How to match nested path parameter in rest url (spring boot) - spring-boot

I'd like to match a nested path of rest url, e.g. I'd like use one parameter to capture /folder_1/folder_2/ for the following rest url. Is there any way to do that in spring boot. And BTW, I also want to match the empty path if it is /files. Thanks

The answer is regexp pattern using MappingRequest.
You can find a similar question here


Spring Boot 2.2.5. How to retrieve a PathVariable parameter inside a Spring Filter

The problem I want to solve.
I need to apply a specific logic to all restful endpoints where the url belongs to a specific sub path: let's say "/api/employee/{id}". This means all the links which start with this path should apply a logic based on the employee ID, which I am trying to apply directly in Spring Boot filter in order to avoid to spread the logic everywhere.
The problem I face.
I am able to get the query parameters from the ServletRequest, but the PathVariables are not available in the Filter.
Any idea how this could be parsed?
Would be much appreciated :)
The PathVariables are simply the URI. You cann call getRequestURI()
From the docs:
java.lang.String getRequestURI()
Returns the part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query string in the first line of the HTTP request. The web container does not decode this String. For example:
First line of HTTP request Returned Value
POST /some/path.html HTTP/1.1 /some/path.html
GET HTTP/1.0 /a.html
HEAD /xyz?a=b HTTP/1.1 /xyz

Ignore specific path in zuul filter rather than general path

I google quite a bit and couldnt get the answer. In my spring-boot application, I have rest endpoints which looks like
I want the zuul filter to ignore the first pattern not the second.
If I give
zuul.ignoredPatterns: /v1/book/**
It ignores both. So how to ignore just the first one?

Get full URL with parameters in Thymeleaf?

I've got a paginated list of cars, on a Spring Boot server, with the parameters sort, range, desc, page, etc to filter and sort by and am generating the URL in Thymeleaf that looks like:
I am wanting to be able to add more parameters to a URL with a few of these already but I'm quite new to this and don't really know how to get the current URL with all the parameters to add more params without losing the previous ones look like
I've found an answer to do something like this on Spring but would ideally want to do it on the Thymeleaf template, is this possible?
Get full current url thymeleaf with all parameters
I found that you can get hold of specific parameters in Thymeleaf using ${param.sort} to get hold of the param sort, could something similar to this get hold of all the params currently?
If someone is still looking for a thymeleaf template only solution, you could use ${#request.getRequestURI()} with ${#request.getQueryString()} and add your additional parameters via concatenation:
<a th:href="#{${url}}" th:with="url=${#request.getRequestURI()+'?'+#request.getQueryString()+'&foo=bar'}">Link</a>
If you need to escape query parameters, you can use #uris.escapeQueryParam():
<a th:href="#{${url}}" th:with="url=${#request.getRequestURI()+'?'+#request.getQueryString()+'&foo='+#uris.escapeQueryParam('b a r')}">Link</a>
Some further details:
You have to use th:with, otherwise the parser will throw TemplateProcessingException: Access to request parameters is forbidden in this context. in newer thymeleaf versions.
It also works when the current query is empty, the url generator will create a valid url, in my example including one ? and no & in the query part.

What is String:.+ in spring request mapping's path param

While I was modifying the code written by other developer I come across an end point #RequestMapping(value = "/ICD/{icdcode:.+} and wanted to know what is :.+ in the path variable.
This has already been answered
Spring MVC #PathVariable getting truncated
Spring MVC #PathVariable with dot (.) is getting truncated
Spring - Path variable truncate after dot - annotation
Basically, it is a regular expression. Spring considers that anything behind the last dot is an extension and get rid of it.
If you have a mapping to /somepath/{email} and try /somepath/ the value for the path parameter email will be test#gmail
Using the regular expression {pathparam:.+} everything is considered part of the value, even what is behind the last dot.

Accessing rest of URI as PathVariable [duplicate]

I have a use case. Spring MVC REST Url receive content using the GET method code is as follows:
public String query(#PathVariable() String key, Model model){
But the front end of such a request: /q/SiGeC%2FSi%E5%BC%82%E8%B4%A8%E7%BB%93. %2F decoded character /. The controller can not match mapping request.
How should I do?
You can include regular expressions in your path variable as such:
This will grab EVERYTHING after the /q/. Or you can make it a more specific regex to match the pattern you are actually expecting.
Annotations of # PathVariable may not be able to solve this problem.Last use the workaround is resolved.Code is as follows:
