BindToRenderStep or Heartbeat for updating steps (ROBLOX) - animation

I heard recently that ROBLOX came to stack overflow, so I thought I'd give this a shot. I heard that Heartbeat is generally better than using BindToRenderStep because it runs on a different thread, rather than scheduling a function to run before each render frame. I want to have all my animations, camera movements, and tweening to happen all in the same step, so it'd end up looking something like this:
-- Singular function to call that updates everything in 1 step
local function GameStep(deltaTime)
Camera :Update(deltaTime)
Animations :Update(deltaTime)
Tweener :Update(deltaTime)
I'm just unsure about which listener to use to update all these events. I'm afraid that if it's too much work to process before each render frame (using BindToRenderStep), that everything will start to shudder, and lag. If anyone has some insight on which step updater would be better for a case like this, please let me know! Thanks for your time.

If you're using localscripts, use
Since rendering is done on the client.


How to cleanly tell a task to die in FreeRTOS

I'm making a light with an ESP32 and the HomeKit library I chose uses FreeRTOS and esp-idf, which I'm not familiar with.
Currently, I have a function that's called whenever the colour of the light should be changed, which just changes it in a step. I'd like to have it fade between colours instead, which will require a function that runs for a second or two. Having this block the main execution of the program would obviously make it quite unresponsive, so I need to have it run as a task.
The issue I'm facing is that I only want one copy of the fading function to be running at a time, and if it's called a second time before it's finished, the first copy should exit(without waiting for the full fade time) before starting the second copy.
I found vTaskDelete, but if I were to just kill the fade function at an arbitrary point, some variables and the LEDs themselves will be in an unknown state. To get around this, I thought of using a 'kill flag' global variable which the fading function will check on each of its loops.
Here's the pseudocode I'm thinking of:
update_light {
kill_flag = true
xTaskCreate fade
fade {
kill_flag = false
loop_1000_times {
(fading code involving local and global variables)
if kill_flag, vTaskDelete(NULL)
vTaskDelay(2 / portTICK_RATE_MS)
My main questions are:
Is this the best way to do this or is there a better option?
If this is ok, what is the equivalent of my wait_for_fade_to_die? I haven't been able to find anything from a brief look around, but I'm new to FreeRTOS.
I'm sorry to say that I have the impression that you are pretty much on the wrong track trying to solve your concrete problem.
You are writing that you aren't familiar with FreeRTOS and esp-idf, so I would suggest you first familiarize with freeRTOS (or with the idea of RTOS in general or with any other RTOS, transferring that knowledge to freeRTOS, ...).
In doing so, you will notice that (apart from some specific examples) a task is something completely different than a function which has been written for sequential "batch" processing of a single job.
Model and Theory
Usually, the most helpful model to think of when designing a good RTOS task inside an embedded system is that of a state machine that receives events to which it reacts, possibly changing its state and/or executing some actions whose starting points and payload depends on the the event the state machine received as well as the state it was in when the event is detected.
While there is no event, the task shall not idle but block at some barrier created by the RTOS function which is supposed to deliver the next relevant event.
Implementing such a task means programming a task function that consists of a short initialisation block followed by an infinite loop that first calls the RTOS library to get the next logical event (see right below...) and then the code to process that logical event.
Now, the logical event doesn't have to be represented by an RTOS event (while this can happen in simple cases), but can also be implemented by an RTOS queue, mailbox or other.
In such a design pattern, the tasks of your RTOS-based software exist "forever", waiting for the next job to perform.
How to apply the theory to your problem
You have to check how to decompose your programming problem into different tasks.
Currently, I have a function that's called whenever the colour of the light should be changed, which just changes it in a step. I'd like to have it fade between colours instead, which will require a function that runs for a second or two. Having this block the main execution of the program would obviously make it quite unresponsive, so I need to have it run as a task.
I hope that I understood the goal of your application correctly:
The system is driving multiple light sources of different colours, and some "request source" is selecting the next colour to be displayed.
When a different colour is requested, the change shall not be performed instantaneously but there shall be some "fading" over a certain period of time.
The system (and its request source) shall remain responsive even while a fade takes place, possibly changing the direction of the fade in the middle.
I think you didn't say where the colour requests are coming from.
Therefore, I am guessing that this request source could be some button(s), a serial interface or a complex algorithm (or random number generator?) running in background. It doesnt really matter now.
The issue I'm facing is that I only want one copy of the fading function to be running at a time, and if it's called a second time before it's finished, the first copy should exit (without waiting for the full fade time) before starting the second copy.
What you are essentially looking for is how to change the state (here: the target colour of light fading) at any time so that an old, ongoing fade procedure becomes obsolete but the output (=light) behaviour will not change in an incontinuous way.
I suggest you set up the following tasks:
One (or more) task(s) to generate the colour changing requests from ...whatever you need here.
One task to evaluate which colour blend shall be output currently.
That task shall be ready to receive
a new-colour request (changing the "target colour" state without changing the current colour blend value)
a periodical tick event (e.g., from a hardware or software timer)
that causes the colour blend value to be updated into the direction of the current target colour
Zero, one or multiple tasks to implement the colour blend value by driving the output features of the system (e.g., configuring GPIOs or PWMs, or transmitting information through a serial connection...we don't know).
If adjusting the output part is just assigning some registers, the "Zero" is the right thing for you here. Otherwise, try "one or multiple".
What to do now
I found vTaskDelete, but if I were to just kill the fade function at an arbitrary point, some variables and the LEDs themselves will be in an unknown state. To get around this, I thought of using a 'kill flag' global variable which the fading function will check on each of its loops.
Just don't do that.
Killing a task, even one that didn't prepare for being killed from inside causes a follow-up of requirements to manage and clean-up output stuff by your software that you will end up wondering why you even started using an RTOS.
I do know that starting to design and program in that way when you never did so is a huge endeavour, starting like a jump into cold water.
Please trust me, this way you will learn the basics how to design and implement great embedded systems.
Professional education companies offer courses about RTOS integration, responsive programming and state machine design for several thousands of $/€/£, which is a good indicator of this kind of working knowledge.
Good luck!
Along that way, you'll come across a lot of detail questions which you are welcome to post to this board (or find earlier answers on).

Why I shouldn't fluxing everything?

Several months ago I met a flux and I found it's awesome, I love it, I use it.. almost in every new project and when I met a redux I love it even more, but couple of days ago Pete Hunt publish a tweet where he judge the people to use flux for everything. And I think it have a perfect sense, but on the other hand I don't get it.. He publish another tweet where explain cases for flux, also I read an article about use cases for flux. Long story short - "If your app doesn’t have complex data changes and caching, don’t use it. But if it does, I strongly recommend you try Flux." and it's totally make sense for me why I should use flux, but it not clear to me why I shouldn't if I don't have a complex data changes.
In the article Dan point, that when you faced those issues(that flux solve) in real project you can easier to understands the benefits of the flux, but exactly of this(cause I faced with these problems at work project) now I try to use flux in every project, because I don't wanna to deal with it anymore.
And crazy part, that now I often use it also for ui states, not just data changes. Let's pretend I can have a widget component, for example a clock. It can make some ui changes, like show/hide seconds, switch between digital/analog and it has a daytime type state(day/night) and can dispatch an event when it changed, but other component listen it and can react, for example change a background color. I can easily solve it just with local component state and container(smart component) state, but same as I can put all these logic into store(reducers) and components will be really dump and just react on the current state(props) and containers(smart) just listen the store and partitioned state between the components. And if even it looks ok, point that I can use it for every ui state - open/close sidebar, some specific component changes, etc.
Reasons why I can do it:
It looks predictable for me. I completely know that any changes happened in my app serve in one place.
It easy to debug. I can just log all the actions and if I will get some bug, I can easily found what happened and reproduce it.
I can easily expand my app without worrying, mb I should move something to the flux state, cause I already did it.
But also I agree that it's looks overwhelmed and I can solve it without flux, but I can't answer to me, why I shouldn't use flux in these cases. What is wrong with it? Please help me.

Biggest beef with game loops

What do you hate most about the modern game loop? Can the game loop be improved or is there just a better alternative, such as an event-driven architecture?
It seems like this really ought to be a CW...
I'm taking a grad-level game engine programming course right now and they're sticking with the game loop approach. Granted, that doesn't mean it's the only/best solution but it's certainly logical. Using a loop allows you to ensure that all game systems get their turn to run without requesting their own timed interrupts or something else. Control can be centralized: in my current project, I have a GameManager class that, each frame, loops through the Update(float deltaTime) function for every registered object in turn. I don't have to debug an event system or set up timed signals, I just use a loop to call a series of functions. No muss, no fuss.
To answer your question of what do I hate most, the loop approach does logically lend itself to liberal use of inheritance and polymorphism which can bloat the size/complexity of your objects. If you're not careful, this can be a mild-to-horrible pitfall. If you are careful, it may not be a problem at all.
No matter there is any event in the game or not, game is supposed to draw itself and update it at a fixed rate, so I don't think dropping the game loop is possible. Still I would be wondered if anyone can think of any other alternative of game loop.
Usually the event driven architectures work best for games (only do something if the user wants something done). BUT, you'll still always need to have a thread constantly redrawing the world.
To be fully event based you could spawn an extra thread that does nothing but put a CPUTick event into your event queue every x milliseconds.
In JavaScript this is usually the more natural route, because you can so easily create an extra 'thread' that sends you the events with setInterval().
Or, if you already have a loop in the framework containing your game - like JS has in the browser, or python has with twisted - you can tell that looper to call you back at fixed intervals. e.g.:
function gameLoop() {
// update, draw...
window.setInterval(gameLoop, 1000/fps);

pfc_Validation event coding example

Could you give me an example of the way I should code into the pfc_Validation event? This is an event that I have never used. For example here is something I have coded in the ue_itemchanged event.
if = 'theme' then
end if
if = 'Comments' then
end if
Which is the proper way of coding those validations in the pfc_Validation event , so that they are performed only on save-time?
You're asking something outside of native PowerBuilder, so there's no guarantee my assumptions are correct. (e.g. anyone could create a pfc_Validation event and have it fire when the user draws circles with his mouse) There is a pfc_Validation event coded as part of the Logical Unit of Work (LUW) service in PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC). If you want to find out more about it, I've written an article on the LUW.
Firstly, your question: Everything in the LUW service is only fired at save time, so you're in good shape there.
Having said that, from the looks of the code, this isn't validation, but data preparation for the update. On that basis, I'd suggest the appropriate place for this logic is pfc_UpdatePrep.
As for converting the code, it's pretty simple. (Now, watch me mess it up.)
FOR ll = 1 to RowCount()
Setitem(ll,"theme",wf_clean_up_text(GetItemString (ll, "theme")))
Setitem(ll,"comments",wf_clean_up_text(GetItemString (ll, "comments")))
Good luck,

axapta thread / animation

i have a function which costs plenty of time.
this function is an sql-query called via odbc - not written in x++, since the functional range is insufficient.
while this operation is running, I want to show an animation on a form - defined in the aviFiles-macro.
trying to realize, several problems occur:
the animation doesn't start prior the function has finished.
using threads won't fulfill my hopes, since the odbc-settings are made on the server and i guess, the function is called on client-side.
besides - how am i able to get the information that the treaded task has ended up?
could anyone give me a hint, how to
play an animation on a form
do something ( in background ) and go on playing the animation until the task to perform is finished
stop the animation
coding this in exactly this order shows the behaviour mentioned above.
thanks in advance for hints and help!
You can use standard AotFind as an example:
split the work in small pieces each
piece should be executed at timer
Also, you can try not to use timer, but to call infolog.yield() as often as possible.
this could potentially be done in a very complicated way with call backs and delegates if your odbc is in a vs project...
but isn't the real solution to try to find a faster/more effective way to query your data?
