Code first validation that requires database access (duplicate valies) - validation

This question may have already been asked, sorry
I'm looking at the architecture for validating our model. Our simple validation can be achieved by using the property validation attributes (some custom) and using
however the problem is when validation requires access to the database or access to another property. A perfect example is to check for duplicate names. In this case we need to check the database for duplicate names where the id is not equal to that of the current object (for updates)
If we were to write this as an validation attribute to be applied to the name property this would cause to problems. Ome how do we get access to the database and two how would we get access to the id property.
So in conclusion. Is there any examples of good ways to architect a fix to this problem?

I spent some time exploring this today for a project I was working on and came to these conclusions.
It is not to bad to solve the how, much of it involves some reflection and using the validation context to inspect and access other properties of your model or using IValidationObject. The real question becomes is it okay to do validation that requires database interaction.
For one I was concerned about performance, in one particular case a validation made a query that returned an object to ensure it existed which I later needed for relationship assignment which would then cause another query.
Secondly you need to think about database concurrency. The best way to do duplication checks is during insert not before because the database could change between the two operations. This also relates to the first reason, an object could be deleted immediately after a database reported it exists.
In my particular project I felt it better to keep this sort of behavior with modifying my EF context and adding anything that went wrong to the ModelState.


Problems with Spring Forms and Validation

I am newer to Spring, previously I've worked in PHP and Python. I am having some issues understanding how Spring forms work and are validated. My understanding thus far is that when you are using the your form is backed by a bean, meaning you must provide a bean to the JSP. You can also use the stand HTML forms but then you have to manually retrieve the request parameters in the controller.
Here is the issue I am having. I have a User bean that is using Hibernate Validator, and I have add, edit pages for users. The issue is I don't want the password field to appear on the Edit page, the password is going to be garbage anyway because its using BCrypt. However when the form is submitted validation fails because it expects the password to be present. There doesn't seem to be anyway to do partial bean implementation using Spring Form.
I would like to use Spring Form if possible because it reduces repetitive validation code, and its always nice to work with objects. My thoughts now are do I create an intermediate object and then translate the data from that to my bean. Seems tedious and can lead to the creation of way to many objects. My other thought is to just using plain old HTML forms and pull the params myself and set the values in the object.
I'm not sure what is the best approach or if I'm even thinking on the right track. Spring Forms and the validation is offers seems great, but seems like it isn't particularly flexible. Like I said I'm new to Spring so I may just be missing something or not understanding.
Another issue I have been wrestling with is having multiple objects needed on a form. Lets say I have a User bean, which has the following Properties.
private Role role;
private Country country;
So I need to pass User, List, and List to my JSP. I can get them to display fine, however if the form validation fails when it returns to that page, I lose my role and country objects, unless I re-add them to the model before returning the view name. Am I missing something here or is that the norm. It's a request object so I guess that makes sense but seems tedious to have to re-add them every time.
My understanding thus far is that when you are using the your form is
backed by a bean, meaning you must provide a bean to the JSP.
I'd say mostly true. The form is backed by a bean, but the Spring JSTL tags know how to get to the bean based on the set modelAttribute. The bean is living in what you would consider "page" scope, unless you add set your model attribute to be in session. Either way, if you are using the Spring JSTL tags, they are going to one or the other place to get it.
You can also use the stand HTML forms but then you have to manually
retrieve the request parameters in the controller.
Not true. You can "simulate" the same thing that the Spring JSTL tags are doing. Understand that JSTL tags are very much like macros. They are simply copying in some pre-determined block of code into the output with some very rudimentary conditional statements. The key bit that Spring MVC needs to wire the Model Attribute on the Controller side is the name and value, which are easy to decipher how those get generated/wired together.
However when the form is submitted validation fails because it expects
the password to be present.
You could create a "DTO" or "Data Transmission Object", which is basically a go-between to take the values from the UI and are converted in the Controller/Service layer to the real Model objects on the backend. Or, if you are lazy like me, put the User in session scope, in which case you don't have to post the value as Spring will take the one out of session and just updated the one or two fields you did post. Don't post the password, Spring wont set the password.
My thoughts now are do I create an intermediate object and then
translate the data from that to my bean.
Yes, this is the DTO I referred to. You only need to do it where you need to.
I'm not sure what is the best approach or if I'm even thinking on the
right track.
There are probably thousands of ways to do anything in coding, some more right or wrong than others. I know some developers who are design-Nazi's and would say you should always do it one way or another, but I am not one of those people. I think as long as you are consistent, and you are not doing something completely boneheaded you are on the right track. My #1 concern with all the code I write is maintainability. I
Don't want to spend 20hrs trying to re-learn what I did 6mo ago, so I tend to choose the simpler option
Hate repeating code, so I tend to choose more module designs
Hate having to spend 20hrs trying to re-learn what I did 6mo ago, so tend to make heavy use of JavaDoc and comments where I find the code is tricky (lots of loops, doing something weird, etc)
Another issue I have been wrestling with is having multiple objects
needed on a form.
There are several ways to deal with this too. I have never used it, but you CAN actually have more than one Model Attribute associated with the same form and Controller handler. I think you use a <spring:bind> tag or something. I have seen samples around, so Google it if you think you need that.
My approach is usually to either put something in session or build a DTO to hold all the things I need. The first I use more for things like lists to drive building the view, for instance if I have a drop down of States coming from a table. I would have a List of the States put into session and just use them from there, that way I only go after them once and done.
I use the DTO approach (some might call it a Form Bean) when I have a complex gaggle of things I need to change all at once, but the things are not necessarily connected directly. Just to point out: You can have nested objects in your model attributes and use them in your Spring JSTL tags. You can also have Collections (List, Set, Map) in your Model Attribute and get to those as well, although Spring doesn't handle nested Collections very well.
Hope that helps.

How to check whether an instance of an ActiveRecord model is up to date?

For testing reasons, I want to check that one of my methods doesn't update a specific entry in my database. Is there a simple way to ask an instance of an ActiveRecord model if its in sync with the database? for instance, if we had a method foobar? that could do this:
old_post = Post.find(1)
updated_post = Post.find(1)
updated_post.update_attributes(name: "this is a new name not like the old name")
old_post.foobar? #should return true, as its attributes are no longer up to date
updated_post.foobar? #should return false, as its attributes match the database directly
So is there a method that acts like foobar, or something like it? Thanks in advance.
I think your problem lies beyond finding a method which tells you wether an attribute has been updated, but in the relationship among the different objects that are instantiated. First it is important to understand, that old_post and updated_post are unrelated ruby objects. They know about how to save their own state to the database, but they do not know about each other.
Therefore your first requirement for foobar? cannot be fulfilled, as old_post will think it is up-to-date as long as no attribute has been updated. In contrast the changed? method will roughly answer in the way you are trying to achieve for updated_post. However it does so because it thinks nothing has happened since it was last saved, this will not be verified against the database upon each call of changed? as this would be wasting a database call in 99.9% of all cases.
This means it is all too easy to generate anomalies between the objects you created as there is no direct connection between the two (except the implicit connection that they once represented the same database row). If you change an attribute in one object (using e.g. title='?' it will change the value of the object and take note of the change in the changed-array. Once you save this object it will save its changed attributes to the database (by creating an individually constructed update-statement).
Another object that is already instantiated (as old_post in your example) will not know about this change and might change other attributes if you are not careful (or even the same ones if they have been changed again). Depending on your database adapter you may try to use the lock! method which will synchronize your object with the database before allowing any modifications. This however will not happen automatically as in most controller methods updates do not conflict nearly often enough to merit the synchronization as it will be idempotent in most cases.
This does not go without saying that rails can not save you from thinking about your transaction semantics if you want to guarantee specific ACID semantics for your controller methods.

Is there any way in Entity Framework 4 of making Validation produce a warning instead of an error?

As far as I can see, the validation within Entity Framework is built entirely around the assumption that, if an item fails its validation, it must not be persisted to the database. Is there any mechanism, possibly running parallel to normal validation, of making a constraint on a field produce a warning to the user, rather than an error which prevents the record from being saved/updated?
To be more specific, I have a situation where a particular numerical field has limits on it, but these are advisory rather than hard-and-fast. If the user enters a value outside these limits, they should get a warning, but should still be able to save the record.
In theory, I could subclass the ValidationResult class to make, say, a ValidationWarning class, then create a custom subclass of ValidationResults whose IsValid property was sensitive to the presence of ValidationWarning messages, and ignored them in deciding whether the entity is valid. However, this requirement has arisen in a project which is already someway along in its development, and it would require a lot of refactoring to make this kind of custom subclassing work properly. I would prefer to find a mechanism which could be levered in without creating that much disruption/rework.
I had a similar requirement on a project and how I solved it was this. If (ModelState.IsValid) is false, I cleared out the errors out of the ModelState and sent it on its way again,then logged the "error" to another service. This is a bit of a hack and I would'nt recommend doing as it is not exactly best practice.

I don't understand [Bind(Exclude="ID")] in MVC

I'm really confused by this... still.
I asked a similar question to this a while before, but i'll ask it even simpler now.
I see this in a lot of samples and tutorials. How could you put [Bind(Exclude="ID")] on an entire Model, and expect to do Edits on the model? If you get pack all the properties of a model on a POST but not the ID, then how do you know which ID to edit?
Even if i'm using ViewModels... i'm probably creating them without IDs. So in that case... also... how do I know which ID was updated on an Edit?
Yes, i understand that there is a "security" element to this. People can hijack the ID... so we need to keep people from updating the value during a POST. But... what is the correct way to handle edits then? What's common practice?
I feel like i'm missing something VERY trivial.
In MVC requests are processed by the model binder when the client makes a request. If you include models on your controllers then, as far as I'm aware, you actually have to specify the model you wish to bind to by prefixing your arguments with the model name (unless you only have one argument which is the model)
Now, in some cases you might want to exclude certain properties from being bound to because they pose a security risk, which you seem to be happy with as a concept. We will exclude ID on the model, preventing any client request from posting this value in plain text.
Now why might we exclude an entire model? Well not all controller arguments are pre-processed by a model binder. RedirectToAction for example does not pass through the model binder, so it is conceivable in this instance for you to create a new model in a POST controller action, and redirect to a GET controller action, passing along a sanitised model. That model cannot be populated by the client, but we are free to populate it ourselves on the server side.
The only time I bind to a model is when I have a view model and an associated editor for that model. This makes it really easy to inject a common editor into a page and to encapsulate those properties. If you have to exclude certain properties from being bound to I would argue that you are doing it wrong.
Following your comments I think I can see why you might be confused. The model bind excluder prevents the client from ever setting a model property. If you need this property to do your updating then you simply can't exclude it. What this does mean then is that the user could potentially post back any ID. In this case you should check that the user has permission to be modifying any objects or database records associated with this ID before serving the requested update. Validating the arguments is a manual process. You can use data annotations for validating inputs, but this isn't likely to help very much with access permissions. It's something you should be checking for manually at some stage.
You know the ID because it's passed to you through the page address. So:
Will populate your ID parameter with 20. If it's used in a POST (ie, the information is filled in), just manually fill in the ID field and pass it to the database controller in whatever manner you have devised.
This is also immune to (trivial) hijacks because if they were to write some other ID besides 20, they wouldn't be updating the user with ID 20 now would they? :)

Updating a many-to-many relationship

I've asked the question a few different times in a few different ways and I haven't yet gotten any responses. I'm trying again because I feel like my solution is too convoluted and I must be missing something simpler to do.
Using EF 4.1, POCO, DbContext API, AutoMapper, and Razor in an MVC 3 application.
I have a many-to-many relationship between two of my entities: Proposals and CategoryTags. I can successfully map (Automapper) a Proposal to my ProposalViewModel including the collection of CategoryTags.
In my View, I use javascript to allow the user to add, update, and remove tags by dynamically creating elements, each one that stores the ID of the chosen tag.
I can successfully post my ViewModel back to my controller with it's CategoryTags collection populated (although only with the ID property for each CategoryTag).
When that ViewModel is posted back to my controller, I don't know how to get those tags from the ViewModel and add them to my Model in such a way that db.SaveChanges() updates the database properly.
The only way I've had any success is to disconnect the CategoryTags collection in mapping (by namig them differently), iterate through each tag and manually look it up in my context and then call the .add() method. This is sloppy for a number of reasons which leads me to believe I'm doing it wrong.
Can anyone offer any direction at all?
For anyone who is interested, my functional code:
Dim p As New Proposal
Dim tempTag As CategoryTag
p = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(Of ProposalViewModel, Proposal)(pvm)
For Each ct In pvm.Tags
tempTag = db.CategoryTags.Find(ct.Id)
If tempTag Is Nothing Then
Continue For
End If
If ct.Tag = "removeMe" Then
Continue For
End If
db.Entry(p).State = EntityState.Modified
Return RedirectToAction("Index")
The only working way is doing this manually - you can read full description of the problem if you want. The description is related to ObjectContext API but DbContext API is just wrapper suffering same issues (actually DbContext API suffers even more issues in this scenario and because of that I will skip solution with manually setting relationships).
In short. Once you post your data back to the controller you must create new context instance and attach your Proposal and realated CategoryTags. But after that you must inform the context about changes you did. It means you must say context which tags have been added to proposal and which have been removed. Otherwise context cannot process your changes because it doesn't do any automatic merge with data in database.
The easiest way to solve this is loading current Proposal with related CategoryTags from database (= you will have attached instances) and merge incoming data into attached object graph. It means you will manually remove and add tags based on posted values.
