Transparent application load-balancer - spring

I have a series of Spring application communicating between each other over REST. Each application is wrapped inside a docker container. My objective is to have transparent client load-balancing, that also supports hot-swap of IP addresses.
I'm aware of projects such as Ribbon - but I don't see why the Java application should be responsible for that.
A local TCP/HTTP proxy (haproxy) could do the job, and it could be embedded within each container, running next to each Spring application. Another option would be to have one proxy per server, but then it would add one more layer of complexity - as 1 more container is required.
So, here are the questions:
Is there any advantage of having a client-side load balancer embedded within the application?
Would having multiple proxies on the same server cause an excessive performance impact, compared to having a single one per server?


Running multiple Quarkus instances on one machine

I have an application separated in various OSGI bundles which run on a single Apache Karaf instance. However, I want to migrate to a microservice framework because
Apache Karaf is pretty tough to set up due its dependency mechanism and
I want to be able to bring the application later to the cloud (AWS, GCloud, whatever)
I did some research, had a look at various frameworks and concluded that Quarkus might be the right choice due to its container-based approach, the performance and possible cloud integration opportunities.
Now, I am struggeling at one point and I didn't find a solution so far, but maybe I also might have a misunderstanding here: my plan is to migrate almost every OSGI bundle of my application into a separate microservice. In that way, I would be able to scale horizontally only the services for which this is necessary and I could also update/deploy them separately without having to restart the whole application. Thus, I assume that every service needs to run in a separate Quarkus instance. However, Quarkus does not not seem to support this out of the box?!? Instead I would need to create a separate configuration for each Quarkus instance.
Is this really the way to go? How can the services discover each other? And is there a way that a service A can communicate with a service B not only via REST calls but also use objects of classes and methods of service B incorporating a dependency to service B for service A?
Thanks a lot for any ideas on this!
I think you are mixing some points between microservices and osgi-based applications. With microservices you usually have a independent process running each microservice which can be deployed in the same o other machines. Because of that you can scale as you said and gain benefits. But the communication model is not process to process. It has to use a different approach and its highly recommended that you use a standard integration mechanism, you can use REST, you can use Json RPC, SOAP, or queues or topics to use a event-driven communication. By this mechanisms you invoke the 'other' service operations as you do in osgi, but you are just using a different interface, instead of a local invocation you do a remote invocation.
Service discovery is something that you can do with just Virtual IP's accessing other services through a common dns name and a load balancer, or using kubernetes DNS, if you go for kubernetes as platform. You could use also a central configuration service or let each service register itself in a central registry. There are already plenty different flavours of solutions to tackle this complexity.
Also more importantly, you will have to be aware of your new complexities, but some you already have.
Contract versioning and design
Synchronous or asynchronous communication between services.
How to deal with security in the boundary of the services / Do i even need security in most of my services or i just need information about the user identity.
Increased maintenance cost and redundant side code for common features (here quarkus helps you a lot with its extensions and also you have microprofile compatibility).
Deciding to go with microservices is not an easy decision and not one that should be taken in a single step. My recommendation is that you analyse your application domain and try to check if your design is ok to go with microservices (in terms of separation of concenrs and model cohesion) and extract small parts of your osgi platform into microservices, otherwise you mostly will be force to make changes in your service interfaces which would be more difficult to do due to the service to service contract dependency than change a method and some invocations.

How to run Spring Cloud Config server in Fault Tolerance mode?

In my project we have a requirement to run two instances of spring cloud config server so if one instance goes down, other will take care the config server responsibilities.
Currently, you would need to put config server behind a load balancer. It is stateless, so that wouldn't hurt. There is an open issue to configure multiple config server url's in the client, so it could do failover there.
If you are running multiple instances of the config server, you can have them all register themselves in Eureka, and maybe do a lookup to the config server with it's application name via Eureka in all the other microservices. This way, Zuul (and Ribbon) will take care of the load balancing.
I guess spencergibb is right. It's best to use a load balancer, for eg: ELB, if you're going to deploy on AWS.
Consider multiple spring-cloud-config-uris for high availability

How to do load balancing in distributed OSGi?

We deploy two service instance in difference machine using CXF distributed OSGi. we want to give the system the load balancing feature. All we know the OSGi don't provide any load balancing feature. Does anyone know how to do it ?
Load balancing is a concern that is meant to be implemented by the Topology Manager (TM). It would be useful to read the Remote Services Admin specification, which addresses exactly this kind of question.
As far as I know, the CXF implementation of Remote Services only implements a single TM, which is "promiscuous", i.e. it publishes every available service in every listening framework. It is possible however to write your own TM to perform load balancing and failover etc.
The Remote Services spec is written in such a way that a TM implementation can be developed completely independently of any specific Remote Services implementation.
You should be able to get the complete list of services using a ServiceTracker. So a nice way to create a load balancer should be to create a proxy service yourself that does the load balancing and publish it locally as a service with a special property. So your business application can use the service without knowing anything about the details of load balancing.

Spring RMI load balancing / Scalability

I am looking to implement a web application in which the end user is likely to cause invocation of business logic methods which are both cpu heavy and require a fair amount of memory to run.
My initial thought is to provide these methods as part of a standalone stateless business service, which can run on a separate machine to the web application. This can then be horizontally scaled as much as I need.
As these service methods are synchronous I am opting to us RMI as opposed to JMS.
My first question is if the above approach seems viable or seems to be good, or if my though process has got lost somewhere (this will be the first time I don't work on a standalone application).
Should that be the case I have been looking at spring RMI which seems to do an excellent job of exposing remote services non-intrusively. However I am unsure as how I could use this API to load balance between multiple servers. Are there any ways of doing this using spring or do I need a seperate API?
JBoss has the ability provide RMI proxies that are automatically load-balanced:

Fault Tolerance and Load Balancing for Spring RMI

How to do fault tolerance set-up and load balancing using Spring RMI. The JBoss Application server is set-up in clustered mode. The rmi clients make frequent calls; but, spring-rmi bean set-up doesn't allow to put multiple RMI URLs and there also doesn't seem to be any tags or property for the stub-bean which allows for multiple URLs (skeleton) calls in clustered environment.
Anyone has a clue or done this..please throw some info.
Just in case if this isn't too late..have a look at
