I'm wanting to add a Home Column for another Twitter account (not one of mine) to Tweetdeck. I've tried following the instructions such as here and here, but the Add Home Column dialog that comes up does not have the field to enter a Twitter handle shown in the top left of the screen shot on the first link.
This is what I see:
I'm using the very latest Firefox (50.0.1).
Is this functionality still available, or am I missing something?
I want to show a task module (not url) while bot installs (with tab) in the teams. Something like Text does, but a bit more interactive with drop downs and all.
I have referred to the link to create deep link for tab and paste the link here, in app-studio manifest editor:
But this doesn't seem to work. Only an empty pop up shows following this procedure.
Can someone correct me, where I am going wrong! TIA!
This "Text" screen is not showing a Task module, it's showing a custom Configuration page for the app's Tab installation. When you create an App that includes a Tab, you have the option of creating such a "Configuration" popup that gives the user the chance to configure how your tab will actually work. See here for more: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/tabs/how-to/create-tab-pages/configuration-page
Within that configuration page, you can show whatever web content you'd like. Showing an Adaptive Card is a bit of a strange scenario considering it's a web page, but you could conceivably do this using the adaptive cards js library inside the page (https://www.npmjs.com/package/adaptivecards)
I can't seem to figure out why, but my APEX page is showing "APEX.IG.SEARCH" as the search placeholder. How can I change this? I've looked through all of their docs and haven't found anything pointing to a fix.
If I have to, I can use JavaScript to change it, but wanted to see if there's an easier fix first. Also, on 5.0.4 of APEX
It is about *translating (Apex) messages" (https://docs.oracle.com/database/apex-18.2/HTMDB/translating-messages.htm#HTMDB14004). Search that page for APEX.IG.SEARCH; you'll find it under the Interactive Grid Messages Requiring Translation section (which is quite long).
So, what to do about it and how to change it?
while in App Builder, open your application
navigate to its shared components
in there, go to the Globalization section and click Text messages
click "Create text message" and set
Language: leave it as is (English, probably)
Used in JavaScript: leave it as is (Yes)
Text: put your own message in here; for example, "Enter search criteria and push the GO button"
Apply changes
If you run the page now, you should see the new text in the Interactive Grid Search's field.
I have a keyword driven framework. Keywords are all in VBscript plus descriptive programming. I created a script in excel which worked just fine after I ran it multiple times. Now it does not work. UFT is not clicking the right element, not entering in the edit field, etc. I had about 65 steps on that script. Now, this works on dev portal but not on the test portal. It worked on test portal over 50 times last week.
To debug, I simply first used the record and playback features and noticed that it does not work too.
I have a main menu in dot net page. Main menu has 5 links. I simply recorded the register link which is 3rd link and I see this code generated:
I went to OR and I saw register object was added just fine. Text = Register. From OR, when I clicked the highlight in app button, it did not highlight the register link. Instead, it highlighted the partially 2nd link which is "Fund".
When I run the script, it clicks the 2nd link Fund.
Why does it click on Fund link? Why does it highlight the Fund link partially?
I am talking about the test portal. If I do the exact same thing in the dev portal, I do not have the same issue. What could go wrong in test portal? Do you think application is blocking UFT from automating in their end or perhaps bad source code in the application?
Update 1
1 Recording
During recording, Clicked on register link, this code generated:
Clicked on contact link, this code generated:
2 Running
During run, first line clicks on fund instead of register.
Second line clicks on register instead of contact.
3. OR
Register link in OR Shows everything just fine.
Contact link in OR shows contact info just fine.
4 Spy
When I hover over on register link, it recognizes contact link instead of register.
5 Spy
When I hover over on fund link, it recognizes register instead of fund.
During recording it recognizes correct link. During running it click on the previous link. This is a pattern I see so far.
Browser was set to 125% zoom. I reset to 100% and it worked out just fine. I am not sure why UFT confused during running because of zooming. UFT was able to find it just fine during recording but it clicks another element during running. I am glad at least it is fixed. Thanks.
I am a newbie in Joomla. I have a site with Breezingforms installed.
Last week we created a form with 2 pages and around 25 elements. The form was published to the front end and was working without any issues.
Last day when i opened the site the form link is broken
I am getting the message
[Form 8 not found!]
instead of displaying the form elements. In admin am still able to see all form and page elements.
I also found that the forms generated are not saved. When i click any other tab and later when i come back I see all forms disappeared.
Am using Joomla 3.4 and Breezingforms build 906.
Any help is appreciated.
thank you
Hi to solve this issue simply click on the three save buttons that are available on breezing form whenever you are working on a form. One exists at the bottom left corner, one at the center left and the other at the top left corner. After working on any page, section or element click the three save buttons before you move to the next page, section or element.
I would urge you to follow the other advice. Make sure you click on save in both places. One is on your form and one is in the top left of the browser (on desktop).
Once you have done that your form should be saved, but there is one other possibility for why you cannot see it.
When you go into Breezing forms and click on "forms". You might see an empty page. If you choose the dropdown and choose "quickforms" you will see some forms that were not previously displayed.
If you are receiving an error "Form 8 not found" you should check the spelling of the form name. Don't forget you have a form name and a form title. You need to make sure you use the form name (which you can change). I usually copy and paste it. Form names would contain a space, so I would expect it to be the generated form name by Breezing forms. You should change it to "Form8" or "Form-8" to make it work properly.
I would like to add in my web app ability to add comments to a specific word in the page. Something like the LaTex footnotes.
The UI I had in mind is, each word would be highlighted when the mouse hovers over it (or that the space after it is being highlighted), and when the user clicks, a textbox to enter the comment pops up near the place the comment would appear. After the user entered the comment a little number would appear after this word in the web page, and other users would be able to click on this number and reveal the comment.
The architecture I had in mind is, a client side javascript program that would handle the view. The model and the controller would be on the server. They would save the document in some textile-like format (say, StackOverflow's question's format), and would only verify permissions (ie users would only be allowed to add [1] (user-name) ... to the document body
That's the architecture and UI I had in mind, but I'm open to new suggestions.
Is there any similar component availible?
I have been developing one with similar features. I use jQuery as the main framework and build on it.
1.select text to add some footnote to it.
2.click on the bubble to show dialog for enter your comments.
3.text with comments highlighted. Mouse hover over to bring up the dialog window with comments
entered earlier, hover out to close dialog window.
(pics here)
It is not perfect now and I am trying to make it a plugin(javascript code) with JSP(maybe. it's coldfusion now.)
The best thing I found so is the digress plugin for wordpress which allows paragraph-based comments.