Porting MeiYan hash function to Go - performance

I wanted to port a state-of-the-art hash function MeiYan from C to Go. (As far as I know this is one of the best if not just the best hash function for hash tables in terms of speed and collision rate, it beats MurMur at least.)
I am new to Go, just spent one weekend with it, and came up with this version:
func meiyan(key *byte, count int) uint32 {
type P *uint32;
var h uint32 = 0x811c9dc5;
for ;count >= 8; {
a := ((*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(key))) << 5)
b := ((*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(key))) >> 27)
c := *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(key)) + 4))
h = (h ^ ((a | b) ^ c)) * 0xad3e7
count -= 8
key = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(key)) + 8))
if (count & 4) != 0 {
h = (h ^ uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(key)))) * 0xad3e7
key = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(key)) + 2))
h = (h ^ uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(key)))) * 0xad3e7
key = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(key)) + 2))
if (count & 2) != 0 {
h = (h ^ uint32(*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(key)))) * 0xad3e7
key = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(key)) + 2))
if (count & 1) != 0 {
h = (h ^ uint32(*key));
h = h * 0xad3e7
return h ^ (h >> 16);
Looks messy, but I do not think I can make it look better. Now I measure the speed and it is frustratingly slow, 3 times slower than C/C++ when compiled with gccgo -O3. Can this be made faster? Is this just as good as compiler can make it or unsafe.Pointer conversion is just as slow as it gets? In fact this surprised me, because I have seen that some other number crunching style code was just as fast as C or even faster. Am I doing something inneficiently here?
Here is the original C code I am porting from:
u32 meiyan(const char *key, int count) {
typedef u32* P;
u32 h = 0x811c9dc5;
while (count >= 8) {
h = (h ^ ((((*(P)key) << 5) | ((*(P)key) >> 27)) ^ *(P)(key + 4))) * 0xad3e7;
count -= 8;
key += 8;
#define tmp h = (h ^ *(u16*)key) * 0xad3e7; key += 2;
if (count & 4) { tmp tmp }
if (count & 2) { tmp }
if (count & 1) { h = (h ^ *key) * 0xad3e7; }
#undef tmp
return h ^ (h >> 16);
Here is how I measure speed:
func main(){
T := time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6
buf := []byte("Hello World!")
var controlSum uint64 = 0
for x := 123; x < 1e8; x++ {
controlSum += uint64(meiyan(&buf[0], 12))
fmt.Println(time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6 - T, "ms")
fmt.Println("controlSum:", controlSum)

After some careful research I found out why my code was slow, and improved it so it is now faster than the C version in my tests:
package main
import (
func meiyan(key *byte, count int) uint32 {
type un unsafe.Pointer
type p32 *uint32
type p16 *uint16
type p8 *byte
var h uint32 = 0x811c9dc5;
for ;count >= 8; {
a := *p32(un(key)) << 5
b := *p32(un(key)) >> 27
c := *p32(un(uintptr(un(key)) + 4))
h = (h ^ ((a | b) ^ c)) * 0xad3e7
count -= 8
key = p8(un(uintptr(un(key)) + 8))
if (count & 4) != 0 {
h = (h ^ uint32(*p16(un(key)))) * 0xad3e7
key = p8(un(uintptr(un(key)) + 2))
h = (h ^ uint32(*p16(un(key)))) * 0xad3e7
key = p8(un(uintptr(un(key)) + 2))
if (count & 2) != 0 {
h = (h ^ uint32(*p16(un(key)))) * 0xad3e7
key = p8(un(uintptr(un(key)) + 2))
if (count & 1) != 0 {
h = h ^ uint32(*key)
h = h * 0xad3e7
return h ^ (h >> 16);
func main() {
T := time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6
buf := []byte("ABCDEFGHABCDEFGH")
var controlSum uint64 = 0
start := &buf[0]
size := len(buf)
for x := 123; x < 1e8; x++ {
controlSum += uint64(meiyan(start, size))
fmt.Println(time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6 - T, "ms")
fmt.Println("controlSum:", controlSum)
The hash function itself was already fast, but dereferencing the array on each iteration is what made it slow: &buf[0] was replaced with start := &buf[0] and then use start on each iteration.

The implementation from NATS looks impressive! On my machine, for a data of length 30 (bytes) op/sec 157175656.56 and nano-sec/op 6.36! Take a look at it. You might find some ideas.


Integer Bilinear interpolation optimization

My code was very much bottlenecked by bilinear interpolation so I wrote a version (ScaleBlerpI) that does not use floating point math. This is already 1.5 1.85 times faster but I am wondering how I could make it even faster.
Any hints are appreciated.
func ScaleBlerpI(src, dst *ValueFieldI) {
mx := uint64((src.Width - 1) * math.MaxUint32 / dst.Width)
my := uint64((src.Height - 1) * math.MaxUint32 / dst.Height)
for y := uint64(0); y < uint64(dst.Height); y++ {
for x := uint64(0); x < uint64(dst.Width); x++ {
gx := (x * mx) >> 32 // eq. / math.MaxUint32
tx := (x * mx) & math.MaxUint32 // eq. % (math.MaxUint32 + 1) or % 2^32
gy := (y * my) >> 32
ty := (y * my) & math.MaxUint32
srcX, srcY := int(gx), int(gy)
rgba00 := src.GetComponent(srcX, srcY)
rgba10 := src.GetComponent(srcX+1, srcY)
rgba01 := src.GetComponent(srcX, srcY+1)
rgba11 := src.GetComponent(srcX+1, srcY+1)
result := []uint32{
blerpI(rgba00[0], rgba10[0], rgba01[0], rgba11[0], tx, ty),
blerpI(rgba00[1], rgba10[1], rgba01[1], rgba11[1], tx, ty),
blerpI(rgba00[2], rgba10[2], rgba01[2], rgba11[2], tx, ty),
dst.SetComponent(int(x), int(y), result)
func lerpI(s, e uint32, f uint64) uint32 {
// basically s * (1 - f) + b * f
return uint32(
(uint64(s)*(math.MaxUint32-f) + uint64(e)*f) /
func blerpI(c00, c10, c01, c11 uint32, tx, ty uint64) uint32 {
return lerpI(
lerpI(c00, c10, tx),
lerpI(c01, c11, tx),
type ValueFieldI struct {
Width, Height int
ComponentSize int
Values []uint32
func (vf *ValueFieldI) GetComponent(x, y int) []uint32 {
componentIdx := x + y*vf.Width
return vf.Values[componentIdx*vf.ComponentSize : componentIdx*vf.ComponentSize+vf.ComponentSize]
func (vf *ValueFieldI) SetComponent(x, y int, c []uint32) {
copy(vf.GetComponent(x, y), c)
Profiling has shown me that the most time is lost on blerpI, src.GetComponent and dst.SetComponent
Edit 1
// basically s * (1 - f) + e * f
return uint32(
(uint64(s)*(math.MaxUint32-f) + uint64(e)*f) /
// basically s + f*(e-s)
return s + uint32((f*(uint64(e)-uint64(s)))>>32)
Integer version is now 1.85 times faster.
Edit 2
func BenchmarkBlerpIRand(b *testing.B) {
src := &ValueFieldI{
Width: 37,
Height: 37,
ComponentSize: 3,
Values: make([]uint32, 37*37*3),
for i := range src.Values {
src.Values[i] = rand.Uint32()
dst := &ValueFieldI{
Width: 37 * 8,
Height: 37 * 8,
ComponentSize: 3,
Values: make([]uint32, 37*8*37*8*3),
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ScaleBlerpI(src, dst)

Creating 8 bit binary data from 4,3, and 1 bit data in Golang

I need to form a header (8 bits) using a version (4 bits), count (3 bits), identifier (1 bit). How can I achieve this in Go? For example:
version: 1 (0001)
count: 3 (011)
identifier: 1(1)
Header: 00010111 (23)
I'm doing the following which works but there's a lot of cumbersome code. How can I do this efficiently?
const (
VersionSize binary.Bits = 4
countSize binary.Bits = 3
IdentifierSize binary.Bits = 1
type header struct {
version uint8
count uint8
identifier uint8
func main() {
headerObj := &header{version:1, count:3, identifier:1}
headerBytes := encode(headerObj)
// prints [23]
func (h *header) encode() []byte {
var header []byte
vercountIdBinary := toBinary(h.version, versionSize) + toBinary(h.count,countSize) + toBinary(h.identifier, IdentifierSize)
vercountIdByte, _ := strconv.ParseInt(vercountIdBinary, 2, 8)
header = append(header, byte(vercountIdByte))
return header
func toBinary(value interface{}, bitSize binary.Bits) string {
format := "%0" + strconv.Itoa(int(bitSize)) + "b"
return fmt.Sprintf(format, value)
Packing and unpacking bits into a number can be achieved simply with bit masking and shifting.
For example to pack bits into a number, mask and assign the first, then shift left the result with the bits number or the next data (to make enough room for it). Then mask the 2nd number, and "add" it using bitwise OR. Then shift again with the size of the 3rd number, and repeat.
To unpack: mask the result with the size of the last field, and you got the last number. Shift right the data with the size of the decoded number, and mask with the next (in reverse order) number's size, and you got the number. Repeat this process until you have decoded all numbers.
For example, this packs identifier to most significant bits, count in middle and version to least significant bits, but you may do the opposite order by packing fields in reverse order:
const (
BitsVersion = 4
BitsCount = 3
BitsId = 1
const (
MaskVersion = 1<<BitsVersion - 1
MaskCount = 1<<BitsCount - 1
MaskId = 1<<BitsId - 1
type header struct {
version uint8
count uint8
identifier uint8
func (h *header) ToByte() uint8 {
var b uint8
b = h.identifier & MaskId
b <<= BitsCount
b |= h.count & MaskCount
b <<= BitsVersion
b |= h.version & MaskVersion
return b
func (h *header) ParseByte(b uint8) {
h.version = b & MaskVersion
b >>= BitsVersion
h.count = b & MaskCount
b >>= BitsCount
h.identifier = b & MaskId
Testing it:
h := &header{
version: 3,
count: 2,
identifier: 1,
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", h)
b := h.ToByte()
h2 := &header{}
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", h2)
Which will output (try it on the Go Playground):
&{version:3 count:2 identifier:1}
&{version:3 count:2 identifier:1}
Note: the above example encodes the fields in id-count-version order. The order of fields doesn't matter as long as both the packing and unpacking works with the same order. If you need reverse order (version-count-id), simply reverse the order in which fields are packed / unpacked. Here's how to do that:
func (h *header) ToByte() uint8 {
var b uint8
b = h.version & MaskVersion
b <<= BitsCount
b |= h.count & MaskCount
b <<= BitsId
b |= h.identifier & MaskId
return b
func (h *header) ParseByte(b uint8) {
h.identifier = b & MaskId
b >>= BitsId
h.count = b & MaskCount
b >>= BitsCount
h.version = b & MaskVersion
This outputs the same. Try this one on the Go Playground.
Note that if you have to do this with multiple data, targeting an io.Writer stream, you may use the github.com/icza/bitio library (disclosure: I'm the author).

Writing Pascal's Triangle using big.Int int

I have some code for Pascal's Triangle using big.Int. How do I add the values? I get an error:
invalid operation:
PascalTriangle[r - 1][c - 1] + PascalTriangle[r - 1][c]
(operator + not defined on struct)
I am using a big.Int array so I cannot use Add from the big package.
func generatePascalTriangle(n int) [][]big.Int {
PascalTriangle := make([][]big.Int, n)
for i := range PascalTriangle {
PascalTriangle[i] = make([]big.Int, n)
var one big.Int
for r := 0; r < n; r++ {
PascalTriangle[r][0] = one
PascalTriangle[r][r] = one
for r := 2; r < n; r++ {
for c := 1; c < r; c++ {
PascalTriangle[r][c] = PascalTriangle[r-1][c-1] + PascalTriangle[r-1][c]
return PascalTriangle
I am using big.Int array so cannot use "Add" from "big" package.
That claim is false. You can, and you should.
For example,
package main
import (
func generatePascalTriangle(n int) [][]big.Int {
PascalTriangle := make([][]big.Int, n)
for i := range PascalTriangle {
PascalTriangle[i] = make([]big.Int, n)
var one big.Int
for r := 0; r < n; r++ {
PascalTriangle[r][0] = one
PascalTriangle[r][r] = one
for r := 2; r < n; r++ {
for c := 1; c < r; c++ {
// PascalTriangle[r][c] = PascalTriangle[r-1][c-1] + PascalTriangle[r-1][c]
PascalTriangle[r][c] = *PascalTriangle[r][c].Add(&PascalTriangle[r-1][c-1], &PascalTriangle[r-1][c])
return PascalTriangle
func main() {
t := generatePascalTriangle(7)
for i, r := range t {
for _, n := range r[:i+1] {
fmt.Print(n.String() + " ")
Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/KUGsjr8Mon5
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1

What "|=" operator means in Go?

I've found this operator |= and I'm wondering what it means
func getPageInfoMode(r *http.Request) (mode PageInfoMode) {
for _, k := range strings.Split(r.FormValue("m"), ",") {
if m, found := modeNames[strings.TrimSpace(k)]; found {
mode |= m
Is an inplace bitwise OR operator https://golang.org/ref/spec#Operators.
There are many others:
+ & += &= && == !=
- | -= |= || < <=
* ^ *= ^= <- > >=
/ << /= <<= ++ = :=
% >> %= >>= -- !
&^ &^=

How can I calculate a p-value for a hypergeometric distribution in Go?

In R, I can calculate a p-value for a hypergeometric distribution by using the phyper() function, of which the first value in the returned array is the p-value.
I was wondering whether there is any package in Go / Golang, that lets me do this calculation completely within Go?
You should check out:
probab - Probability distribution functions. Bayesian inference. Written in pure Go.
stat - Pure Go implementation of the GSL Statistics library.
gostat - A statistics library for the go language
When I find problems dealing with stats, my second line of attack after having found that a library does not exist is to port from the R code. This is mixed in ease since code may be R, C/C++ or fortran.
In this case it was pure C, so the port was trivial. Note that the Qhyper() implementation is not an exact port since I have used stirlerr() in place of lgammacor() for the lbeta() implementation. This doesn't seem to make a great deal of difference, but I advise caution if using this lbeta() (and so Qhyper()).
// Direct port of R code from nmath/{phyper,dbinom,stirlerr}.c and {dpq,nmath}.h.
// Code licensed under GPL for that reason (c) Dan Kortschak.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Example values come from:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8382806/r-hypergeometric-test-phyper
fmt.Println(Phyper(62, 1998, 5260-1998, 131, true, false))
for x := 0.; x < 10; x++ {
fmt.Println(Phyper(x, 10, 7, 8, true, false))
for x := 0.; x < 10; x++ {
fmt.Println(Dhyper(x, 10, 7, 8, false))
for x := 0.; x < 10; x++ {
fmt.Println(Qhyper(x, 10, 7, 8, true, false))
var ErrDomain = errors.New("hyper: argument out of domain")
const (
epsilon = 2.2204460492503131e-16
min = 2.2250738585072014e-308
// Sample of n balls from r red and b black ones; x are red
func Phyper(x, r, b, n float64, lowerTail, logP bool) (float64, error) {
x = math.Floor(x + 1e-7)
r = round(r)
b = round(b)
n = round(n)
if r < 0 || b < 0 || notFinite(r+b) || n < 0 || n > r+b {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
if x*(r+b) > n*r {
b, r = r, b
x = n - x - 1
lowerTail = !lowerTail
if x < 0 {
return dt0(lowerTail, logP), nil
if x >= r || x >= n {
return dt1(lowerTail, logP), nil
d, err := Dhyper(x, r, b, n, logP)
if err != nil {
return d, err
pd := pdhyper(x, r, b, n, logP)
if logP {
return log(d+pd, lowerTail), nil
res := d * pd
if lowerTail {
return res, nil
// Use 0.5 - p + 0.5 to perhaps gain 1 bit of accuracy
res = 0.5 - res
return res + 0.5, nil
func Dhyper(x, r, b, n float64, giveLog bool) (float64, error) {
if negativeOrNotInteger(r) || negativeOrNotInteger(b) || negativeOrNotInteger(n) || n > r+b {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
if x < 0 {
return 0, nil
if x != math.Floor(x) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("non-integer x = %f", x)
x = round(x)
r = round(r)
b = round(b)
n = round(n)
if n < x || r < x || n-x > b {
return 0, nil
if n == 0 {
if x == 0 {
return 1, nil
return 0, nil
p := n / (r + b)
q := (r + b - n) / (r + b)
p1, err := dbinom(x, r, p, q, giveLog)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
p2, err := dbinom(n-x, b, p, q, giveLog)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
p3, err := dbinom(n, r+b, p, q, giveLog)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
if giveLog {
return p1 + p2 - p3, nil
return p1 * p2 / p3, nil
func Qhyper(p, NR, NB, n float64, lowerTail, logP bool) (float64, error) {
if notFinite(p) || notFinite(NR) || notFinite(NB) || notFinite(n) {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
NR = round(NR)
NB = round(NB)
N := NR + NB
n = round(n)
if NR < 0 || NB < 0 || n < 0 || n > N {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
/* Goal: Find xr (= #{red balls in sample}) such that
* phyper(xr, NR,NB, n) >= p > phyper(xr - 1, NR,NB, n)
xstart := math.Max(0, n-NB)
xend := math.Min(n, NR)
if logP {
if p > 0 {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
if p == 0 { /* upper bound*/
if lowerTail {
return xend, nil
return xstart, nil
if math.IsInf(p, -1) {
if lowerTail {
return xstart, nil
return xend, nil
} else { /* !logP */
if p < 0 || p > 1 {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
if p == 0 {
if lowerTail {
return xstart, nil
return xend, nil
if p == 1 {
if lowerTail {
return xend, nil
return xstart, nil
xr := xstart
xb := n - xr /* always ( = #{black balls in sample} ) */
smallN := N < 1000 /* won't have underflow in product below */
/* if N is small, term := product.ratio( bin.coef );
otherwise work with its logarithm to protect against underflow */
t1, err := lfastchoose(NR, xr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
t2, err := lfastchoose(NB, xb)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
t3, err := lfastchoose(N, n)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
term := t1 + t2 - t3
if smallN {
term = math.Exp(term)
NR -= xr
NB -= xb
if !lowerTail || logP {
p = qIv(p, lowerTail, logP)
p *= 1 - 1000*epsilon /* was 64, but failed on FreeBSD sometimes */
var sum float64
if smallN {
sum = term
} else {
sum = math.Exp(term)
for sum < p && xr < xend {
if smallN {
term *= (NR / xr) * (xb / NB)
} else {
term += math.Log((NR / xr) * (xb / NB))
if smallN {
sum += term
} else {
sum += math.Exp(term)
return xr, nil
func lfastchoose(n, k float64) (float64, error) {
lb, err := lbeta(n-k+1, k+1)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
return -math.Log(n+1) - lb, nil
func lbeta(a, b float64) (float64, error) {
p := a
q := a
if b < p {
p = b
} /* := min(a,b) */
if b > q {
q = b
} /* := max(a,b) */
/* both arguments must be >= 0 */
if p < 0 {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
} else if p == 0 {
return math.Inf(1), nil
} else if notFinite(q) { /* q == +Inf */
return math.Inf(1), nil
if p >= 10 {
/* p and q are big. */
corr := stirlerr(p) + stirlerr(q) - stirlerr(p+q)
return math.Log(q)*-0.5 + logSqrt2Pi + corr + (p-0.5)*math.Log(p/(p+q)) + q*math.Log1p(-p/(p+q)), nil
} else if q >= 10 {
/* p is small, but q is big. */
corr := stirlerr(q) - stirlerr(p+q)
return math.Gamma(p) + corr + p - p*math.Log(p+q) + (q-0.5)*math.Log1p(-p/(p+q)), nil
} else {
/* p and q are small: p <= q < 10. */
/* R change for very small args */
if p < min {
return lgamma(p) + (lgamma(q) - lgamma(p+q)), nil
return math.Log(math.Gamma(p) * (math.Gamma(q) / math.Gamma(p+q))), nil
func lgamma(p float64) float64 {
r, _ := math.Lgamma(p)
return r
func qIv(p float64, lowerTail, logP bool) float64 {
if logP {
if lowerTail {
return math.Exp(p)
return -math.Expm1(p)
if lowerTail {
return p
p = 0.5 - p
return p + 0.5
// Calculate
// phyper (x, r, b, n, TRUE, FALSE)
// [log] ----------------------------------
// dhyper (x, r, b, n, FALSE)
// without actually calling phyper. This assumes that
// x * (r + b) <= n * r
func pdhyper(x, r, b, n float64, logP bool) float64 {
sum := 0.
term := 1.
for x > 0 && term >= epsilon*sum {
term *= x * (b - n + x) / (n + 1 - x) / (r + 1 - x)
sum += term
if logP {
return math.Log1p(sum)
return 1 + sum
var (
ln2 = math.Log(2)
ln2Pi = math.Log(2 * math.Pi)
func log(x float64, lowerTail bool) float64 {
if lowerTail {
return math.Log(x)
if x > -ln2 {
return math.Log(-math.Expm1(x))
return math.Log1p(-math.Exp(x))
func dbinom(x, n, p, q float64, giveLog bool) (float64, error) {
if p == 0 {
if x == 0 {
return 1, nil
return 0, nil
if q == 0 {
if x == n {
return 1, nil
return 0, nil
if x == 0 {
if n == 0 {
return 1, nil
if p < 0.1 {
t, err := bd0(n, n*q)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
return exp(-t-n*p, giveLog), nil
return exp(n*math.Log(q), giveLog), nil
if x == n {
if q < 0.1 {
t, err := bd0(n, n*p)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
return exp(-t-n*q, giveLog), nil
return exp(n*math.Log(p), giveLog), nil
if x < 0 || x > n {
return 0, nil
// n*p or n*q can underflow to zero if n and p or q are small. This
// used to occur in dbeta, and gives NaN as from R 2.3.0.
t1, err := bd0(x, n*p)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
t2, err := bd0(n-x, n*q)
if err != nil {
return math.NaN(), err
lc := stirlerr(n) - stirlerr(x) - stirlerr(n-x) - t1 - t2
// f = (M_2PI*x*(n-x))/n; could overflow or underflow
// Upto R 2.7.1:
// lf = log(M_2PI) + log(x) + log(n-x) - log(n);
// -- following is much better for x << n :
lf := ln2Pi + math.Log(x) + math.Log1p(-x/n)
return exp(lc-0.5*lf, giveLog), nil
func negativeOrNotInteger(x float64) bool {
return x < 0 || x != math.Floor(x)
func notFinite(x float64) bool {
return math.IsNaN(x) || math.IsInf(x, 0)
func round(x float64) float64 {
if _, frac := math.Modf(x); frac >= 0.5 {
return math.Ceil(x)
return math.Floor(x)
func exp(x float64, giveLog bool) float64 {
if giveLog {
return x
return math.Exp(x)
func dt0(lowerTail, logP bool) float64 {
if lowerTail {
return d0(logP)
return d1(logP)
func dt1(lowerTail, logP bool) float64 {
if lowerTail {
return d1(logP)
return d0(logP)
func d0(logP bool) float64 {
if logP {
return math.Inf(-1)
return 0
func d1(logP bool) float64 {
if logP {
return 0
return 1
// bd0(x,M) := M * D0(x/M) = M*[ x/M * log(x/M) + 1 - (x/M) ] =
// = x * log(x/M) + M - x
// where M = E[X] = n*p (or = lambda), for x, M > 0
// in a manner that should be stable (with small relative error)
// for all x and M=np. In particular for x/np close to 1, direct
// evaluation fails, and evaluation is based on the Taylor series
// of log((1+v)/(1-v)) with v = (x-M)/(x+M) = (x-np)/(x+np).
func bd0(x, np float64) (float64, error) {
if notFinite(x) || notFinite(np) || np == 0 {
return math.NaN(), ErrDomain
if math.Abs(x-np) < 0.1*(x+np) {
v := (x - np) / (x + np) // might underflow to 0
s := (x - np) * v // s using v -- change by MM
if math.Abs(s) < min {
return s, nil
ej := 2 * x * v
v = v * v
for j := 1; j < 1000; j++ {
// Taylor series; 1000: no infinite loop
// as |v| < .1, v^2000 is "zero"
ej *= v // = v^(2j+1)
s1 := s + ej/float64((j<<1)+1)
if s1 == s { // last term was effectively 0
return s1, nil
s = s1
/* else: | x - np | is not too small */
return x*math.Log(x/np) + np - x, nil
var (
// error for 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, ..., 14.5, 15.0.
sfErrHalves = [31]float64{
0.0, // n=0 - wrong, place holder only
0.1534264097200273452913848, // 0.5
0.0810614667953272582196702, // 1.0
0.0548141210519176538961390, // 1.5
0.0413406959554092940938221, // 2.0
0.03316287351993628748511048, // 2.5
0.02767792568499833914878929, // 3.0
0.02374616365629749597132920, // 3.5
0.02079067210376509311152277, // 4.0
0.01848845053267318523077934, // 4.5
0.01664469118982119216319487, // 5.0
0.01513497322191737887351255, // 5.5
0.01387612882307074799874573, // 6.0
0.01281046524292022692424986, // 6.5
0.01189670994589177009505572, // 7.0
0.01110455975820691732662991, // 7.5
0.010411265261972096497478567, // 8.0
0.009799416126158803298389475, // 8.5
0.009255462182712732917728637, // 9.0
0.008768700134139385462952823, // 9.5
0.008330563433362871256469318, // 10.0
0.007934114564314020547248100, // 10.5
0.007573675487951840794972024, // 11.0
0.007244554301320383179543912, // 11.5
0.006942840107209529865664152, // 12.0
0.006665247032707682442354394, // 12.5
0.006408994188004207068439631, // 13.0
0.006171712263039457647532867, // 13.5
0.005951370112758847735624416, // 14.0
0.005746216513010115682023589, // 14.5
0.005554733551962801371038690, // 15.0
logSqrt2Pi = math.Log(math.Sqrt(2 * math.Pi))
// stirlerr(n) = log(n!) - log( sqrt(2*pi*n)*(n/e)^n )
// = log Gamma(n+1) - 1/2 * [log(2*pi) + log(n)] - n*[log(n) - 1]
// = log Gamma(n+1) - (n + 1/2) * log(n) + n - log(2*pi)/2
func stirlerr(n float64) float64 {
const (
S0 = 1. / 12.
S1 = 1. / 360.
S2 = 1. / 1260.
S3 = 1. / 1680.
S4 = 1. / 1188.
var nn float64
if n <= 15.0 {
nn = n + n
if nn == math.Floor(nn) {
return sfErrHalves[int(nn)]
lg, _ := math.Lgamma(n + 1)
return lg - (n+0.5)*math.Log(n) + n - logSqrt2Pi
nn = n * n
switch {
case n > 500:
return ((S0 - S1/nn) / n)
case n > 80:
return ((S0 - (S1-S2/nn)/nn) / n)
case n > 35:
return ((S0 - (S1-(S2-S3/nn)/nn)/nn) / n)
default: // 15 < n <= 35
return (S0 - (S1-(S2-(S3-S4/nn)/nn)/nn)/nn) / n
