Running gulp using Symfony Process results in command not found - laravel

I am trying to run gulp using envoy from a controller on a Laravel installation using Symfony Process to no luck. I keep getting an error back reading "The command "envoy" failed. Exit Code: 127(Command not found)". I have attached the code I am using below:
$process = new Process('envoy', base_path() . '/vendor/laravel/envoy');
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new ProcessFailedException($process);
My question is, how come the command is being read as not found even though I am targeting it directly?
Thanks in advance for the help!

I believe you need to change this line like so:
$process = new Process('envoy vendor/laravel/envoy');
can you try it? Not certain it work, but I think it's something like that. Since you are using base_path(), I think it's pointing to a different directory than you expect.


String(4) "asas" is throen in the console while running artisan command laravel

I encountered a strange error today where the error looks like in the image:
I cloned my one of my colleague's repository and ran composer install command.
As it tried to generate optimized files, the error started popping out. After that, if I try to run any artisan command, it throws the same error text string(4) "asas".
To be more precise, I already have .env configured.
Please help. Am I really missing something that I need to look at?
The most likely explanation is that your colleague dumped asas somewhere in the code base. Probably in a place that is loaded everytime you execute a command, like a service provider.
Just search for asas in all files and you'll find something like:
Since asas is only the result, it may be a variable, like dd($test); where asas is the value.
If you don't find anything, search for dd or var_dump.

Is there a way to make RichEmbed methods work in Heroku?

When attempting to use this code I got the error below:
const embed = new RichEmbed();
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let name = part + num + ".gif";
embed.setImage('attachment://' + name);;
TypeError: embed.attachFiles is not a function
I if I delete away embed.attachFiles([name]) I get an error saying that embed.setImage isn't a function either.
Is there anything I can do to make Heroku register these as functions? It is worth noting that this worked outside of Heroku, when I ran it using the command line on my own computer.
Heroku by itself does not modify the behavior of discord.js. Here's a list of things you can try:
Verify that your package.json file is updated with the version of discord.js you want and run npm i to make sure the version on your pc is the same*.
Make sure that RichEmbed is Discord.RichEmbed: try to write it explicitly to see if that helps.
Try to console.log(embed) and see what gets logged in the console: that might give you a clue of what the problem is...
* The RichEmbed.attachFile() method was added in the 11.0.0 version: any previous version of discord.js won't allow you to use it.

Executing shell command after Webpack post build

I have a Laravel project and as you know when you deploy your app everything in your public directory should be copied over to your htdocs or public_html directory to hide your application's code.
I am using webpack to build my react code and everything else and each time I change my javascript webpack does what I want, it sees I make a change and then it builds it.
However I want to add one additional command after it builds and that is to copy everything from the public directory into the correct directory in htdocs/public_html.
So far I read up on this question here Run command after webpack build
It works and I can get the echo to work but I'm not sure why cp isn't working. Echo works but how do I know what shell commands I can use?
I tried 'cp' and even 'copy-item' which is powershell, but none are working.
This is my plugin so far, I figured I needed to change the directory to be safe
before copying anything over but again, nothing is working.
mix.webpackConfig(webpack => {
return {
plugins: [
new WebpackShellPlugin({
onBuildStart: ['echo "Starting Build ..."'],
onBuildEnd: ["cd 'E:\\xammp\\apps\\FactorioCalculator'",
"cp '.\\public\\*' '..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\' -f -r"]
You could always use the copyDirectory mix method. Just put something like the following at the bottom of your webpack.mix.js file:
mix.copyDirectory('public', '../../htdocs/FactorioCalculator/')
You might have to change your path to ..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\ as per the path in your question (I only have my mac with me so I'm unable to test on my other machine).
To answer you original question, if you want to execute a command each time webpack finishes building you can use the mix.then() which takes a closure.

saving image from HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA does not work in MAMP

I'm using the following to upload an image from post data. it works on my server using php version: 5.2.16
When I try running the exact same script on my local server using MAMp and PHP Version 5.2.17
the file is not created.
if (isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA))
// Get the data
// Remove the headers (data:,) part.
// A real application should use them according to needs such as to check image type
$filteredData=substr($imageData, strpos($imageData, ",")+1);
// Need to decode before saving since the data we received is already base64 encoded
echo "unencodedData: ".$unencodedData;
$key = microtime();
$key = md5($key);
// Save file.
$fp = fopen( '../../../uploadedImages/original/' . $key . '.jpg', 'wb' );
fwrite( $fp, $unencodedData);
fclose( $fp );
it looks like the post data does exist if I look at it in firebug. Any ideas why this isn't working in mamp?
Some things to try:
Check to make sure you are getting the raw data when the script is running on MAMP
Check the permissions of the directory it is trying to write to and make sure you have write access to it and apache has write access to it.
I had issues running some php modules on MAMP so I switched to using versions I installed using MacPorts. It gave me more control of extra extension I wanted to install and I got the latest versions of apache, php, and the php extensions.

what is the difference between stensi & WanWizard datamaper versions?

I've tried stensi but I see it has some mistakes and unexpected output as mentioned in the user guide.
For example, when trying to delete a record it gives this error:
$p=new Per();
with an error message of:
undefined index id
echo $p->UserName;
and WanWizard has also this error:
<h4>A PHP Error was encountered</h4>
<p>Severity: Warning</p>
<p>Message: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given</p>
<p>Filename: libraries/datamapper.php</p>
<p>Line Number: 399</p>
How can I overcome these errors or what can I do to make it work properly?
I've changed the two lines of code at ../libraries/datamapper.php line 399 (WanWizard version):
$d = array($this->config->item('datamapper'));
DataMapper::$config = $d;
and the error message disappeared.
If anyone has tried DataMapper and has a better suggestion, please let us know.
just found out this error can occur if you autoload the datamapper config file
Stensi's original version hasn't been maintained since 2007, and only supports CI 1.4. Not really an option anymore these days. It was forked by Overzealous in 2008, and I took over maintenance of that fork in 2010.
I fixed this (in the CI spark version) by moving the config file from the sparks directory to the /application/config directory.
There's something strange happening in CI v2.1.4 where
$this->config->load('datamapper', TRUE, TRUE);
on line 391 of application/libraries/datamapper.php in Datamapper-ORM v1.8.2.1 isn't "namespacing" the config correctly. If you do
print_r ($this->config); die;
just after line 391, you'll see all of the config values are in the general CodeIgniter "namespace" inside the loaded config array. The least intrusive way to get around this is to manually namespace your application/config/datamapper.php file yourself, by changing all the references from
$config['prefix'] = '';
$config['join_prefix'] = '';
$config['datamapper']['prefix'] = '';
$config['datamapper']['join_prefix'] = '';
That's how I got around it. Though #Mhmdgomma's fix does work, I prefer not to hack the core of the system when there is a simpler solution available. Someone should probably get the maintainers to fix this, but I'm not sure where the issue lies. It looks more like it's a CI issue, rather than DM.
