Joomla Breezing forms - Form not found issue - joomla

I am a newbie in Joomla. I have a site with Breezingforms installed.
Last week we created a form with 2 pages and around 25 elements. The form was published to the front end and was working without any issues.
Last day when i opened the site the form link is broken
I am getting the message
[Form 8 not found!]
instead of displaying the form elements. In admin am still able to see all form and page elements.
I also found that the forms generated are not saved. When i click any other tab and later when i come back I see all forms disappeared.
Am using Joomla 3.4 and Breezingforms build 906.
Any help is appreciated.
thank you

Hi to solve this issue simply click on the three save buttons that are available on breezing form whenever you are working on a form. One exists at the bottom left corner, one at the center left and the other at the top left corner. After working on any page, section or element click the three save buttons before you move to the next page, section or element.

I would urge you to follow the other advice. Make sure you click on save in both places. One is on your form and one is in the top left of the browser (on desktop).
Once you have done that your form should be saved, but there is one other possibility for why you cannot see it.
When you go into Breezing forms and click on "forms". You might see an empty page. If you choose the dropdown and choose "quickforms" you will see some forms that were not previously displayed.
If you are receiving an error "Form 8 not found" you should check the spelling of the form name. Don't forget you have a form name and a form title. You need to make sure you use the form name (which you can change). I usually copy and paste it. Form names would contain a space, so I would expect it to be the generated form name by Breezing forms. You should change it to "Form8" or "Form-8" to make it work properly.


Dynamics CRM: Model Driven App: When showing Custom Page as pop up Dialog, formatting error occurs

I am working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and have a question.
I want to show a custom page as a pop up dialog in an entity form. So far, I am able to show it, but the formatting is broken. It looks like everything is on top of each other:
While checking, I saw that every element in the edit form (contained in the custom page) have its CSS position set to Absolute. This seems to be the problem here. The next picture confirms it. I changed the Top value of one of the element and got the following result:
Now, after having had a look into it, my question is the following:
Could you tell me, how exactly do I have to configure the editing form in the custom page to get the correct result (in the page designer)? I am also open for a JavaScript - solution. But I am not sure how to run it in this type of context.
Designer:Left side
Designer:right side 1
Designer: right side 2
I did not solve it. It was solved with the last Microsoft CRM update. (The one which hides the Advanced Find - Icon on certain parts of the system). I cannot say what exactly got changed. What I know is that I have not changed anything on my solution at all.

Two quick create forms are opened from Subgrid on "New" button click

I have kind of unusual issue with one of my subgrids in CRM.
On the Main form for an entity i have several subgrids, each of them for records from different entity.
When creating new record from subgrid, all of the forms are opened as expected, except one. It opens two quick create forms.
Forms are not opened normally, one following another. First one looks fine, except there is display name displayed twice. Another form doesn't display any field, just the close button. You can see the issue in the attached images.
I have checked Command for "New" Subgrid button in Ribbon Workbench, and there is nothing more than standard command. I have also tried to do this in several browsers, but the issue continued to appear. I have checked JavaScript functions and none of them is connected with this form.
Now I have lack of ideas what could cause this issue.
I need help for this if anyone had similar issue.

Joomla! Module not showing up after implementing sh404sef

I have placed a module in the position "Below content" on my Joomla!-site. It is supposed to show up below the content (well ...) like shown in the picture attached. Problem is, it only does so when I set it to 'show on all pages', and I only want it to appear on a selected few pages. When I set it to only show on these pages, it disappears!
It is the carousel called "Andre modeller"See the image here
Now, I have disabled the module except on this page (and the other beachflag pages):
And it is gone. It worked before I implemented sh404SEF. Anyone?
:-) Astrid
For anyone that stumbles across this question, the sh404sef user manual page on Troubleshooting issues with missing modules might be of assistance.
In brief, first ensure that the module is set to display on the specific menu. Then:
In Joomla's menu list, find the Itemid of the menu item that displays the page. It will be listed in the last column labelled ID. You will need this ID later in the last step.
Open the sh404SEF URL manager and locate the SEF url for that page which is not displaying the module. You will notice that the SEF url will have at least 1 duplicate URL for this item. Click on the this number to open the Duplicates Manager.
There should be a native URL such as (index.php?option=com_k2&Itemid=345&id=214&lang=en&view=item) that contains the Itemid you found in step 1 above. You need to make it the Main url by clicking on the Make Main button.
Hope this helps.

Partial refresh/reload in a repeatcontrol of a xpage

I've created a customcontrol with a repeatcontrol showing a panel for each related document (of a notes doccollection). The xpage arround the cc is bound to a maindocument.
The panel in the repeatcontrol contains some inputfields, a fileuploadcontrol, a filedownloadcontrol and an action-button.
If the user select a file in the fileuploadcontrol an press the button, then the document bound to the panel is saved and an notesagent replace the old attachment with the new selected.
After that, the current panel should be refreshed, so that the filedownloadcontrol shows the right attachment for download. But only the current panel should be refreshed, not the complete xpage or other panels in the repeatcontrol (context.reloadPage is not the solution I need).
Any idea?
I suggest you put all your code in the button and then partial refresh the panel in the button.
But I suspect that the question refres to that you cannot save a file attachment using partial refresh. which is true. there are a few solutions to this, like using an iframe. do a google search on that
An example for using iframes is described at the Domino development wiki. The mentioned approach is used in the Lead Manager X example at OpenNTF.
However, depending on whether or not that fits your needs, you may also consider using the XPages Exension Library, specifically the Dynamic Pages therein.
did you try giving the partial refresh id for the panel containing the document? If that doesnt work.. get the handle of the particular panel in clientside and refresh it. Panel inside repeat can be identified with its index.

Breezing Forms component not saving quick mode form

Iam using a Breezing forms component of joomla on a newly developed website, but the problem is wen i create a Contact us form from quick mode with all the fields, textboxes, text areas etc............but after all the things are done and i try to save the form it is not saving, like after clicking save and navigate away from the page and again i go to quick mode forms
there is no form saved............i tried this on my local version of the website it is working fine there but cant understand why it is not saving on the online version of i missing something.
any help will be much appreciated thanks.
I had the same problem. The solution I found was so simple so that I was a little bit ashamed.
Just under the menu line in beezingforms - managing forms page, there is a pulldown menu named Package. Select Quickmodeforms of easymodeformsfrom from the pull down and all the forms I thought where not made are showing on the screen.
