-config-content-negotiation and Spring MVC #PathVariable with dot (.) is getting truncated but might be a useful catch for someone else?

Accessing rest of URI as PathVariable [duplicate]

I have a use case. Spring MVC REST Url receive content using the GET method code is as follows:
public String query(#PathVariable() String key, Model model){
But the front end of such a request: /q/SiGeC%2FSi%E5%BC%82%E8%B4%A8%E7%BB%93. %2F decoded character /. The controller can not match mapping request.
How should I do?
You can include regular expressions in your path variable as such:
This will grab EVERYTHING after the /q/. Or you can make it a more specific regex to match the pattern you are actually expecting.
Annotations of # PathVariable may not be able to solve this problem.Last use the workaround is resolved.Code is as follows:

What is the meaning of {id:.+} in a Spring MVC requestmapping handler method?

I came across a method in the controller. What is this id:.+ ??
#RequestMapping(value="/index/{endpoint}/{type}/{id:.+}", method=RequestMethod.POST, consumes=kContentType, produces=kProducesType)
public String indexData(#PathVariable(value="endpoint") String endpoint, #PathVariable(value="type") String type, #PathVariable(value="id") String id, #RequestBody String body, HttpServletRequest request) {
logger.debug("In web controller for endpoint " + endpoint);
return indexController.indexData(endpoint, type, id, body, getSecurityContextProvider(request));
The syntax of a path variable in a spring MVC controller requestmapping is {variable_name:regular_expression}. You can optionally omit the regular expression, which leads to what you see more often, {id}.
So, for the example /index/{endpoint}/{type}/{id:.+} the variable name is id and the regular expression is .+ (see below reference to spring docs).
The regular expression .+ is stating "match the metacharacter . one or more times". The '.' metacharacter represents any character including white space (though some implementations will not match newlines). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
The regular expression is being used to help Spring determine the value of the variable because you can have complex variable names or there might be other important information at the end of the path that would otherwise get sucked into the variable value if Spring just said "go until the end of the path" (eg. filename extensions or path variables).
It's possible that in your example, the id variable can contain special characters that would otherwise cause Spring to terminate the variable prematurely. I've run into this problem before when trying to use a filename that contained a file extension (foobar.jpg). Spring would return only the "foobar" part of the variable because Spring was assuming I wanted it to terminate the variable value at the period delimiter. So, in this case, to make sure that "id" matches the full value, you put the regex that tells Spring to go ahead and match everything between the last forward slash and the end of the path. SO Reference: Spring MVC #PathVariable getting truncated
Here's the excerpt from the Spring docs that deals with complex variable matching:
Sometimes you need more precision in defining URI template variables. Consider the URL "/spring-web/spring-web-3.0.5.jar". How do you break it down into multiple parts?
The #RequestMapping annotation supports the use of regular expressions in URI template variables. The syntax is {varName:regex} where the first part defines the variable name and the second - the regular expression."
Here is their (fairly complex) example:
public void handle(#PathVariable String version, #PathVariable String extension) {
// ...
Source: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/mvc.html
The example they provide shows how you perform complex mappings from requests to controller method paramters that you wouldn't be able to without using a regular expression.

Stop URITemplate expansion when using Spring RESTTemplate

I am using the Spring RestTemplate to make calls to a Apache Solr index. I form a request string manually and don't supply any intentional {variable_name} template expansion variables. Part of the query is the term {!lucene q.op=OR}. Unfortunately this gets processed by the URITemplate engine as part of a restTemplate.getForObject call.
Ideally i would like to stop this processing. Is there away of escaping the { } characters so that URITemplate doesn't process them? I have tried encoding the characters but RestTemplate assumes a non-encoded string so they are encoded twice and cause a 400: Bad Request on the backend.
Sample URL:
se_gb_create:* se_gb_update:*
I've found a work around in which i can use the template to expand one variable which contains the offending {!lucene q.op=OR}
restTemplate.getForObject(solrServer+"select?{query}" , String.class, requestString );
The problem here is that you're using RestTemplate for something it's not designed for. The sample URL you gave is not a REST-style URL, it's just a mass of query parameters, using encoded characters that you're not going to find in a REST scheme, hence the difficulty with unwanted substitutions.
How about using the overloaded method that accepts a URI?
