New to XCode - How to create a class? - xcode

I am new to Xcode, running version 8.0.
Right now I am going trough this
tutorial. (I am programming in C++). There the author is creating a class. Since he is not using Xcode and the other answers to a similar question are dealing with an older version, I am asking myself if someone can help me out.
Thanks in advance.

How to create a new c++ file in Xcode
To be able to run c++ files in Xcode you need to create a new project first.
Then in your project you can add files using the guide below

Right click on a side menu with your project -> new file -> ios source on left panel -> swift file on a right panel. That's pretty much it.


No such module "CreateMLUI"

I am using macOS Mojave Beta (10.14 18A293u) and Xcode 10.0 Beta (10L176w). I created a Swift Playground and I am unable to import CreateMLUI framework in order to use it. I keep getting an import error.
I have tried creating both an iOS Playground and a macOS Playground
Anyone knows what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
While macOS Mojave and Xcode 10 are in beta you may experience bugs while trying to use CreateML.
#Koen from one of the comments in my question found a topic in Apple Developer Forums with some workarounds. What I did was:
Create a new single view Mac OS (NOT iOS) playground
Use a completely different name if already created a buggy playground (this is important)
Add the import CreateMLUI line
Remove all the other boilerplate code
I found the answer to this problem in the apple developers forum (Can't find the exact link to the post).
You simply have to select the macOS tab when creating a playground.
When you create the playground make sure you select "macOS" tab instead of. "iOS".
This feature is no longer supported in this environment. You can complete this task in the Create ML app. Follow these steps:
Xcode -> Toolbar -> Open Developer Tool -> Create ML -> New Document
Open Xcode menu
Choose Open Developer Tool > Create ML
Press New Document
Select Image Classification
Specify name and a place where the project will be saved
In new versions of macOS, the CreateMLUI library has been deprecated and removed. Instead, create models in CreateML, a developer application inside Xcode.

Xcode Project Issue when using xcode project started in other xcode on other mac

I am trying to use xcode project on other xcode. When i open the project all works fine til open main.storyboard. On open the storyboard i cannot see the editor and only leave one error. Can some one help me please, Im stuck :)))
“Unknown model format” sounds like your Core Data model is corrupt or that parts of it are missing. If the project still works on the original Mac, something may have gone wrong when copying it to the new Mac. You should get a new copy and verify that all files are copied without changes.

xcode error Lexical or Preprocessor issue

I am trying to follow this tutorial and am encountering this error. If somebody could help me it would be much, much appreciated.
That header is probably not in your project navigator in xcode, You need to find the file in finder and drag it into xcode and place it in your project navigator
A few options I can suggest:
Add the framework part of the path #import <SMTPSend/NSData+Base64Additions> (also if this is a framework, you should probably use these enclosures: <.../file.h> instead of quotes)
Add the frameworks path to your build settings ( Framework Search Paths )
Make sure the framework is in the Link Binary With Libraries section
Remove the framework reference from the project organizer pane (cmd+1), then drag it back in (refreshes the path for the file)
Clean/Clean Build Folder/Rebuild
Hope one of those helps!

How to use Xcode to design interface iosopendev?

I have Xcode 4.4.1 installed on my system.
I recently installed iosopendev to develop apps for jailbreak. It integrated well, now I can see the option for iosopendev in new project menu.
My question is, how do I design the interface visually, like using storyboard for a jailbreak app, and which template should I select for that?
For starters, I selected the Cocoa Touch Library Template, but it didn't have a storyboard or xib.
I would highly appreciate it, if someone could elaborate the steps and method for designing apps for jailbreak visually using Xcode.
P.S.- I have searched a lot on the internet and didn't find anything useful and hence as a last resort posted a question here.
Two ways you can create UI apps in Xcode that can be used with iOSOpenDev:
(1) Select an Xcode template and refer to to convert it to iOSOpenDev.
(2) Select an iOSOpenDev template (that produces a bundle binary), add XIB file(s), create a Copy Bundle Resources Build Phase and drag-and-drop that new Build Phase so that it is above the Run Script Build Phase that runs the iosod script.

how to set Document Types for QTKit in XCode 4?

I hope you can help me with my little problem here.
I'm just starting with Cocoa and XCode 4 and I'm working myself through a bunch of tutorials.
I have one tutorial off the Apple site called "QTKit Application Tutorial"
( it can be found here )
The problem is that this tut covers XCode 3.2 and I can't find the according settings in XCode 4.
I have my QT Player and I need to tell it which formats and extensions it can open.
In XCode 3, this is done via a few params as described in the tut.
Can you guys maybe tell me where I can find these settings in XC 4?
any help is strongly appreciated,
In the Project Navigator (the first tab) select your project. In the editor select your target and open the Info tab. Document Types is the next sections after Custom Target Properties.
