Observing when stream is unsubscribed - rxjs

I have an RxJS observable stream that I'm sharing like the following:
var sub = Observable.create(obs => {
// logic here
return () => {
// call rest service to notify server
When the last subscriber unsubscribes, I need to make a REST request. The obvious choice is to add that call into the return cleanup function - but you then have broken out of any observable sequence and any errors etc aren't easily handled.
I could just use a Subject, push a value onto it in the cleanup function, and observe it elsewhere with the REST call hanging off that.
Ideally I'd do something like concatenating to the disposed stream with my REST call (concat obviously wouldn't work as it's not completing).
Does anyone have any suggestions for the cleanest way of handling this? All the options above seem a bit clunky and I feel like I've missed something.

You could implement a finally(...) in your stream, that does the cleanup.
The finally is automatically executed when the stream finalizes (error or complete).
Note: This will not work when you unsubscribe manually and not call complete on your stream.


Do RxJS observers always process all events submitted before the observable is completed?

I want to make sure that all events, which were submitted before complete was invoked on the observable, are logged.
I'm aware that operators exist that stop emission of events (takeUntil, etc.) completely.
The question that I have is whether other operators exist which would lead to emissions not being sent if the complete on the subject is sent too 'early'. Are there cases where it would be beneficial to wait with the completion of the observable until the event was handled by the observer?
For example, are there situations (imagine any other RxJS operator instead of the delay) where the following code ...
const subj = new Subject<string>();
.subscribe((val) => {
... makes more sense than that ...
const subj = new Subject<string>();
.subscribe((val) => {
... when the subject should only emit one value?
Or is completing the subject immediately after next always safe in such situations?
If there are other factors I'm not aware of (e.g. synchronous vs. asynchronous execution of code) please mention them as well.
In general,
is safe. As far as I know, none of the existing RxJS operators use a completion to cancel/unsubscribe observables early.
That being said, I can easily create such an operator myself. switchMap will cancel currently running inner observables when it receives it's next emission. You could, for example, create a custom operator that unsubscribes and exists early when it receives a complete event.
If your worried about that, however, you're out of luck. No matter what workaround you imagine, I can probably write an operator that will ruin your code. For example filter(_ => false) will stop the 1 from being emitted before the complete in either of the two cases you've described.
In the end, you and your coworkers must write good code (and test!) and RxJS doesn't change that.

RX programming - how to get previous messages from MessageBroker?

I use UniRX (C#) which tries to resemble RXJS and others.
I try to make sure my network-dependent objects initialize after the data arrived.
Some of my objects get created and Subscribe later than MSGPlayerDataLoaded actually fired thus never proceed to OnPlayerDataLoaded.
protected virtual void Awake()
MessageBroker.Default.Receive<BaseMessage>().Where(msg => msg.id == GameController.MSGPlayerDataLoaded).Subscribe(msg => OnPlayerDataLoaded());
Is it possible to look into the past and grab old events since creation of MessageBroker?
From the documentation of RXJS I suspect that something like withLatestFrom could be of help, but it would need a dummy auxiliary stream that looks hacky.

Rxjs - How to retry an errored observable while informing UI of the error

Suppose there is a Http request observable that errored, we can just retry it. But I also want the UI to inform the user that this resource failed to load. What is the best architecture?
Intended Behavior for the Target Observable
Long-running. Doesn't complete or error.
Shared. Does not generate unnecessary requests when multiple subscriber.
Load on need. Does not generate unnecessary requests when not subscribed.
Inform UI of the errors.
(3 and 4 can be achieved by shareReplay({bufferSize: 1, refCount: true}))
My Attempts
I think it's best to pass an error message to the downstream observer while keeping retrying the source. It causes minimum changes to the architecture. But I didn't see a way I can do it with Rxjs, because
retry() always intercepts the error. If you materialze the error, then retry() won't retry. If not, then no error will propagate to the downstream.
catchError() without rethrowing will always complete the stream.
Although let the UI observer tap(,,onError) and retry() can satisfy this need, but I think it is dangerous to let the UI take this responsibility. And multiple UI observer means a LOT of duplicated retries.
Well, I seem to have accidentally find the answer while browsing through the documentations.
It starts with the usage of the second parameter of the catchError. According to the documentation, retry is implemented by catchError. And we can express more logic with the lower-level catchError.
So it's just
catchError((err, caught) => {
return timer(RETRY_DELAY_TIME).pipe(
mergeMap(() => caught)
It retries the observable, meanwhile sending error messages to the downstream observers. So the downstream is aware of the connection error, and can expect to receive retried values.
It sounds like you're looking for something akin to an NgRx side effect. You can encase it all in an outer Observable, piping the error handler to the inner Observable (your HTTP call), something like this:
const myObs$ = fromEvent('place event that triggers call here').pipe(
// just one example, you can trigger this as you please
switchMap(() => this.myHttpService.getResource().pipe(
catchError(err => handleAndRethrowError()),
This way, if the request throws an error, it is retried 3 times (with error handling in the catchError block, and even if it fully errors out, the outer Observable is still alive. Does that look like it makes sense?

Using Observables to process queue messages which require a callback at end of processing?

This is a bit of a conceptual question, so let me know if it's off topic.
I'm looking at writing yet another library to process messages off a queue - in this case an Azure storage queue. It's pretty easy to create an observable and throw a message into it every time a message is available.
However, there's a snag here that I'm not sure how to handle. The issue is this: when you're done processing the message, you need to call an API on the storage queue to actually delete the message. Otherwise the visibility timeout will expire and the message will reappear to be dequeued again.
As an example, here's how this loop looks in C#:
public event EventHandler<string> OnMessage;
public void Run()
// Read message
var message = queue.GetMessage();
if (message != null)
// Run any handlers
OnMessage?.Invoke(this, message.AsString);
// Delete off queue when done
The important thing here is that we read the message, trigger any registered event handlers to do things, then delete the message after the handlers are done. I've omitted error handling here, but in general if the handler fails we should NOT delete the message, but instead let it return to visibility automatically and get redelivered later.
How do you handle this kind of thing using Rx? Ideally I'd like to expose the observable for anyone to subscribe to. But I need to do stuff at the end of processing for that message, whatever the "end" happens to mean here.
I can think of a couple of possible solutions, but I don't really like any of them. One would be to have the library call a function supplied by the consumer, that takes in the source observable, hooks up whatever it wants, then returns a new observable that the library can then subscribe on to do the final cleanup. But that's pretty limiting, as consumers basically only have one shot to hook up to the messages, which seems pretty limiting.
I guess I could put the call to delete the message after the call to onNext, but then I don't know if the processing succeeded or failed unless there's some sort of back channel in that api I don't know about?
Any ideas/suggestions/previous experience here?
Try having a play with this:
IObservable<int> source =
.Range(0, 3)
.Select(x =>
() => Disposable.Create(() => Console.WriteLine($"Removing {x}")),
d => Observable.Return(x)))
.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Processing {x}"));
It produces:
Processing 0
Removing 0
Processing 1
Removing 1
Processing 2
Removing 2

Angular/RxJS Should I unsubscribe on every ajax call?

Should I unsubscribe on every ajax call? According to the RxJS contract, I should. Because AJAX calls are not streams or events, once they are done they are done. What is the reason of using RxJS at all in this particular case? Overtime it becomes the mess (I know about takeUntil, that's not the point here).
public remove(data: IData): void {
// unsubscribe from the previous possible call
if (this.dataSubscription &&
this.dataSubscription.unsubscribe) {
this.dataSubscription = this.dataService
.subscribe(() => {
public ngOnDestroy(): void {
// unsubscribe on deletion
if (this.dataSubscription &&
this.dataSubscription.unsubscribe) {
What is the advantage over simple promise, that looks cleaner and destroyed right after execution?
public remove(data: IData): void {
.then(() => {
This is DataService code
export class DataService {
constructor(private _httpClient: HttpClient) { }
public delete(id: number): Observable<IModel> {
return this._httpClient.delete<IModel>(`${this._entityApiUrl}/${id}`);
Finite, cold Observables usually don't need to be unsubscribed. They work just like Promises in this regard. Assuming you're using Angular's HttpClient in your service, no unsubscription is necessary--it's much like a Promise in that situation.
First off, to clear some things up -- in your Promise example, you are imperatively managing the Promise by assigning it to this.dataSubscription. After that call is made, anything that calls this.dataSubscription.then() an arbitrary amount of time after the HTTP call will receive a Promise.resolve() and invoke that .then() function. The new Promise returned by Promise.resolve() will be cleaned up after it executes, but it's only until your class is destroyed that your this.dataSubscription Promise will be cleaned up.
However, not assigning that Promise as a property is even cleaner:
public remove(data: IData): void {
.then(() => {
plus, the Promise will be cleaned up at the end of its scope, not on the destruction of the class.
Observables, at least finite 'Promise-like' ones like this, work in much the same way. You don't need to manage the Subscription returned buy the .subscribe() method imperitavely, as it will execute and then be cleaned up as it's not assigned as a property:
public remove(data: IData): void {
.subscribe(() => {
It's a finite Observable and completes after the subscription, so calling subscribe again will return a new Subscription and re-call the Observable's function.
Imperitavely managing those subscriptions is indeed messy and usually a sign things could be done better.
The difference with RXJS's subscription management is that RXJS can become an incredibly powerful tool, one that is useful for way, way more than managing async AJAX calls. You can have hot Observables that publish data to hundreds of subscribers, Subjects that manage their own stream to many subscribers, infinite Observables that never stop emitting, higher-order Observables that manage state and return other Observables, etc. In this case unsubscribing is best practice, but honestly not going to cause performance issues outside of extreme cases.
A good comparison is the Observable.fromEvent() property. Just like it's best practice to use removeEventListener correctly after addEventListener, you should unsubscribe from this Observable correctly. However, just like removeEventListener,...it's not really done all the time and usually doesn't cause issues with today's platforms.
Also, in reference to the 'RxJS contract' that was stated: here's an excerpt from the same doc:
When an Observable issues an OnError or OnComplete notification to its observers, this ends the subscription. Observers do not need to issue an Unsubscribe notification to end subscriptions that are ended by the Observable in this way.
Finite Observables complete themselves after their emissions and don't need to be unsubscribed.
Usually you don't need to unsubscribe from HttpClient calls since all HttpClient calls complete the stream once they receive response from the server. Once an observable stream completes or errors, its the responsibility of the producer to release resources. For more information, read Insider’s guide into interceptors and HttpClient mechanics in Angular. You should unsubscribe only if you want to cancel the request.
Because AJAX calls are not streams or events, once they are done they are done... What is the advantage over simple promise, that looks cleaner and
destroyed right after execution?
AJAX calls are not just one time event. For example, you can have multiple progress events with XHR. Promise resolves with only one value, while HttpClient can emit multiple HTTP events:
export type HttpEvent<T> =
HttpSentEvent | HttpHeaderResponse | HttpResponse<T>| HttpProgressEvent | HttpUserEvent<T>
You don't need to unsubscribe on every ajax call. But then you are losing one of the core benefits of Observables - being able to cancel it.
You really need to think about what your code does and what is your standard workflow. What happens if the delete response takes a long time and user clicks it again, or clicks back, or goes to some other page?
Would you like refresh to still happen (since observable will still keep the callback in the memory) or would you rather cancel it?
It's up to you and your application at the end. By using unsubscribe you save yourself from unplanned side effects.
In your case, it's just a refresh so it's not a big deal. Then again, you will keep it in the memory and it might cause some side effects.
