Spring Boot + Webflux + Reactive MongoDB - get document by property Id - spring-boot

I'd like to find all Offer documents by Offer.ProductProperties.brand:
#Document(collection = "offers")
public class Offer {
private String id;
private ProductProperties properties;
#Document(collection = "product_properties")
public class ProductProperties {
private String id;
private String brand;
Flux<ProductProperties> all = productPropertiesRepository.findAllByBrand(brand);
List<String> productPropIds = all.toStream()
Flux<Offer> byProperties = offerRepository.findAllByProperties_Id(productPropIds);
But unfortunately byProperties is empty. Why?
My repository:
public interface OfferRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Offer, String> {
Flux<Offer> findAllByProperties_Id(List<String> productPropertiesIds);
How to find all Offers by ProductProperties.brand?

After reading some documentation found out that You cannot query with #DBRef. Hence the message
Invalid path reference properties.brand! Associations can only be
pointed to directly or via their id property
If you remove DBRef from the field, you should be able to query by findAllByProperties_BrandAndProperties_Capacity.
So the only ways is how you are doing. i.e. Fetch id's and query by id.
As I said in the comment, the reason it is not working is because return type of findAllByProperties_Id is a Flux. So unless u execute a terminal operation, you wont have any result. Try


Elastic search with Spring Data for Reactive Repository - Deleting based on nested attributes

I am using Spring data for Elastic Search and am using the ReactiveCrudRepository for stuff like finding and deleting. I noticed that with attributes that are in root and are simple objects, the deletion works (deleteByAttributeName). However if I have nested objects then it does not work.
Here's my entities
#Document(indexName = "book")
public class EsBook{
#Field(type = FieldType.Long)
private Long id;
#Field(type = FieldType.Nested)
private EsStats stats;
#Field(type = FieldType.Date, format = DateFormat.date)
private LocalDate publishDate;
public class EsStats{
#Field(type = FieldType.Double)
private Double averageRating;
#Field(type = FieldType.Integer)
private Double totalRatings;
#Field(type = FieldType.Keyword)
private String category; //this can be null
Here is what I have tried and is working and not working
I used ReactiveCrudRepository to delete documents in index. For all the regular fields on Book Level like id or with id and publishDate deletion works perfectly. As soon as I use embedded object like Stats, it stops working. I see the documents and the stats that I am sending match atleast visually but never finds or deletes them.
I tried to use EqualsAndHashcode in the Stats assuming maybe iternally somehow does not consider equal for some reason. I also tried changing double data type to int, because on looking at the elastic search document, I see that average review if whole number like 3 is save as 3 but when we send it from Java, i see in the debug 3 being shown as 3.0, so I was doubting if that is the case, but does not seem so. Even changing the datatype to int deletion does not work.
public interface ReactiveBookRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<EsBook, String> {
Mono<Void> deleteById(long id); //working
Mono<Void> deleteByIdAndPublishDate(long id, LocalDate publishDate); //Nor working
Mono<Void> deleteByIdAndStats(long id, LocalDate startDate);
Any help will be appreciated
Have you verified that your Elasticsearch index mapping matches your Spring Data annotations?
Verify that the index mapping defines the stats field as a nested field type.
If not, then try changing your Spring annotation to:
#Field(type = FieldType.Object)
private EsStats stats;

Spring data mongodb #DBRef list

I am trying to have a list in a model using #DBRef but I can't get it to work.
This is my User model:
public class User {
#JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class)
private ObjectId id;
#Indexed(unique = true)
private String email;
private String name;
private String password;
private List<Server> servers;
Server model:
public class Server {
#JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class)
private ObjectId id;
private String name;
private String host;
The structure is very simple, every user can have multiple servers. But when I add servers to the user the server is created, but the servers array contains one null entry("servers" : [ null ]). So the server isn't added to the user. This is how I create a server and add it to an user:
public Mono create(#Valid #RequestBody Server server, Mono<Authentication> authentication) {
return this.serverRepository.save(server).then(authentication.flatMap(value -> {
User user = (User) value.getDetails();
return userRepository.save(user);
})).map(value -> server);
So I simply create and save a server, add the server the user and then save the user. But it doesn't work. I keep having an array with one null entry.
I've seen this page: http://www.baeldung.com/cascading-with-dbref-and-lifecycle-events-in-spring-data-mongodb. But it is for saving the child document, not for linking it. Also it is for a single document, not for an array or list.
Why is my list not being saved correctly?
All my libraries are coming from spring boot version 2.0.0.M6.
When removing #DBRef from the user's servers property the servers are getting saved, but they of course get double created, in the server collection and in every user.servers. So the error has something to do with references.
After some googling I found the answer...
Reactive mongo doesn't support this.
Actually there is a way to resolve DbRefs without to using the blocking driver. Yes - the references are resolved in a blocking fashion, but does not require a second connection. In order to achieve this we have to write our own DbRefResolver: NbDbRefResolver.java. In the provided resolver there is a flag: RESOLVE_DB_REFS_BY_ID_ONLY. If is switched on will not going to resolve the DbRefs from the database, but instead will resolve them to fake objects with id only. It is up to implementation to fill the references later in non-blocking fashion.
If the flag RESOLVE_DB_REFS_BY_ID_ONLY is set to false it will eagerly resolve the references by using the non-blocking driver, but will block the execution until the references are resolved.
Here is how to register the DbRefResolver in the app: DbConfig.kt
Files attached are provided here: https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAMONGO-1584
Me did it like that for roles :
#Unwrapped(onEmpty = Unwrapped.OnEmpty.USE_NULL)
private Collection<Role> roles;
you can check the doc (2021) here : https://spring.io/blog/2021/04/20/what-s-new-in-spring-data-2021-0

Cannot Query Neo4j Repositories

Hey everyone I am fairly new to Neo4j and am having an issue querying my repositories.
Repository is the follow:
public interface NodeOneRepository extends GraphRepository<NodeOne> {
List<NodeOne> findByNodeTwoNodeThreeAndActiveTrue(NodeThree nodeThree);
My entities are the following:
#NodeEntity(label = "NodeOne")
public class NodeOne {
private Long id;
private Boolean active = TRUE;
#Relationship(type = "IS_ON")
private NodeTwo nodeTwo;
#NodeEntity(label = "NodeTwo")
public class NodeTwo {
private Long id;
#Relationship(type = "CONTAINS", direction = "INCOMING")
private NodeThree nodeThree;
#Relationship(type = "IS_ON", direction = "INCOMING")
private List<NodeOne> nodeOnes = new ArrayList<>();
#NodeEntity(label = "NodeThree")
public class NodeThree {
private Long id;
#Relationship(type = "CONTAINS")
private List<NodeTwo> nodeTwos = new ArrayList<>();
Getters & Setters omitted. When I call the method I get an empty list. Is there something I am doing incorrectly?
You didn't describe exactly what you wanted to achieve, but I can see two problems:
Problem 1:
The current version of Spring Data Neo4j and OGM only allow nested finders, that is, finders that specify a relationship property, to one depth.
findByNodeTwoSomePropertyAndActiveTrue(String relatedNodePropertyValue)
Not Supported
findByNodeTwoNodeThree //Nesting relationships in finders is not supported
Problem 2:
Derived Finders Allow Matching Properties and Nested Properties. Not a whole instance of that class.
You can probably achieve what you would like using a custom query.
#Query("custom query here")
List<NodeOne> findByNodeTwoNodeThreeAndActiveTrue(NodeThree nodeThree);
If you need help to write a custom query, you can post another question or join the neo4j-users public slack channel.

Spring Data query over two documents

I have an m:n connection in my MongoDB, MessageUserConnection is the class between User and Message.
Now I will get all MessageUserConnections where MessageUserConnection#confirmationNeeded is true, read is false and Message#receiveDate is not older than the last week.
Is there any possibility to do this with Spring Data?
Thanks a lot!
public class MessageUserConnection {
private String id;
private User userCreatedMessage;
private Message message;
private Boolean confirmationNeeded;
private Boolean read;
public class Message {
private String id;
private String title;
private String message;
private DateTime receiveDate;
I have tried it by my own:
#Query("FROM MessageUserConnection AS muc WHERE muc.confirmationNeeded = ?0 AND muc.message.receiveDate = ?1")
List<MessageUserConnection> findMessageUserConnectionByConfirmationNeededAndReceiveDate(final Boolean confirmationNeeded, final DateTime receiveDate);
and I get the following exception:
Caused by: com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException:
FROM MessageUserConnection AS muc WHERE muc.confirmationNeeded = "_param_0" AND muc.message.receiveDate = "_param_1"
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?
Thanks a lot!
I run into another problem. My query currently looks like this.
#Query("{$and : [{'confirmationNeeded' : ?0}, {'message.receiveDate' : ?1}]}")
where confirmationNeeded is a boolean and message.receiveDate is Joda#DateTime. With this query I get the following exception:
org.springframework.data.mapping.model.MappingException: Invalid path reference message.receiveDate! Associations can only be pointed to directly or via their id property!
Does that mean that I only can join to message.id?
Thanks a lot!

Hibernate tuple criteria queries

I am trying to create a query using hibernate following the example given in section 9.2 of chapter 9
The difference with my attempt is I am using spring MVC 3.0. Here is my Address class along with the method i created.
public class Address {
#Size(min = 1)
private String street1;
#Size(max = 100)
private String street2;
private String postalcode;
private String zipcode;
private City city;
private Country country;
private AddressType addressType;
public static List<Tuple> jqgridAddresses(Long pID){
CriteriaBuilder builder = Address.entityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> criteria = builder.createTupleQuery();
Root<Address> addressRoot = criteria.from( Address.class );
criteria.multiselect(addressRoot.get("id"), addressRoot.get("street1"), addressRoot.get("street2"));
criteria.where(builder.equal(addressRoot.<Set<Long>>get("id"), pID));
return Address.entityManager().createQuery( criteria ).getResultList();
The method called jqgridAddresses above is the focus. I opted not to use the "Path" because when I say something like Path idPath = addressRoot.get( Address_.id ); as in section 9.2 of the documentation, the PathAddress_.id stuff produces a compilation error.
The method above returns an empty list of type Tuple as its size is zero even when it should contain something. This suggests that the query failed. Can someone please advise me.
OK so i made some minor adjustments to my logic which is specific to my project, however, the following approach worked perfectly. Hope it hepls someone in need !
public static List<Tuple> jqgridPersons(Boolean isStudent, String column, String orderType, int limitStart, int limitAmount){
CriteriaBuilder builder = Person.entityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> criteria = builder.createTupleQuery();
Root<Person> personRoot = criteria.from(Person.class );
criteria.select(builder.tuple(personRoot.get("id"), personRoot.get("firstName"), personRoot.get("lastName"), personRoot.get("dateOfBirth"), personRoot.get("gender"), personRoot.get("maritalStatus")));
criteria.where(builder.equal( personRoot.get("isStudent"), true));
return Address.entityManager().createQuery( criteria ).setFirstResult(limitStart).setMaxResults(limitAmount).getResultList();
