How to use GitHub in VS 2015 so a moron can understand? - visual-studio

Downvote if you want... but I need a set of simple basic steps that we can follow. We have VS Enterprise, no GitHub add-ons installed. We have a an empty repo created on GitHub. What do each of the developers do after that? There's a local repo, right? Should there be another project on the local machine that commits to the local repo or do we open the project in the repo? If yes, how do we create that other project? What about the .sln file that VS lovingly puts in a separate folder? We have been at this for hours and believe me we have tried every combination of commit/push/sync/goat sacrifice except the right ones. We cannot reproduce consistent results such that two developers can work against the same remote repo. Sometimes one developer can push and he doesn't see the files pushed by the other developer. Sometimes the Commit Message text box lights up but the Commit button is disabled. I thought I was reasonably intelligent until I started working with GitHub.

I'll give you the broad steps you need to do. You may need to fill in a bit of the detail. THis is how I would work it. I am sure you could get many other opinions.
Create the repo on GitHub (which You already have done.)
Each developer should then go to the GitHub repo and fork the repo under their own GitHub account.
Each developer then needs to clone their repo to their local machine. (That's the beauty of Git. Every developer has the entire repo locally.) You can do this in VS2015 by choosing: File -> New -> Repository -> Clone.
Go to your on-line repo and get the URL of the repo that you will be cloning. Enter it into the New Repo dialog box in VS.
When working on the project, each developer should create a temporary feature branch, which they push to their own GitHub repo. They can then push their work as often as they want without it conflicting with other developers.
When a developer thinks that their work should be merged into master, they should go to GitHub and issue a "Pull Request" for their feature branch.
Their PR can then be discussed among the team before it is accepted.
Once it is accepted and merged into master, the developer can delete their feature branch locally and on GitHub, if he likes.
Since "master" on the team repo has now been updated, each developer will need to pull down master from the team repo to update their own local and remote repos.

It sounds more like an how-to-use git issue. You probably first need to see how two collaborators work on same project with git. I donot think either VS or GitHub has anything to do here, as both only provides you git gui tool regarding this issue.


How Can I Re-Baseline an Azure Repo

I'm a rank novice in Azure DevOps and I was using a local coding project in VS 2019/Team Explorer to learn about GitHub, Azure, version control, pipelines, PRs, etc. I created a project, added files and, for quite a few months, I thought I was getting the hang of it. A bit of overkill, but it was worth the learning experience.
Then a few days ago, after a month's hiatus, I returned to complete work on a local branch and nothing seemed to work correctly. I can't recall what errors initially appeared (I attempted way too many "solutions" without really understanding what I was doing) but edit conflicts showed up, I couldn't sync, pushes didn't work, and nothing I could think of would allow me to resynchronize (not in the Team Explore sense) with the remote repo. Edits I make in local files no longer show up as Changes in Team Explorer ("There are no unstaged changes..." despite my editing files, no "Commit" or "Stash" command is enabled).
How do I wipe the project's repo slate clean in Azure? I just want to start over, learn from my mistakes and carry on fresh.
I would like to establish a new baseline, if you will, clear all the branches, commits, PRs, and the work items. I would like to keep the Project settings, the Overview (Summary, Wiki, Dashboard) and possibly the pipelines.
Do I need to create a new project?
Any advice would be appreciated.
For the issue in Visual Studio:
You could try to re-connect the Project in visual studio and clone the Azure Repo to a new Path.
In this case, you can get the latest Azure Repo content again. Then you could make changes in local and push them to azure repo.
For the requirement: establish a new baseline
You don’t need to create a new project. You can directly create a new repo in the current project and push the files to the new repo.
Here are the steps:
Step1: Navigate to the old repo and select the branch that needs to be moved to the new repo. You could use the “Download as Zip” option to download all files to local machine.
Step2: Create a new Repo in the current project.
Step3: Unzip files on local machine. Connect to the new Repo in Visual Studio.
Then you can add all files as changes to push to azure repo.
The new repo will have no old branches, PRs and commits. But other parts will not be affected.
Hope this helps.

How to use private github repository for ios apps

I'm currently starting to develop an ios app with some friends. We'd like to use a private github repository for version control so we can collaboratively work and push changes to the code. Xcode 5 creates a local git repository, but there seems to be some differences between using git for an iphone app versus the class projects (java projects like connect 4) that I've been used to.
I've created a repository on github, and pushed an initial commit from my local xcode project to the github repository. However, I'm not sure if others will be able to download the code and import it into an xcode project and have it work as intended.
For one, the files on github are organized differently than it displays from my workspace in xcode 5. From the project navigator, most of the yellow folders (folder references, which I don't fully understand) aren't actually folders, and don't appear on the github page. Also, many things (infoPlist.strings, frameworks) are represented in a humongous "project.pbxproj" file, along with confusing build information.
I know that this is a vague question, but I really had no idea what to look up or read. Let me know if there's any way I can improve asking questions on stack overflow. Also, if you know any guides that would help me out with this kind of stuff, I'm all ears.
Git and Xcode work wonderfully together to create applications that foster teamwork and minimize versioning complications. However, it's important to understand the basics of Git before proceeding. This answer will walk you through the steps of integrating Git with Xcode, which really isn't too complicated once you understand what's going on.
The difference between Git and GitHub
(The OP might know this distinction, but this is really for anyone else who visits this page and is confused)
The first thing to understand is that Git and GitHub are two completely different things. Git is a version control system, like Subversion (SVN), or PerForce. It can be used independently of GitHub. GitHub is a cloud repository storage system that is integrated with Git. That's why it's called GitHUB; it's a HUB for your code and all it's versions/commits. Git can work with many repository storages, one of them being BitBucket. (This is unlike Subversion, which doesn't have a local repository and a remote repository; you have to push changes from your local repository to your remote repository in Git).
The question asked how to integrated GitHub with Xcode - the evil answer to that is you do not; you integrate Git with Xcode (which Apple has already pretty much done for you). When you commit something in Git locally, you push to GitHub, where your code is stored, and where others (e.g. team members or the public, depending on your privacy settings) can clone or fork your repository and build on it.
Create a remote repository
Let's assume you're starting from scratch. If you're not starting from scratch and already have code in a remote repository, skip this step.
In this step, you want to create your repository on GitHub or BitBucket. Follow the instructions that these sites give you to create the repository.
Getting the URL to Clone the repository
Whether you're using GitHub or BitBucket, you have to be able to tell Xcode where you are storing your code. Find the URI that allows you to clone the repository; GitHub and Bitbucket should have easy steps for finding these. Usually look for the word "clone" on the main screen of your repository, and you'll find it.
Clone locally
Fire up Xcode, with a new project. Hit the "Source Control" menu bar item, and select "Checkout". In the popup where it says "Or enter a repository or location", copy the clone URI that you acquired in your previous step. Then hit next. When asked to clone, Xcode will prompt for a branch; pick which one you want for now. If you have no idea what branching is, then choose "master".
Now you're all set. From now on, most things you need will be under the "Source Control" menu bar items as well; this includes committing, pushing and pulling. Enjoy, and good luck!
Setup the Xcode project as shown here.
Once, done you can see which file’s have been added,modified etc in project navigator.
For commit,push, or to discard changes, use
Here’s detailed tutorial :

How to pull files from github branch to xcode directly?

I have a project created for me by teacher and I have to improve it. He created a repo on Git Hub with branch for me. I'm trying to pull the project files from that branch directly to Xcode and Xcode refers to the branches that I have created which are empty, not the master one. Can't find any adequate manual for that as well... Please help...
so github uses git to manage repositories, so this question has more to do with git than with github.
Git is a distributed-repository source-control system, which means that every machine has a full copy of the repository, with all of its history and branches. This means that your local repository that you cloned from GitHub has all of the branches on it.
So, your problem is actually just that you need to switch branches locally to the branch your professor created.
In a terminal you can execute
git checkout <the-name-of-the-branch-your-teacher-created>
and that should do it. :)
Xcode is simply looking at the files in your working directory, so switching branches will update the files in Xcode as well.
For more git information check out the git book or any of the other countless git resources online!
Well using Git is fairly simple and as specified above can pull the project (either complete of specific brach and then import it.
While running Xcode you can follow below steps -
Click on Check out an existing project.
Enter Repo link as shown below and hit Next.
Select the branch that you want to pull and hit Next.
Note As shown in Image Xcode version 8.2.1 is used.

Understanding Git with XCode and BitBucket

After following several tutorials I was finally able to take my existing, non-Git-Repository XCode Project and get it uploaded to a repository on BitBucket. I'm completely new to git but I'd like to start working with versioning. Since I'm a complete newb I'd rather not be working with the command line all day (which is what I had to do to get the project on BitBucket).
XCode's organizer now has access to the BitBucket repository. I successfully cloned the project back to my hard drive. My question is this: From now on, will the projects be in sync with each other? I'm not familiar with the lingo, and the difference between a branch and a fork. Essentially, I uploaded a 1.0 codebase and I want to start working on 1.1. I'd like to either fork the code or branch it so that the original project remains for reference. From what it appears, when I clone to my hard disk, XCode creates a new local repository instead of saving it on BitBucket.
I'm confused, please help!
Forking is a server-side operation where you clone the repo. For BitBucket, it is generally used with Mercurial (see "Forking a Bitbucket Repository").
This isn't what you have done.
You have simply cloned your BitBucket Git repo (now that BitBucket also support Git, and not just SVN and Mercurial) into a local repo and imported it in your XCode editor.
You can check it through command-line (git remote) or in XCode (See "Version Control System with XCode 4 and Git").
Note that you need to use an https address for your BitBucket clone address for being able to push back to the BitBucket repo from your XCode-managed local repo: see "Bitbucket + XCode 4.2 + Git".
For more on the basis of Git (especially branches), you can follow first the small labs from
What you want to do is Branch your code from your 'master' i.e. your 1.0, to a 'develop' branch i.e. your 1.1 version. This is the simplest way for you to start getting used to version control. Once you create the branch using Xcode, the project in Xcode you are working on locally will be on that branch.
As you make changes to the code on that branch, 'commit' them from Xcode, and then 'Push' them up to Bitbucket (all done from the same menu in Xcode File>Source Control>...Xcode will ask during a push which branch to send changes to so make sure you select your Develop branch.
This will keep your local copy and your remote repo in sync as you develop your code.
This chapter in the Xcode user guide helped me immensely:
How often you should do the commit and push dance will come from experience.
Good Luck.

How do you set up github version control for a team of two?

We're trying to set up github version control for a Jsp-project in NetBeans 7.0.1. The problem is we don't have a clue what to do. I Have set up a public account on github and done all the steps in the install guide on github, ssh keys and everything. So if I wanted to work on my own in this project I wouldn't have a problem.
The problem is how to get my collaborator started. He has an account on github. he set it up with ssh keys and such. In the admin view on github I added him as a collaborator, but we don't know the next step.
So the question is how to connect the collaborator to the project? something like this I suppose?
git remote add origin
git pull
(another question: Do I git only the source files or the whole project folder?)
Regarding your second question... That's a tough one.
A few months ago I was working with a colleague on a JavaEE project and we initially decided to share the whole Eclipse project. Since I was working on Windows and he was working on Linux, we had much trouble maintaining everything. Also we had to make sure that we don't accidentally push up our .project dir, because that would overwrite the settings on the other persons machine, messing up the whole project. So we ended up removing all the project files from the repository and just keeping the source folders (src and WebContent).
Both of us set up an empty project, made our settings and than imported the source code from the repository. Was some trouble setting it up until everybody had the same project settings, but afterwards it worked like a charm.
For just two developers that is fine, I guess for a bigger team, there might be better solutions.
So, I guess Netbeans handles the project settings in a similar way. So in my opinion you should just share the code.
For the first access, what your collaborator should be able to do is a git clone of your repository.
That will set for him the remote address.
If he is declared as a collaborator, he then should be able to push/pull to that remote repo.
Note that your collaborator should have received a push notification access.
