Oracle -> Postgresql Log-Based replication - oracle

(I do not code on my own, to make things clear)
I am looking for a solution that would allow to replicate data between a, master, Oracle 11g DB and a new PostgreSQL DB. Those are 2 different applications but the need to exchange data in real-time. There are some trigger-based ways but there is quite a big concern that this can affect the master DB efficiency - which we can't do.
I have also come across some log-based solutions, like HVR, but the cost is way too high for 500MB of data to be replicated.
Maybe anyone of You had a similar issue and found a way to deal with it?
Any kind of tips and help will be really appreciated as I am quite short on time

Oracle Archive Logs have different format than Postgres Write Ahead Logs. Despite the general similarity in concept of Oracle Streams, SQL Log Shipping, Postgres Streaming Replication etc, transaction logs <> redo logs <> xlogs and you can't use one provider logs to roll on the other provider engine.
Moreover you can't roll logs over same DB provider different version because of difference in binary format.
Something alike logical replication you can get with Postgres Logical Decoding, Oracle GoldenGate, Heterogeneous Database Replication, AWS DMS. But none of above gives you "Log-Based replication" between different db vendors

You can use a product that specializes in change data capture based data integration. Striim, GoldenGate, Attunity allow you to do CDC from Oracle. Striim also allows you to do CDC from PostgreSQL and write to Oracle as well.


Test data management solution for oracle, db2 and sap

i have 3 different databases (oracle , sap,db2) and would like to implement data masking on oracle db , since the data is flowing to sap and db2 how can i solve this issue? data in oracle is compared with db2 and sap and say for example if i mask first name in oracle then the same will not be masked at sap and db2. so is there a way to unmask and send data to downstream systems ?
Generally the task can be solved by vendor's tools like IBM Optim Data Privacy. Such tools provide the capabilities for consistent masking, e.g. same input produce the same masked output, provided equivalent algorithms and parameters.
Probably by saying SAP you mean SAP HANA. This can be a bit tricky, due to missing SQL compatibility and lack of integration, but anyway this is doable too with the very same tools - just a bit more work to implement.

How to load oracle table data into kafka topic?

How to load oracle table data into kafka topic? i did some research and got to know,i should use CDC tool,but all CDC tools are paid version ,can anyone suggest me how to achieve this ?
You'll find this article useful: No More Silos: How to Integrate your Databases with Apache Kafka and CDC
It details all of your options and currently-available tools. In short, you can do bulk (or query-based CDC) with the Kafka Connect JDBC Connector, or you can use a log-based CDC approach with one of several CDC tools that support Oracle as a source, including Attunity, GoldenGate, SQ Data, and IBM's IIDR.
You'll generally find that if you've paid for your database (e.g. Oracle, DB2, etc) you're going to have to pay for a log-based CDC tool. Open source CDC tools are available for open source databases. For example, Debezium is open source and works great with MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
You might be interested in the Debezium project, which provides open-source CDC connectors for a variety of databases. Amongst others, we provide one for Oracle DB. Note that this connector currently is based on the XStream API of Oracle, which itself requires a separate license, but we hope to add a fully free alternative soon.
Disclaimer: I'm the lead of Debezium
Please refer to kafka jdbc source connector . Below is link
You don't need a Change Data Capture (CDC) tool in order to load data from Oracle Table into a Kafka topic.
You can use Kafka Confluent's JDBC Source Connector in order to load the data.
However, if you need to capture deletes and updates you must use a CDC tool for which you need to pay a licence. Confluent has certified the following CDC tools (Source connectors):
Oracle GoldenGate
As others have mentioned, CDC requires paid products. If you'd just like to try something out, Striim is available for free for the first 30 days.
The 'free' options which include JDBC..but you would be introducing a significant load on your database if you actually want to use triggers to capture changes.
disclaimer: i work at striim
There's a custom Kafka source connector for Oracle database which is based on logminer here:
This project is in development.
You might be interested in OpenLogReplicator. It is an open source GPL-licensed tool written completely in C++. It reads binary format of Oracle Redo logs and sends them to Kafka.
It is very fast - you can achieve low latency without much effort, since it operates fully in memory. It supports all Oracle database versions since and requires no additional licensing.
It can work on the database host, but you can also configure it to read the redo logs using sshfs from another host - with minimal load of the database.
disclaimer: I am the author of this solution

how to design greenplum database constructure

i am working on designing constructure in Greenplum database.
we have many clinets which need to store data for them.
there are two ways to design database constructure. we build one database and different schemas in this database for each clients
or build different databases for each clients, which way is better?
waht is nmore ,we need to migrate databases or schemas from dev environment to environment
Either way will work. If you are keeping multi-tenants in Greenplum and there is no data sharing, you might be better off keeping them in separate databases - easier for security and for backups. If there is a requirement that they share some common data, then using multiple schemas in one database is the better option.
I am not sure what version of Greenplum you are on, but you should be able to backup a schema from dev and restore it with gprestore using the --redirect option to put it in the database you want it to be in.
Jim McCann

Developer sandboxes for Oracle database

We are developing a large data migration from Oracle DB (12c) to another system with SSIS. The developers are using a production copy database but the problem is that, due to the complexity of the data transformation, we have to do things in stages by preprocessing data into intermediate helper tables which are then used further downstream. The problem is that all developers are using the same database and screw each other up by running things simultaneously. Does Oracle DB offer anything in terms of developer sandboxing? We could build a mechanism to handle this (e.g. have dev ID in the helper tables, then query views that map to the dev), but I'd much rather use built-in functionality. Could I use Oracle Multitenant for this?
We ended up producing a master subset database of select schemas/tables through some fairly elaborate PL/SQL, then made several copies of this master schema so each dev has his/her own sandbox (as Alex suggested). We could have used Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting but it's too expensive. Another option for creating the subset database wouldn have been to use Jailer. I should note that we didn't have a need to mask any sensitive data.
Note. I would think this a fairly common problem so if new tools and solutions arise, please post them here as answers.

Replication advice Oracle 11g

We have a requirement to implement replication (of transactions) from a production database to a test database (across a db link). We're using 11g enterprise edition.
This is because it's not just the production data that's needed, the intention is that code releases in the test database would be tested against real-world transactions from the prod system, without the need for those transactions to be done manually. If a transaction fails then in the test system that worked in the prod system, something is wrong with the release.
It doesn't necessarily have to be in real-time however, a delay is acceptable.
There must be zero risk though on the production transactions failing, due an issue with the replication.
What are the options here? I believe Streams is deprecated in 12c, should that be of concern? GoldenGate is additional ££, which I'm afraid rules it out in this case. Some kind of custom trigger-based solution... too much risk on the prod system as far as I can see.
Any advice greatly appreciated!
As of Oracle release 12c (12.1.x), Oracle Advanced Replication and Oracle Streams are being discontinued. Oracle Golden Gate is going to replace all features of Oracle Advanced Replication and Oracle Streams.
Please review this list of possible alternatives (to name a few):
