Retrieving Affected Object from serialized data - javers

Am working on finding the differences between two Json objects and storing the respective Diff in Json format(using Javers), so that can be retrieve later and presented to the user in a meaningful manner. Now, the challenge is, the Affected Object(where the change has happened) is not being serialized during serialization.
I understand that it is not possible to retrieve the domain objects from Diff.
Could see that the "affectedCdo" has been marked as transient not allowing to serialize it.
Any other alternative for doing this?

Restoring orginal domain objects from persisted snapshots will be possible when we implemen the shadows feature in JaVers. We are working on it.


Detect specific change during Eloquent Updated event

Using Eloquent Events/Observers, is it possible to detect which properties were updated within an Update event? Or, can you gain access to the previous/new values to do a comparison?
I'm finding the only solution is to manually fire events by detecting the specific field exists in the validated request data, in the controller.
Yes, absolutely. You can use the Model class's existing methods to gain access to various sets of data. The following methods should be helpful for what you want to do.
Get the attributes that were changed. (and saved)
Get the model's original attribute values.
Get the attributes that have been changed since last sync. (but not saved yet)

Model derivative fetch properties for object id(s)

We have some big models where we need to read properties via the model derivative api. Reading all properties leads to an out of memory of the heap. We need to check the properties of each object for a custom prop set in a cad program like revit or navisworks.
So we are exploring to fetch properties for an object, explained here:
But after reading the metadata for the guid, we have like 50k of objectids or more. Thats too much to fetch the properties separately per object.
Is there a possibility to:
- fetch properties for multiple object id's?
- Fetch the properties for an object id and all his children?
Or is there another recommendation on how to handle such big models where the response when reading all the properties is too big (and we don't know up front which objectIds to read properties from)?
kind regards
I completely understood your question and as I know you working with .nwm format which is basically includes all the files from project (this is the reason for such amount objects in metadata)
For such case you can use middle-ware server with custom helpers methods, please take a look on this repo from Cyrille Fauvel,
It can help you working with multiple id, with range of id's, some methods you can take as base for your own.
Also, as far as I understood you getting property programatically so maybe you can some how use 'name' field in metadata object which is also can be unique as 'guid'.

Are there limitations to limit to the three.js userData property?

I am using the Three.js Object3D userData property to store information from a MySQL database serialized into json pairs to give me data to perform various actions when selecting objects which represent saved data. It seems to work nicely for a few pairs.
I note from the reference a warning to not to store references to functions as they will not be cloned. Can anyone tell me if there any other limitations to this property (number of pairs, hierarchical data, etc.)? I want to store 2-3000 words of text, images, blobs etc., but prefer to ask over trial and error. the documents are a little sparse on such matters.
Many thanks... James
No there are not special limitations. It is simply a Javascript object:
this.userData = {};
So while your object is in memory, you can put any Javascript variables there. Only limitations are what you always have, the available memory basically. As Javascript objects can contain any types and hierarchy so you're off fine there.
I used this search to check this in the codebase:

Code first validation that requires database access (duplicate valies)

This question may have already been asked, sorry
I'm looking at the architecture for validating our model. Our simple validation can be achieved by using the property validation attributes (some custom) and using
however the problem is when validation requires access to the database or access to another property. A perfect example is to check for duplicate names. In this case we need to check the database for duplicate names where the id is not equal to that of the current object (for updates)
If we were to write this as an validation attribute to be applied to the name property this would cause to problems. Ome how do we get access to the database and two how would we get access to the id property.
So in conclusion. Is there any examples of good ways to architect a fix to this problem?
I spent some time exploring this today for a project I was working on and came to these conclusions.
It is not to bad to solve the how, much of it involves some reflection and using the validation context to inspect and access other properties of your model or using IValidationObject. The real question becomes is it okay to do validation that requires database interaction.
For one I was concerned about performance, in one particular case a validation made a query that returned an object to ensure it existed which I later needed for relationship assignment which would then cause another query.
Secondly you need to think about database concurrency. The best way to do duplication checks is during insert not before because the database could change between the two operations. This also relates to the first reason, an object could be deleted immediately after a database reported it exists.
In my particular project I felt it better to keep this sort of behavior with modifying my EF context and adding anything that went wrong to the ModelState.

Writing changes to a complex CFPreferences structure

I can easily see how to add hierarchical data to a plist file via the CFPreferences api.
However, whats far less obvious how to read from a CFPreferences a value stored inside a CFDictionary (that might be stored in turn, in a CFDictionary), and change it.
You can’t, you have to replace the root element. If this is too cumbersome, that’s a sign that you should be using model objects rather than collections and possibly move away from CFPreferences/NSUserDefaults to some other storage mechanism, perhaps Core Data.
