How can I prevent this odd NERDTree behaviour in Neovim? - nerdtree

I recently reinstalled NERDTree in my Neovim (0.1.7) installation via vim-plug. For convenience, I added the common configuration line au VimEnter * NERDTreeToggle to my init.vim.
This works to a certain extent; it spawns a new vertical split with a standard-NERDTree-Width buffer; however, instead of having a NERDTree, the new, narrower buffer has the contents of the primary buffer (usually the file I'm working on).
Even more strangely, launching NERDTree manually (either using :NERDTree or :NERDTreeToggle) results in normal, expected behaviour.
I'm not sure what's causing this behaviour; are NERDTree semantics different in Neovim lately? How can this issue be fixed?

This behavior is not expected.
First off, you really should update Neovim to the latest version. Currently this is 0.2.2. It may be that there are issues with an older version of Neovim. Of course, seeing that this question is from 2013, odds are that you already have.
Apart from updating, please try and run Neovim with a minimal init.vim, containing just the plugin and the autocmd. See if this works. If it does (and I bet it will), re-enable plugins and settings one-by-one to determine when the expected behavior breaks again. You will then have found the conflicting plugin or setting.


RStudio interface / behavior changes in 1.0.136

Various things are different in 1.0.136, e.g. running code with ctrl-enter has all sorts of strange behavior in an RMarkdown document, running code that has a syntax error somehow leads to all of the code being run in a block above (below?) the wrong code, etc. Sorry for not posting an MWE, but at the moment I just want to know if anyone is aware of these new "features" and if so how they can be turned off or better yet how I can just downgrade to the previous version of RStudio (which I can't currently find on the website).
Yes they changed some default settings that were present in the old interface.
Change the setting in markdown next to the knit button, from:
Chunk Output Inline -> Chunk Output in Console
Pictured here.
You can probably mess with the the Global Setting->Rmarkdowns under Tools to get it back the way it was before, but this was the fastest way for me.

Enabling auto-updates in RubyMine

Is there a way to enable autoupdating in RubyMine? According to this page, you can
Use this page [i.e. "File | Settings | Appearance and Behavior | System Settings | Updates"] to:
Enable automatic update of RubyMine and specify to which kind of release you want it updated.
However, when I actually look at that menu, all I see is this:
Further searching yields no results. Since the page is labelled as "RubyMine 7.1.0 Help", I'd assume that it's up-to-date for 7.1.2, so how can I enable autoupdates? Did they simply forget to update this little chunk of the help documentation?
All of my Google searches turned up absolutely nothing - all the results are about autocompletion or updates in general (i.e. the page I linked at the top) or updating manually or something entirely unrelated in a different IDE or... this question. Huh. Hi, Google!
Note: Yes, it is possible to manually update it from this menu, by clicking Check Now. I'm explicitly not looking for that. I want RubyMine to search for updates and install them on its own, preferably when it starts.
TL;DR version: RubyMine can and will check for updates very regularly, if you select the type of update you'd like.
As far as I know, it will not install it, without asking, but it will automatically check for an update upon starting the app.
Longer version:
First of all 7.1.2 is the most current version of RubyMine, so I wouldn't expect RubyMine to update.
As far as I understand the RubyMine versioning "New Major Releases" means a change in the first number of a version. With that setting you'd get an update information for version 8. If you prefer to get updates more frequently, try one of the other option the Update-Settings provide (see screenshot)
On my machine 7.1.2 installed upon starting RubyMine (but after asking whether I wanted the update to happen). So, it didn't autoinstall without asking for permission.
Currently, Rubymine is in version 2016.1.1b and full transparent auto-update isn't still implemented as far I could see in my Linux (Ubuntu-based distro).
Here, the auto-update is more a auto-detect updates feature, who will ask me to accept the update and let it installs and restart automatically.
Which isn't currently a straightforward method also, because I installed it on /opt and to have right permission to update and it notifies me, I have to call manually as root and then accept the update - sudo mine won't work.

sublime text 2 portable update not sure how?

I have just (finally) started using sublime text 2, and I am liking it so far (apart from lack of intellisense / autocompletion :(, though tried codeintel but its not what I expected), I am moving from netbeans (can't afford to use it because of memory eating nature :(). Anyway My current issue is I don't know how I can use latest update of sublime text 2 (portable on windows), it kept prompting me about update and once I listened to it and it downloaded new version but there was no step involved in actually updating the existing version to new one instead I have another portable version with newer files, and my issue is i have install several plugins in the old version and I don't know how I can use those in this new version :(.
Note: It just started saying me this version has expired so thats why I am seeking help so I can use new version but with my already installed plugins (emmet, js minifier etc etc :().
I have googled alot but found no windows based guide which helps me solve my issue :(.
Thanks in advance.
Assume that your old version is installed in Sublime.old, and the new version in Make sure Sublime Text 2 is closed, then move the\Data folder to someplace else (like your Desktop, for now), just in case anything breaks. Then, copy (don't move) the Sublime.old\Data folder to Fire up the program and check to see that everything is there, and works properly. Please note that this method will not work when upgrading from ST2 to ST3, as there are major differences in the way plugins are run.

Ruby On Rails and VIM

What is the best IDE plugin for VIM?
I'm looking for a VIM plugin that
is easy to use and install
supports auto-completion
supports jumping to method/class definitions
does not change the files of my Rails project (I'm co-working in a software project where not everybody uses VIM)
should be compatible with the latest Rails versions
Rails.vim is the best for now
There's a few auto-completion-ish plug-ins around for vim, but probably the most straightforward one is just the built-in "keyword completion". It does not know any particular language, but if you use, eg, set complete=.,b,k, it will scan the current file (.), other loaded files (b), and any files set as dictionaries (use set dictionary=/some/file) for matches. Add that stuff to your .vimrc. To use completion, type a couple letters and hit ctrl-p in INSERT mode, you'll get a pop-up of cantidates. It's unobtrusive and easy to use. For more info on complete try :help E535.
WRT to class/method indexing, there's the taglist plugin:
Which will index a bunch of languages including ruby (nice if you are are working in js at the same time, etc). It will take about 30 seconds to figure out. Slightly more awkward to use in the pure ncurses version (ie, not gvim) if you can't use the mouse to switch windows.
Here is an info about how to use VIM as ror ide.
Moreover following plugins can be useful.

Code completion for MacRuby/PyObjC/RubyMotion

One of Xcode's most powerful features is it's Intellisense completion, which brings up a list of potential candidates as you type the name of a Foundation/Cocoa/UIKit API. I am very interested in MacRuby, PyObjC, or the more recent RubyMotion, however without code completion these tools seem like more trouble than they're worth.
Is there any code completion feature (not necessarily Intellisense) for any of the three technologies above, for any text editor (but preferably for Vim or Xcode)? Bonus points for an IDE solution which allows for building and running the application in a single command (like Xcode's Run button).
It's my understanding that Xcode 4 dropped support for MacRuby/PyObjC, so Intellisense is no longer available. Should I install Xcode 3 alongside Xcode 4 for the code completion? How is everyone else doing it (surely you guys use some form of code completion -- I can't believe anyone can remember all the classes in Foundation/Cocoa/UIKit)?
RubyMotion comes with vi ctag support. Run rake ctags to create them.
FWIW, there is a Code completion package for Sublime Text 2, which can also be installed via the package manager of the Sublime text.
And it seems to work rather well for me.
Yes, you can give yourself Vim code completion by running $ rake ctags in the root directory of your RubyMotion app. To take that a step further, use a shell script to generate ctags automatically every time you create a new RubyMotion app. This article shows how to build such a script:
