pfc_Validation event coding example - events

Could you give me an example of the way I should code into the pfc_Validation event? This is an event that I have never used. For example here is something I have coded in the ue_itemchanged event.
if = 'theme' then
end if
if = 'Comments' then
end if
Which is the proper way of coding those validations in the pfc_Validation event , so that they are performed only on save-time?

You're asking something outside of native PowerBuilder, so there's no guarantee my assumptions are correct. (e.g. anyone could create a pfc_Validation event and have it fire when the user draws circles with his mouse) There is a pfc_Validation event coded as part of the Logical Unit of Work (LUW) service in PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC). If you want to find out more about it, I've written an article on the LUW.
Firstly, your question: Everything in the LUW service is only fired at save time, so you're in good shape there.
Having said that, from the looks of the code, this isn't validation, but data preparation for the update. On that basis, I'd suggest the appropriate place for this logic is pfc_UpdatePrep.
As for converting the code, it's pretty simple. (Now, watch me mess it up.)
FOR ll = 1 to RowCount()
Setitem(ll,"theme",wf_clean_up_text(GetItemString (ll, "theme")))
Setitem(ll,"comments",wf_clean_up_text(GetItemString (ll, "comments")))
Good luck,


Novice question about structuring events in Tcl/Tk

If one is attempting to build a desktop program with a semi-complex GUI, especially one in which users can open multiple instances of identical GUI components such as having a "project" GUI and permitting users to open multiple projects concurrently within the main window, is it good practice to push the event listeners further up the widget hierarchy and use the event detail to determine upon which widget the event took place, as opposed to placing event listeners on each individual widget?
For example, in doing something similar in a web browser, there were no event listeners on any individual project GUI elements. The listeners were on the parent container that held the multiple instances of each project GUI. A project had multiple tabs within its GUI, but only one tab was visible within a project at a time and only one project was visible at any one time; so, it was fairly easy to use classes on the HTML elements and then the e.matches() method on the to act upon the currently visible tab within the currently visible project in a manner that was independent of which project it was that was visible. Without any real performance testing, it was my unqualified impression as an amateur that having as few event listeners as possible was more efficient and I got most of that by reading information that wasn't very exact.
I read recently in John Ousterhout's book that Tk applications can have hundreds of event handlers and wondered whether or not attempting to limit the number of them as described above really makes any difference in Tcl/Tk.
My purpose in asking this question is solely to understand events better in order to start off the coding of my Tcl/Tk program correctly and not have to re-code a bunch of poorly structured event listeners. I'm not attempting to dispute anything written in the mentioned book and don't know enough to do so if I wanted to.
Thank you for any guidance you may be able to provide.
Having hundreds of event handlers is usually just a mark that there's a lot of different events possibly getting sent around. Since you usually (but not always) try to specialize the binding to be as specific as possible, the actual event handler is usually really small, but might call a procedure to do the work. That tends to work out well in practice. Myself, my rule of thumb is that if it is not a simple call then I'll put in a helper procedure; it's easier to debug them that way. (The main exception to my rule is if I want to generate a break.)
There are four levels you can usually bind on (plus more widget-specific ones for canvas and text):
The individual widget. This is the one that you'll use most.
The widget class. This is mostly used by Tk; you'll usually not want to change it because it may alter the behaviour of code that you just use. (For example, don't alter the behaviour of buttons!)
The toplevel containing the widget. This is ideal for hotkeys. (Be very careful though; some bindings at this level can be trouble. <Destroy> is the one that usually bites.) Toplevel widgets themselves don't have this, because of rule 1.
all, which does what it says, and which you almost never need.
You can define others with bindtags… but it's usually not a great plan as it is a lot of work.
The other thing to bear in mind is that Tk supports virtual events, <<FooBarHappened>>. They have all sorts of uses, but the main one in a complex application (that you should take note of) is for defining higher-level events that are triggered by a sequence of low-level events occasionally, and yet which other widgets than the originator may wish to take note of.

react-addons-transition-group's `componentWillLeave` equivalent for React Native??

The componentWillLeave feature and the corresponding callback is a powerful feature I haven't seen in RN. Without it, you're always forced into producing very crappy code using additional states to make sure an element stays on the page/phone until its animation is complete, when ideally some boolean state from redux simply triggers the removal of the element while respecting its willleave animation.
So does anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this consistently in RN without having to write custom code every time to make sure the element stays rendered until you animate it away??
I know this is an old question, but I just landed here from a google search on the topic so I'll give my 2 cents on it.
This library should represent a 1:1 replacement for react-addons-transition-group for RN and comes with support for componentWillLeave method you can implement. It supports both componentWillEnter and componentWillLeave.
Link to the library: react-native-transitiongroup

Why I shouldn't fluxing everything?

Several months ago I met a flux and I found it's awesome, I love it, I use it.. almost in every new project and when I met a redux I love it even more, but couple of days ago Pete Hunt publish a tweet where he judge the people to use flux for everything. And I think it have a perfect sense, but on the other hand I don't get it.. He publish another tweet where explain cases for flux, also I read an article about use cases for flux. Long story short - "If your app doesn’t have complex data changes and caching, don’t use it. But if it does, I strongly recommend you try Flux." and it's totally make sense for me why I should use flux, but it not clear to me why I shouldn't if I don't have a complex data changes.
In the article Dan point, that when you faced those issues(that flux solve) in real project you can easier to understands the benefits of the flux, but exactly of this(cause I faced with these problems at work project) now I try to use flux in every project, because I don't wanna to deal with it anymore.
And crazy part, that now I often use it also for ui states, not just data changes. Let's pretend I can have a widget component, for example a clock. It can make some ui changes, like show/hide seconds, switch between digital/analog and it has a daytime type state(day/night) and can dispatch an event when it changed, but other component listen it and can react, for example change a background color. I can easily solve it just with local component state and container(smart component) state, but same as I can put all these logic into store(reducers) and components will be really dump and just react on the current state(props) and containers(smart) just listen the store and partitioned state between the components. And if even it looks ok, point that I can use it for every ui state - open/close sidebar, some specific component changes, etc.
Reasons why I can do it:
It looks predictable for me. I completely know that any changes happened in my app serve in one place.
It easy to debug. I can just log all the actions and if I will get some bug, I can easily found what happened and reproduce it.
I can easily expand my app without worrying, mb I should move something to the flux state, cause I already did it.
But also I agree that it's looks overwhelmed and I can solve it without flux, but I can't answer to me, why I shouldn't use flux in these cases. What is wrong with it? Please help me.

How much logic should you put in the UI class?

I'm not sure if this has been asked or not yet, but how much logic should you put in your UI classes?
When I started programming I used to put all my code behind events on the form which as everyone would know makes it an absolute pain in the butt to test and maintain. Overtime I have come to release how bad this practice is and have started breaking everything into classes.
Sometimes when refactoring I still have that feeling of "where should I put this stuff", but because most of the time the code I'm working on is in the UI layer, has no unit tests and will break in unimaginable places, I usually end up leaving it in the UI layer.
Are there any good rules about how much logic you put in your UI classes? What patterns should I be looking for so that I don't do this kind of thing in the future?
Just logic dealing with the UI.
Sometimes people try to put even that into the Business layer. For example, one might have in their BL:
if (totalAmount < 0)
color = "RED";
color = "BLACK";
And in the UI display totalAmount using color -- which is completely wrong. It should be:
if (totalAmount < 0)
isNegative = true;
isNegative = false;
And it should be completely up to the UI layer how totalAmount should be displayed when isNegative is true.
As little as possible...
The UI should only have logic related to presentation. My personal preference now is to have the UI/View
just raise events (with supporting data) to a PresenterClass stating that something has happened. Let the Presenter respond to the event.
have methods to render/display data to be presented
a minimal amount of client side validations to help the user get it right the first time... (preferably done in a declarative manner) screening off invalid inputs before it even reaches the presenter e.g. ensure that the text field value is within a-b range by setting the min and max properties. describes the evolution of UI design. An excerpt
When people talk about self-testing
code user-interfaces quickly raise
their head as a problem. Many people
find that testing GUIs to be somewhere
between tough and impossible. This is
largely because UIs are tightly
coupled into the overall UI
environment and difficult to tease
apart and test in pieces.
But there are occasions where this is
impossible, you miss important
interactions, there are threading
issues, and the tests are too slow to
As a result there's been a steady
movement to design UIs in such a way
that minimizes the behavior in objects
that are awkward to test. Michael
Feathers crisply summed up this
approach in The Humble Dialog Box.
Gerard Meszaros generalized this
notion to idea of a Humble Object -
any object that is difficult to test
should have minimal behavior. That way
if we are unable to include it in our
test suites we minimize the chances of
an undetected failure.
The pattern you are looking for may be Model-view-controller, which basically separates the DB(model) from the GUI(view) and the logic(controller). Here's Jeff Atwood's take on this. I believe one should not be fanatical about any framework, language or pattern - While heavy numerical calculations probably should not sit in the GUI, it is fine to do some basic input validation and output formatting there.
I suggest UI shouldn't include any sort of business logic. Not even the validations. They all should be at business logic level. In this way you make your BLL independent of UI. You can easily convert you windows app to web app or web services and vice versa. You may use object frameworks like Csla to achieve this.
Input validations attached to control.
Like emails,age,date validators with text boxes
James is correct. As a rule of thumb, your business logic should not make any assumption regarding presentation.
What if you plan on displaying your results on various media? One of them could be a black and white printer. "RED" would not cut it.
When I create a model or even a controller, I try to convince myself that the user interface will be a bubble bath. Believe me, that dramatically reduces the amount of HTML in my code ;)
Always put the minimum amount of logic possible in whatever layer you are working.
By that I mean, if you are adding code to the UI layer, add the least amount of logic necessary for that layer to perform it's UI (only) operations.
Not only does doing that result in a good separation of also saves you from code bloat.
I have already written a 'compatible' answer to this question here. The rule is (according to me) that there should not be any logic in the UI except the UI logic and calls for standard procedures that will manage generic/specific cases.
In our situation, we came to a point where form's code is automatically generated out of the list of controls available on a form. Depending on the kind of control (bound text, bound boolean, bound number, bound combobox, unbound label, ...), we automatically generate a set of event procedures (such as beforeUpdate and afterUpdate for text controls, onClick for labels, etc) that launch generic code located out of the form.
This code can then either do generic things (test if the field value can be updated in the beforeUpdate event, order the recordset ascending/descending in the onClick event, etc) or specific treatments based on the form's and/or the control's name (making for example some work in a afterUpdate event, such as calculating the value of a totalAmount control out of the unitPrice and quantity values).
Our system is now fully automated, and form's production relies on two tables: Tbl_Form for a list of forms available in the app, and Tbl_Control for a list of controls available in our forms
Following the referenced answer and other posts in SO, some users have asked me to develop on my ideas. As the subject is quite complex, I finally decided to open a blog to talk about this UI logic. I have already started talking about UI interface, but it might take a few days (.. weeks!) until I can specifically reach the subject you're interested in.

Giving user feedback during long-running process and user-interface/business-logic separation

When a long-running process is being executed, it is a good practice to provide feedback to the user, for example, updating a progress bar.
Some FAQs for GUI libraries suggest something like this:
function long_running_progress()
while finish
end while
end function
Anyway, we know it is a best practice to separate business logic code from user interface code. The example above is mixing user interface code inside a business logic function.
What is a good technique to implement functions in the business logic layer whose progress could be easily tracked by an user interface without mixing layers?
Answers for any language or platform are welcome.
Provide a callback interface. The business logic will call its method every once in a while. The user layer will update the progress or whatever. If you want to allow cancellation – no problem, let the callback method have a return value which will indicate a need for cancellation. This will work regardless of number of threads.
If you used a MVC paradigm you could have the Model publish its current progress state as a property, the Controller could extract this every x seconds and then put it into the view. This assumes multi-threading though, which I'm not sure if you allow.
Publishing is a great way to go. It all depends on the platform how this is done. However, when it comes to the user experience there are a couple of things to consider as well:
Don't give the user a progress bar if you don't know how long the task is executing. What time is left? What does half-way mean? It's better to use hour-glass functionality (spinning wheels, bouncing progress bars, etc).
The only interesting thing to view progress on is time; what does Half-way in a process mean? You want to know if you got time for that cup of coffee. If you show other things you are probably displaying the workings of the system programming. Most users are not interested or just get confused.
Long running progress should always support the user with an escape, a way to cancel the request. You don't want to lock up the user for long time. Better still is to handle a long running request completely in the background and let the user get back when the result is back.
