How to use php-cs-fixer with vim for laravel? - laravel

I have installed php-cs-fixer & using with vim plugin I am using custom config file from But I am having this issue where extra space after #param from comment block gets deleted.
How can I fix this? Thanks for in advance.
Laravel uses PSR2 coding standard.
From about documentation -
Note that the #param attribute is followed by two spaces, the argument type, two more spaces, and finally the variable name:
* Register a binding with the container.
* #param string|array $abstract
* #param \Closure|string|null $concrete
* #param bool $shared
* #return void
public function bind($abstract, $concrete = null, $shared = false)

You are probably looking for "phpdoc_align" fixer. See docs:
Laravel uses many more from Symfony standard (marked by "#Symfony").
But the best way to find all fixers for Laravel, would be in PHP-CS-Fixer configuration in Laravel repostiory.


How can I "validate" DELETE request in api-platform

I want to check the entity variable and check if it is allowed to delete the entity. For example if the owner entity of the association is linked to another entity, I want to make the deletion impossible.
I've looked in the documentation of api-platform bu I could not find any help regarding my problems. Either you give the right to delete or not. I could not find how to control it (equivalent to validation for POST, PUT and PATCH).
You can use the access control feature of Api-Platform and Symfony Expression Language to achieve what you want. This way you can write pretty complex expressions.
I hope this example makes it clear.
user is the currently logged in user.
object is the resource user is trying to delete.
* #ApiResource(
* itemOperations={
* "delete"={
* "access_control"="is_granted('ROLE_USER') and object.getUsers().contains(user),
* }
* }
* )
class Entity
* #var ArrayCollection
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="User", inversedBy="entities")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="entity_users")
private $users;
* #return ArrayCollection
public function getUsers(): ArrayCollection
return $this->users;
In this case only users who are stored in users Array of Entity can delete this resource.

Overriding property name in Api Platform

Oke, so I have the following use case. On some of my entities I use a file entity for example with the organization logo.
Now I want users to post either a link (I will then async get the file) or a base64 has of the file. But when the user does a get I want to present an JSON representation of the file entity (that also includes size, a thumbnail link etc).
The current setup that I have is two different properties on my entity, one for reading and one for posting with different logic. And then an event listener that handels the logic. That’s all fine and all but it causes the user to post a postLogo property in their json file, I would hower like them to post to a logo property in their json file.
Is there an annotation that I can use (for example name on ApiProperty) to achieve this or do I need to override the serializer?
* #var File The logo of this organisation
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="File")
* #ApiProperty(
* attributes={
* "openapi_context"={
* "type"="#/components/schemas/File"
* }
* }
* )
* #Groups({"read"})
public $logo;
* #var string The logo of this organisation, a logo can iether be posted as a valid url to that logo or a base64 reprecentation of that logo.
* #ApiProperty(
* attributes={
* "openapi_context"={
* "type"="url or base64"
* }
* }
* )
* #Groups({"write"})
public $postLogo;
You can add a setter with a SerializedName annotation. Something like this should work
* #Groups({"write"})
* #SerializedName("logo")
public function setPostLogo($value)
$this->postLogo = $value;

Joomla! 3.xx *onUserLogout* event not working

I have successfully implemented the onUserAuthenticate event to implement my custom authentication API inside the Joomla! site that I am working on.
Now I want to also have some custom code run on the onUserLogout event.
I have added the following code to the custom authentication plugin file.
But this method is not getting fired/invoked while the previous one(onUserAuthenticate) is working just fine.
* Method to handle the SSO logout
* #param array $user Holds the user data.
* #param array $options Array holding options (client, ...).
* #return boolean Always returns true.
* #since 1.6
public function onUserLogout($user, $options = array()) {
if (JFactory::getApplication()->isSite()) {
// Set the cookie to expired date.
setcookie('customAuth', '123', time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 365), '/', '');
return true;
Okay so I was getting it all wrong.
So I was adding the aforementioned method inside the same plugin file that handled the onUserAuthenticate.
For Joomla! the login is a separate process which has its respective events like onUserAuthenticate.
But it seems like the event onUserLogout has to be inside the plugin with the type of user.
So I created a separate plugin inside the user plugin type directory, installed it, and enabled it....And voila!! it worked.
This had me scratching my head for quite a while.

Magento translations ok in online program but not run as cronjob

I created a module (extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract) and an admin controller.
When I run this module online translations are going right.
When I run this module as cronjob, everything goes allright but translations are not done, I specified translation file in config.xml in as well frontend as adminhtml.
What I am doing wrong?
I see this is a very old question. I've posted here to future reference and others.
Quick and dirty solution
// Fix unitialized translator
Mage::app()->getTranslator()->init('frontend', true);
just after
$initialEnvironmentInfo = $appEmulation>startEnvironmentEmulation($storeId);
for instance. Or in a foreach loop of your own, which is called via cron/admin. Since you're talking about crons, I assume that you know what you are doing.
The real problem
In Magento 1.9 in Mage_Core_Model_App_Emulation (in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App/Emulation.php), there's this function:
* Apply locale of the specified store
* #param integer $storeId
* #param string $area
* #return string initial locale code
protected function _emulateLocale($storeId, $area = Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::AREA_FRONTEND)
$initialLocaleCode = $this->_app->getLocale()->getLocaleCode();
$newLocaleCode = $this->_getStoreConfig(Mage_Core_Model_Locale::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_LOCALE, $storeId);
if ($initialLocaleCode != $newLocaleCode) {
$this->_factory->getSingleton('core/translate')->setLocale($newLocaleCode)->init($area, true);
return $initialLocaleCode;
The $initialLocaleCode != $newLocaleCode seems to be the issue here. When iteration orders/customers/subscribers/*, the locale could stay the same, which then prevents executing the code in the statement. And the locale is thus not set in the Translator (Mage::app()->getTranslator()).
We've yet to fix the issue, but you could change if ($initialLocaleCode != $newLocaleCode) { to if (true) { straight in the core source. Off course, this is ugly. I suggest something like extending the class and then :
* Apply locale of the specified store. Extended
* to fix Magento's uninitialized translator.
* #see
* #param integer $storeId
* #param string $area
* #return string initial locale code
protected function _emulateLocale($storeId, $area = Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::AREA_FRONTEND)
$initialLocaleCode = $this->_app->getLocale()->getLocaleCode();
$newLocaleCode = $this->_getStoreConfig(Mage_Core_Model_Locale::XML_PATH_DEFAULT_LOCALE, $storeId);
->init($area, true);
return $initialLocaleCode;
Magento 2
I guess the developers became aware it was borked and they changed the code in Magento 2. The _emulateLocale() function is gone all together and they added this line to the startEnvironmentEmulation() function, without any conditional around it:
It's a bug even with CE!
See what I've done about it:

how to reset symfony2 cached routes inside controller?

I want to add routes dynamically. I am storing tree of documents in database. Based on document's position in that tree i can generate url for specific document. Problem is, whenever I add document to that tree, I have to clean cache because url matcher is precached. But if I clean cache inside controller by deleting of content of cache directory error is thrown. Is there any way, how to solve it?
more problem specification:
I need more routes to create, because based on documents type, its called specific controller and action (even with specific parameters). In tree item entity i store url_part and some parameters to create particular route (like controller and action), then parameters, which are passed to that controller. Entity has method getRoute() which knows how to build route from its data. Then i have for example page document, it is entity called page and it has relation to tree item (i did not wanted to mess with inheritance). When i create page, it knows how to fill data for related tree item. Problem is, when i create page, its not unvalidated cache with existing routes. I wanna have routes cached, so after creating page i wanna reset cached routes.
Why do you want to generate routes dynamically? Can't you create a single route with a pattern which allows slashes?
I've made a similar CMS using Symfony2 before, and I used StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle (have a look at Tree and Sluggable).
My Document entity had the following fields to support tree structure:
* #Gedmo\TreeLeft
* #ORM\Column(name="`left`", type="integer")
private $left;
* #Gedmo\TreeLevel
* #ORM\Column(name="level", type="integer")
private $level;
* #Gedmo\TreeRight
* #ORM\Column(name="`right`", type="integer")
private $right;
* #Gedmo\TreeRoot
* #ORM\Column(name="root", type="integer", nullable=true)
private $root;
* #Gedmo\TreeParent
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Page", inversedBy="children")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="parent_id", referencedColumnName="id", onDelete="SET NULL")
private $parent;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Page", mappedBy="parent")
* #ORM\OrderBy({"left" = "ASC"})
private $children;
And a slug field which reflected the hierarchy:
* #var string $slug
* #ORM\Column(name="slug", type="string", length=255, unique=true)
* #Gedmo\Slug(handlers={
* #Gedmo\SlugHandler(class="Gedmo\Sluggable\Handler\TreeSlugHandler", options={
* #Gedmo\SlugHandlerOption(name="parentRelationField", value="parent"),
* #Gedmo\SlugHandlerOption(name="separator", value="/")
* })
* }, fields={"title"})
private $slug;
Isn't this what you're looking for?
