Master page header not showing in BIRT report - birt

I have a problem with BIRT. I created a report with the relative Master Page, and I am trying to export it in PDF format.
While I am able to see the Master Page header and footer when I look at the report preview with the web viewer, I am not able to see the header in the PDF export of my report (but I see the footer).
In the header properties the Hide element checkbox is unchecked.
Am I missing something?

It's a bit hard without the XML, but you can check this:
First I would check the header height in the MasterPage properties. Does is really fit what you are showing in the header? If not sure, replace header by a simple text element and try again.... The web preview tends to get to just scale to fit, while the PDF has a more strict interpretation of set sizes.
There are ways to manipulate the properties on 'runtime'. You could check your XML for scripts with code like this:
reportContext.getOutputFormat() == "pdf"
Or parts of it. Perhaps there is clue.


How to collapse heading in ascii doc file

I have following file as adoc file.
= Template
:toc: left
:toclevels: 5
:sectnumlevels: 5
== Course1
=== Section 1
This is section 1
=== Section 2
This is section 1
== Course2
=== Section 1
This is section 1
=== Section 2
This is section 1
I have installed asciidoc pluging in my chrome and when I open the file in chrome, it looks like this:
Some of the files are very big, and also the Table of Content has become huge.
Question: Is there a way to click on lets say Course2, and the sections under that would collapse, and expand if I click on it again.
I have tried the following link: How to collapse TOC(table of contents) in spring RestDoc (asciidoc)? and few other resources on internet but not much luck.
Please guide.
The main difference between the RestDoc solution and your current situation is the technique required to load the custom JavaScript.
In the RestDoc solution, the technique is to use docinfo files which get loaded during the execution of asciidoctor. See for more details.
When you use the Asciidoctor.js extension, you have to configure the extension to explicity load the custom javascript. The extension doesn't have access to the filesystem, so it can't look for JavaScript automatically. You have to load custom JavaScript into the extension itself.
Right-click the extension icon in the Chrome button bar, and select "Options". In the "Asciidoctor.js Live Preview" options pane, scroll to the bottom and click "Add a JavaScript...". The JavaScript you add needs to be in a file in your computer's file system. Once added, you can use the radio buttons at the bottom to select when the script runs.
Your browser's developer tools console will show any errors or console.log output from your added JavaScript code, which can be very helpful if there are problems.
This is not a problem with the Syntax itself but with the way you display the file.
If you have huge AsciiDoc files and need a good way to display them I would encourage you to check Antora, it generates a static website out of your AsciiDoc files in a very clear and organized way. You get by default this collapsing table of content on the left, you can check the default look in their documentation.
It changes the way you need to organize your documents and is a bit bit of work for the installation but the result is great.

how to show the page header value in downloaded pdf from intractive report

I have a interactive report with some values and in that page header I have some tiles and dates. When I click the download and open the interactive report PDF file,
I want the page headers to be added in the PDF eg: titles and dates
which is in page header should be added in PDF
It sounds like you have printing needs that go beyond what APEX does out of the box. There are many options for this, I'll mention two.
Many folks in the APEX community are loving APEX Office Print (AOP):
Another option is PL/PDF:

Umbraco - how to insert clickable images into page?

I am a beginner with Umbraco. I am able to upload images to the Media Library and then put them onto the page, but for my sidebars I want the images to be clickable links to other parts of my site and other sites.
At the moment I am using the Rich Text Editor to write an anchor tag etc. but this seems ridiculous and I don't want content authors [attempting to be] writing HTML.
It seems like there should be a built-in data type for this, or a property on the image but I see nothing. Do I need to write my own Razor code as a DataType? This seems like such a common thing that I'm surprised there is not a built-in solution.
I'm using 7.2.8
If you're already using the RTE, you can just select the image and click the Link button, then whatever you have selected (in this case the image) should become a link. No need to make your own HTML :-)

Displaying an image on ScrewTurn wiki

I'm sure I'm making a simple mistake but I'm having a lot of difficulty displaying an image in my ScrewTurn wiki.
The markup I am using:
[imageleft|Extreme Programming|goodlooking.jpg]
What I'm seeing displayed is a broken image with the caption.
An attachment named goodlooking.jpg is uploaded to this page.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If you uploaded the image as a Page Attachment (at the bottom of the page), then you need to include the page reference in the markup. For example, if the page was named "Test-Page", it would look something like this:
[imageauto|Extreme Programming|{UP(Test-Page)}goodlooking.jpg]
If the page is not in the default namespace (i.e. "root"), then you need to include the namespace reference as well:
[imageauto|Extreme Programming|{UP(NamespaceHere.Test-Page)}goodlooking.jpg]
If you use the "Image" icon in the editor (near the center of the icons), it will handle the markup for you. Just make sure you click the "Browse Page Attachments" checkbox to see page attachments. Also, you may need to Save the page at least once before you can upload and attach Page Attachments.

Need to disable an automatic URL hyperlinking with XSL-FO when generating a PDF document?

I'm using Apache XSL-FO to generate a PDF document from an XML using XSLT. In my XSL file I have an fo:block where I bring a URL and simply display it like this:
xsl:value-of select="company_info/website"
My website always contains a valid URL for some company, starting with
It seems like that by default anything with a www is being recognized as a URL and becomes linkable. It does not seem like I can force the link of that company to load in a new window, as it always loads the page in the PDF window and that's not a desirable behavior. I am trying to find a way to disable to URL altogether so that it is not linkable and the only way I'm able to do it tight now is by inserting '-' on both ends of the URL: Is there a more elegant way to insert some kind of a special character that maybe is not visible?
This is probably not something that can be fixed from the XSLT/XSL-FO side of things (except by inserting extra characters, as you have done). It is the PDF viewer that interprets certain strings as clickable links.
In Adobe Reader, you can disable automatic recognition of links by unchecking the "Create links from URLs" check box (Preferences dialog: General->Basic tools). Foxit Reader has this option too.
