Displaying an image on ScrewTurn wiki - image

I'm sure I'm making a simple mistake but I'm having a lot of difficulty displaying an image in my ScrewTurn wiki.
The markup I am using:
[imageleft|Extreme Programming|goodlooking.jpg]
What I'm seeing displayed is a broken image with the caption.
An attachment named goodlooking.jpg is uploaded to this page.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

If you uploaded the image as a Page Attachment (at the bottom of the page), then you need to include the page reference in the markup. For example, if the page was named "Test-Page", it would look something like this:
[imageauto|Extreme Programming|{UP(Test-Page)}goodlooking.jpg]
If the page is not in the default namespace (i.e. "root"), then you need to include the namespace reference as well:
[imageauto|Extreme Programming|{UP(NamespaceHere.Test-Page)}goodlooking.jpg]
If you use the "Image" icon in the editor (near the center of the icons), it will handle the markup for you. Just make sure you click the "Browse Page Attachments" checkbox to see page attachments. Also, you may need to Save the page at least once before you can upload and attach Page Attachments.


Umbraco - how to insert clickable images into page?

I am a beginner with Umbraco. I am able to upload images to the Media Library and then put them onto the page, but for my sidebars I want the images to be clickable links to other parts of my site and other sites.
At the moment I am using the Rich Text Editor to write an anchor tag etc. but this seems ridiculous and I don't want content authors [attempting to be] writing HTML.
It seems like there should be a built-in data type for this, or a property on the image but I see nothing. Do I need to write my own Razor code as a DataType? This seems like such a common thing that I'm surprised there is not a built-in solution.
I'm using 7.2.8
If you're already using the RTE, you can just select the image and click the Link button, then whatever you have selected (in this case the image) should become a link. No need to make your own HTML :-)

Magento Pages Showing Same Content

I am using Magento 1.9.2. I created 3 categories active in the main navigation menu. The display mode for each category is 'static block only' and the static block each one is set to use has a unique url key, name, and content. The categories are called 'how to use', 'colors,' and 'faq.'
The problem is that when I click on one of the links on the frontend for one of those categories, the content for that category/cms block displays fine, but if I click on another link the url changes correctly but the content stays the same. For example, if I click on the how to use link first, I get the right content, but then if I click on the faq link the url changes to the faq page but the page keeps displaying the content for the how to use page.
Flushing the cache and reindexing only works for one click on one of the links. In other words, if I have the problem described above and then flush the cache/reindex the site and click on the faq link, the content changes to the faq content, but if I then click on the colors link I have the same problem.
Has anyone ever encountered this before and/or can explain why this problem is happening?
Thank you for your help.
I resolved this issue by downloading Magento and uploading app/code/core/Mage/Cms/Block/Block.php to app/code/local/Mage/Cms/Block/Block.php.

How to edit Joomla article layout/style?

I'm trying to edit the default articles' HTML. Right now the titles are in h2s and I want to change them to h1s and get rid of the print options etc.
There has to be some where you can edit the HTML of default article templates. Anybody know where?
as i know when you are posting some article on joomla you have an option to post the data as HTML and i don't think so that you have to change some php codes.
on the other hand when you are Adding an article that time follow these steps:
Click on the Parameter(Advanced) on the right side of the article
Select No of the Show Title option
Select Hide all between Article Rating to Email Icon
after all these setting you just only get your own HTML codes that you posted on that article as well the <h1> tag
EDIT: Or if you want to completely change the Article layout then
find the location joomla/components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php
The above default.php file keeps all the layout of the article section and all the data that data that will keep on the RightColumn.
Changing joomla/components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php is not a good idea, since all changes will be lost after your next update.
Copy the before mentioned file and place it into the Your_template/html/com_content/article folder, which would have to be created first, if its not there already.

How can change a text on a label in COMPONENTS PAGE when using MUI2 for NSIS?

I want to add a link somewhere on the components page. I tried the method presented here, while it is indeed working for the WELCOME PAGE, it causes the installer to crash when I'm adding it to the components page.
The thing I want to add is a text that contains an underlined blue word which opens a url on the default browser when clicked on. I want to add it to the existing components page.
I solved it using some help from the nsis forum the relevant links are:
Add Link to Components Page and How to customize an existing MUI2 page (components)
The main issue is that in contrast to welcome/finish page, the components page is not a nsDialog page. In order to dynamically add a label we have to use User32::CreateWindowEx. I used the resource hacker to add a static label in order to get its position and use that as a guide for the new label I added (It's all explained in the links...)

How to add js to a joomla template

i need to add js to a specific page in joomla. How do i do that? I cant find any option to edit the html of each page, since i also have to add some little html. How does joomla do that? i can assign a template for a specific site but then you would have to do each change twice...
I need to add a javascript file and some html to one specific site. i read the wiki and googled but i dont get it...
The reason you couldn't find a page to edit is that there is only one page in a Joomla site that builds all the other pages based on the URL, menu ID, and other parameters passed in the query string.
If you only need the javascript on a single "page" then there are a couple of ways to do it depending on where the content needs to be.
If it needs to go in the main content area (the component position) then you should get an extension that allows you to put javascript inside a regular Joomla article. Then you can put what ever code and HTML you need in the article and link to it with a regular menu item.
If you want it to go in a module position, then you can simply use the Custom HTML module. If you turn off the WYSIWYG editor editor, you can put the javascript right in to the content area of the module. It does require the editor to be off though, otherwise the code will be evaluated and you will lose what ever you had in there. You can also limit where the module displays under the menu assignment selection.
