Spring-Mongo : mapping mongo document field/s to BasicDBObject/Map of BasicDBObject of an Entity - spring

I have an entity ProjectCycle mapped to mongo DB collection ProjectCycle. I am trying to retrieve 2 fields, _id and Status. I am able to retrieve both like the following
public class ProjectCycle {
private String id;
private String status;
//getters and setters
Query query = new Query();
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
Iterable<ProjectCycle> objectList = mongoOperations.find(query, ProjectCycle.class);
for(ProjectCycle obj : objectList) {
System.out.println("_id "+obj.getId());
System.out.println("status "+obj.getStatus());
_id 1000
status Approved
But, the problem is when i use an Entity with field private DBObject basicDbObject; instead of private String status; i am getting value as null instead of Approved
I have tried like the following
public class ProjectCycle {
private String id;
private DBObject basicDbObject;
//getter & setter
What I am trying to achieve is that, the collection 'ProjectCycle' is very large and creating a POJO corresponding to it is quiet difficult. Also I am only reading data from mongoDB. So creating the entire POJO is time wasting and tedious.
How I can achieve mapping between any field/fields from mongo Collection to entity?.
Will it be possible to create a Map<String, BasicDBObject> objectMap; to fields returned from query? I am using Spring-data-mongodb for the same.
Version details
Spring 4.0.7.RELEASE
spring-data-mongodb 1.7.2.RELEASE

Try mapping your query like below.
Iterable<BasicDBObject> objectList = mongoOperations.find(query, BasicDBObject.class, collectionname);
for(BasicDBObject obj : objectList) {
System.out.println("_id "+obj.get("id"));
System.out.println("status "+obj.get("status"));


Spring data mongo - unique random generated field

I'm using spring data mongo. I have a collection within a document that when I add an item to it I would like to assign a new automatically generated unique identifier to it e.g. (someGeneratedId)
#Document(collection = "questionnaire")
public class Questionnaire {
private String id;
private List<Answer> answers;
public class Answer {
private String someGeneratedId;
private String text;
I am aware I could use UUID.randomUUID() (wrapped in some kind of service) and set the value, I was just wondering if there was anything out of the box that can handle this? From here #Id seems to be specific to _id field in mongo:
The #Id annotation tells the mapper which property you want to use for
the MongoDB _id property
No there is no out of the box solution for generating ids for properties on embedded documents.
If you want to keep this away from your business-logic you could implement a BeforeConvertCallback which generates the id's for your embedded objects.
class BeforeConvertQuestionnaireCallback implements BeforeConvertCallback<Questionnaire> {
public Questionnaire onBeforeConvert(#NonNull Questionnaire entity, #NonNull String collection) {
for (var answer : entity.getAnswers()) {
if (answer.getId() == null) {
answer.setId(new ObjectId().toString());
return entity;
You could also implement this in a more generic manner:
Create a new annotation: #AutogeneratedId.
Then listen to all BeforeConvertCallback's of all entities and iterate through the properties with reflection. Each property annotated with the new annotation gets a unique id if null.

Spring Boot + Webflux + Reactive MongoDB - get document by property Id

I'd like to find all Offer documents by Offer.ProductProperties.brand:
#Document(collection = "offers")
public class Offer {
private String id;
private ProductProperties properties;
#Document(collection = "product_properties")
public class ProductProperties {
private String id;
private String brand;
Flux<ProductProperties> all = productPropertiesRepository.findAllByBrand(brand);
List<String> productPropIds = all.toStream()
Flux<Offer> byProperties = offerRepository.findAllByProperties_Id(productPropIds);
But unfortunately byProperties is empty. Why?
My repository:
public interface OfferRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Offer, String> {
Flux<Offer> findAllByProperties_Id(List<String> productPropertiesIds);
How to find all Offers by ProductProperties.brand?
After reading some documentation found out that You cannot query with #DBRef. Hence the message
Invalid path reference properties.brand! Associations can only be
pointed to directly or via their id property
If you remove DBRef from the field, you should be able to query by findAllByProperties_BrandAndProperties_Capacity.
So the only ways is how you are doing. i.e. Fetch id's and query by id.
As I said in the comment, the reason it is not working is because return type of findAllByProperties_Id is a Flux. So unless u execute a terminal operation, you wont have any result. Try

Implementation of One-to-Many Relationships with Document References using mongodb and spring data

I want to use spring data with mongodb and want to implement a one to many relationship using document reference.
db should look like this:
_id = 123451232
"meetings":[123451233, 123451234]
_id = 123451233
_id = 123451234
TO achieve this i used dbRef
country model
#Document(collection = "country")
public class Country {
private String countryId;
private String countryName;
private boolean status = true;
private List<Country> meetings= new ArrayList<Country>();
// getters and setters
i got an error
HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.data.mapping.model.MappingException: Cannot create a reference to an object with a NULL id.

Spring data elasticSearch : Update entity using alias

I'm currently fighting with the spring-data-elasticsearch API. I need it to work on an alias with several indexes pointing on it.
Each indexes have the same types stored, but are juste day to day storage (1rst index are monday's resulsts, second are tuesday's resulsts....).
Some of the ElasticsearchRepository methods don't work because of the alias. I currently managed to do a search (findOne() equivalent) but I am not able to update an entity.
I don't know how to achieve that, I looked to the documentation and samples.. but I'm stuck.
My repository
public interface EsUserRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<User, String>
#Query("{\"bool\" : {\"must\" : {\"term\" : {\"id_str\" : \"?0\"}}}}")
User findByIdStr(String idStr);
My Entity
#Document(indexName = "osintlab", type = "users")
public class User
// Elasticsearch internal id
private String id;
// Just a test to get the real object index (_index field), in order to save it
#Field(index = FieldIndex.analyzed, type = FieldType.String)
private String indexName;
// Real id, saved under the "id_str" field
#Field(type = FieldType.String)
private String id_str;
#Field(type = FieldType.String)
private List<String> tag_user;
What I tested
final IndexQuery indexQuery = new IndexQuery();

Spring Data MongoDB: Accessing and updating sub documents

First experiments with Spring Data and MongoDB were great. Now I've got the following structure (simplified):
public class Letter {
private String id;
private List<Section> sections;
public class Section {
private String id;
private String content;
Loading and saving entire Letter objects/documents works like a charm. (I use ObjectId to generate unique IDs for the Section.id field.)
Letter letter1 = mongoTemplate.findById(id, Letter.class)
As documents are big (200K) and sometimes only sub-parts are needed by the application: Is there a possibility to query for a sub-document (section), modify and save it?
I'd like to implement a method like
Section s = findLetterSection(letterId, sectionId);
replaceLetterSection(letterId, sectionId, s);
And of course methods like:
addLetterSection(letterId, s); // add after last section
insertLetterSection(letterId, sectionId, s); // insert before given section
deleteLetterSection(letterId, sectionId); // delete given section
I see that the last three methods are somewhat "strange", i.e. loading the entire document, modifying the collection and saving it again may be the better approach from an object-oriented point of view; but the first use case ("navigating" to a sub-document/sub-object and working in the scope of this object) seems natural.
I think MongoDB can update sub-documents, but can SpringData be used for object mapping? Thanks for any pointers.
I figured out the following approach for slicing and loading only one subobject. Does it seem ok? I am aware of problems with concurrent modifications.
Query query1 = Query.query(Criteria.where("_id").is(instance));
LetterInstance letter1 = mongoTemplate.findOne(query1, LetterInstance.class);
LetterSection emptySection = letter1.findSectionById(sectionId);
int index = letter1.getSections().indexOf(emptySection);
Query query2 = Query.query(Criteria.where("_id").is(instance));
query2.fields().include("sections").slice("sections", index, 1);
LetterInstance letter2 = mongoTemplate.findOne(query2, LetterInstance.class);
LetterSection section = letter2.getSections().get(0);
This is an alternative solution loading all sections, but omitting the other (large) fields.
Query query = Query.query(Criteria.where("_id").is(instance));
LetterInstance letter = mongoTemplate.findOne(query, LetterInstance.class);
LetterSection section = letter.findSectionById(sectionId);
This is the code I use for storing only a single collection element:
MongoConverter converter = mongoTemplate.getConverter();
DBObject newSectionRec = (DBObject)converter.convertToMongoType(newSection);
Query query = Query.query(Criteria.where("_id").is(instance).and("sections._id").is(new ObjectId(newSection.getSectionId())));
Update update = new Update().set("sections.$", newSectionRec);
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, LetterInstance.class);
It is nice to see how Spring Data can be used with "partial results" from MongoDB.
Any comments highly appreciated!
I think Matthias Wuttke's answer is great, for anyone looking for a generic version of his answer see code below:
public class MongoUtils {
private MongoTemplate mongo;
public <D, N extends Domain> N findNestedDocument(Class<D> docClass, String collectionName, UUID outerId, UUID innerId,
Function<D, List<N>> collectionGetter) {
// get index of subdocument in array
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(outerId).and(collectionName + "._id").is(innerId));
query.fields().include(collectionName + "._id");
D obj = mongo.findOne(query, docClass);
if (obj == null) {
return null;
List<UUID> itemIds = collectionGetter.apply(obj).stream().map(N::getId).collect(Collectors.toList());
int index = itemIds.indexOf(innerId);
if (index == -1) {
return null;
// retrieve subdocument at index using slice operator
Query query2 = new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(outerId).and(collectionName + "._id").is(innerId));
query2.fields().include(collectionName).slice(collectionName, index, 1);
D obj2 = mongo.findOne(query2, docClass);
if (obj2 == null) {
return null;
return collectionGetter.apply(obj2).get(0);
public void removeNestedDocument(UUID outerId, UUID innerId, String collectionName, Class<?> outerClass) {
Update update = new Update();
update.pull(collectionName, new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(innerId)));
mongo.updateFirst(new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(outerId)), update, outerClass);
This could for example be called using
mongoUtils.findNestedDocument(Shop.class, "items", shopId, itemId, Shop::getItems);
mongoUtils.removeNestedDocument(shopId, itemId, "items", Shop.class);
The Domain interface looks like this:
public interface Domain {
UUID getId();
Notice: If the nested document's constructor contains elements with primitive datatype, it is important for the nested document to have a default (empty) constructor, which may be protected, in order for the class to be instantiatable with null arguments.
Thats my solution for this problem:
The object should be updated
#Document(collection = "projectchild")
public class ProjectChild {
private String _id;
private String name;
private String code;
private String description;
private String startDate;
private String endDate;
private long estimatedCost;
private List<String> countryList;
private List<Task> tasks;
private Long version;
Coding the Solution
public Mono<ProjectChild> UpdateCritTemplChild(
String id, String idch, String ownername) {
Query query = new Query();
.is(id)); // find the parent
.is(idch)); // find the child which will be changed
Update update = new Update();
update.set("tasks.$.ownername", ownername); // change the field inside the child that must be updated
return template
// findAndModify:
// Find/modify/get the "new object" from a single operation.
query, update,
new FindAndModifyOptions().returnNew(true), ProjectChild.class
