Get videos and images from Yammer API with bearer - yammer

We can get posts with its images and videos, but when we try access to this URLs authentication is required.
Anyone knows how to access to image and photos URLs without authentication throught Yammer API??

In attachments json properties appear api call to get attachments.


Upload YouTube Video on users behalf using Passport's Google Authentication using nodejs

How do I make requests to the YouTube API (uploading a YouTube video) with a logged in Google User (using Passport's Google Auth)?
The Google API docs only show a way in which you have a pre-setup .json File with your personal credentials - I want users to log into my service and upload Videos onto YouTube via my NodeJS server, how would I handle this?
Thank you for any hints/tips/answers!

400 error - Instagram API - Fetching media items based on Hashtags in Sandbox mode

I try to fetch photos based on hashtags using Instagram API(Sandbox mode). Using below API<My Access token>
I am getting the error
> {"meta": {"code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthPermissionsException",
> "error_message": "This client has not been approved to access this
> resource."}}
But if I use<My Access Token>
then its returning recent 20 media items.
In my sandbox I have authenticated 1 more user but I am not getting any media items other than mine.
I am following the official documentation of Instagram API.
Please provide your inputs for this behavior.
/tags endpoints requires public_content scope enabled for your app. Without it you will not be able to use this endpoint. To be honest right now it is not possible to submit your app for review if you want to have public_content permission. Old Instagram API accepts apps for review only for basic scope. You should try to switch to Facebook Graph API, but please keep in mind that right now it supports only Instagram Business Accounts.
You can try to filter out media that does not contain the tag you wish in response from /self/media/recent endpoint. I know, not the best solution:/

Get API Key for adsense requests

I'm using the API Explorer tool to create some request urls for google adsense here. Here is the request url that they gave me that gives a response of today's earnings:{YOUR_API_KEY}
However, I don't know how to get my API key for google developer to be able to recreate this url in my code.
The API key is created on the Cloud Platform Console. Please refer to this document and you will be able to do it. Hope this helps!

Can the Google API request details about itself?

Facebook Applications can request details about themselves, which is helpful as we only need to grab the id and secret for an application and can load the rest from Facebook. Is it possible to do the same with googles API acces?
It doesn't seem possible to introspect with the Google API.

Post a photo on Facebook wall

Please recommend an image sharing service that can be called programmatically to upload a photo. I want to use the returned response and post a link to that photo or album in a Facebook message on wall.
The problem is that Facebook doesn't allow to use an uploaded photo within Facebook to be used in the wall message whereas external domains are allowed.
Can flickr be used? I don't want the users to login to flickr though.
Have you tried Imgur?
