batch file use inflated zip file as a variable - windows

C:\Users\Jeffery\Downloads>unzip -o "1942 (Japan, USA).zip" -d %temp% | find ".nes"
inflating: C:/Users/Jeffery/AppData/Local/Temp/1942 (Japan, USA).nes
I want the inflated filename into a variable
SET _game="C:/Users/Jeffery/AppData/Local/Temp/1942 (Japan, USA).nes"
so that I can use it in my launcher
C:/Users/Jeffery/Downloads/nesemu.exe %_game%


how to extract gzipped file in a different directory

I am currently using this command to do a restore in mysql of a gzipped file.
C:\ of gzip.exe >gunzip -c filename.gz | mysql -u.. -p.. -P.. -h dbname
I would like to extract files that are located in a directory that is different from the one in which gzip.exe is located.
How should i modify the instruction?
Change to the directory containing the .gz file and either 1) specify the path to gunzip.exe or 2) add the directory containing gunzip.exe to your PATH variable.
"C:\path\to\gunzip.exe" -c filename.gz | mysql -u.. -p.. -P.. -h dbname

How do I pipe a file into an encrypted, password protected zip file, then delete the original file, in Windows batch?

I am attempting to export some database data using the BCP Utility.
Here is my batch command so far:
BCP [table] out [file] -c -T -S [server] -t"¶" | 7z.exe a -si [archive name] -sdel
The BCP part works just fine:
BCP [table] out [file] -c -T -S [server] -t"¶"
However, for the 7-Zip part:
7z.exe a -si [archive name] -sdel
It works to a point. The original file is not removed, and I'd also like to encrypt the archive with 128 bit or 256 bit encryption with a password.
Any suggestions?
I found a work around solution with a small VB .NET script.
The script takes in a table name, runs BCP into a text file, runs 7 Zip with encryption options (, and a password, then deletes the original text file.
These commands are run using the Process() object functions.
That way I can loop through the tables I need placed in files easily.
It is not the Windows batch answer I was looking for, but it works.
Any other suggestions are still welcome.
BCP .... | 7z u -sidirData -pMyPassword -mhe outputFile.7z
^ ^ ^ ^ ^______________ The file that will be generated
| | | |___________________ Encrypt file names
| | |________________________________ Password used for encryption
| |___________________________________________ Name of stored file
|_____________________________________________ update/create container file
Note that there are no spaces between the switches and the values

Uncompress recursively using 7-Zip from command line

I'm attempting to uncompress several .gz files using 7-Zip from the command line. My files are in directories like so:
I would like to recursively uncompress all the .gz files into each's orginal location and as well as deleting the remaining .gz files when they are done uncompressing.
I have tried the following command with no luck:
7z.exe x C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\copyto\*\*.gz -r
I assumed that this would extract recursively. I get the error:
Processing archive: C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\copyto\1\file1.gz
Can not open output file file1
Sub items Errors: 1
Any idea what's going on?
Given your command line, my guess is that your current working directory isn't any subdirectory of your home directory (C:\Users\MYUSERNAME) or the public user directory (C:\Users\Public), which means you probably don't have access rights. For example, if I run the following from C:\Program Files\7-Zip, I get the same error with a 7-Zip file:
C:\Program Files\7-Zip>7z x C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\migrated\annex_k.7z -r
7-Zip [64] 9.38 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Igor Pavlov 2015-01-03
Processing archive: C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\migrated\annex_k.7z
ERROR: Can not open output file : .\annex_k\include\annex_k\errno.h
Skipping annex_k\include\annex_k\errno.h
ERROR: Can not open output file : .\annex_k\include\annex_k\handler.h
Skipping annex_k\include\annex_k\handler.h
Extracting annex_k\include\annex_k
Extracting annex_k\include
Extracting annex_k
Sub items Errors: 10
Archives with Errors: 1
Sub items Errors: 10
Kernel Time = 0.031 = 39%
User Time = 0.031 = 39%
Process Time = 0.062 = 78% Virtual Memory = 3 MB
Global Time = 0.080 = 100% Physical Memory = 4 MB
Notice that not even an annex_k directory was created:
C:\Program Files\7-Zip>dir /b
The solution is to extract to a directory in which you have access rights. You can specify an output directory using something like -oC:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\copyto\1. If you absolutely need to do this in a directory in which you don't have write access ordinarily, you'd need to run the command prompt as an administrator and extract the file as usual.

How to fix the error in the bash shell script?

I am trying a code in shell script. while I am trying to convert the code from batch script to shell script I am getting an error.
:: Create a file with all latest snapshots
FOR /F "tokens=5" %%a in (' ec2-describe-snapshots ^|find "SNAPSHOT" ^|sort /+64') do set "var=%%a"
set "latestdate=%var:~0,10%"
call ec2-describe-snapshots |find "SNAPSHOT"|sort /+64 |find "%latestdate%">"%EC2_HOME%\Working\SnapshotsLatest_%date-today%.txt"
#Create a file with all latest snapshots
FOR snapshot_date in $(' ec2-describe-snapshots | grep -i "SNAPSHOT" |sort /+64') do set "var=$snapshot_date"
set "latestdate=$var:~0,10"
ec2-describe-snapshots |grep -i "SNAPSHOT" |sort /+64 | grep "$latestdate">"$EC2_HOME%/SnapshotsLatest_$today_date"
I want to sort the snapshots according to dates and to save the snapshots that are created in latest date in a file.
SAMPLE OUTPUT OF ece-describe-snapshots:
SNAPSHOT snap-5e20 vol-f660 completed 2013-12-10T08:00:30+0000 100% 109030037527 10 2013-12-10: Daily Backup for i-2111 (VolID:vol-f9a0 InstID:i-2601)
It will contain records like this
I got this code :
latestdate=$(ec2-describe-snapshots | grep ^SNAPSHOT | sort -k 5 | awk '{print $5}')
ec2-describe-snapshots | grep SNAPSHOT.*$latestdate | > "$EC2_HOME/SnapshotsLatest_$today_date"
but getting this error :
grep: 2013-12-10T09:55:34+0000: No such file or directory
grep: 2013-12-11T04:16:49+0000: No such file or directory
grep: 2013-12-11T04:17:57+0000: No such file or directory
i have some snapshots made on amazon, i want to find the latest snapshots made on a date and then want to store them in a file. like date 2013-12-10 snapshots made on this date should be stored in file. Contents of snapshotslatest file should be
SNAPSHOT snap-c17f3 vol-f69a0 completed 2013-12-04T09:24:50+0000 100% 109030037‌​527 10 2013-12-04: Daily Backup for Sanjay_Test_Machine (VolID:vol-f66409a0 InstID:i-26048111)
SNAPSHOT snap-c7d617f9 vol-3d335f6b completed 2013-12-04T09:24:54+0000 100% 1090‌​30037527 10 2013-12-04: Daily Backup for sacht_VPC (VolID:vol-3db InstID:i-ed6)
please not that if there are snapshots created on 2013-12-10, 2013-12-11, 2013-12-12. It means that the latest_date should be 2013-12-12 and all the snaphshot created on 2013-12-12 should be saved in file.
Any suggestion or lead is appreciated.
Neither the batch script nor the shell script you posted are a good starting point so let's start from scratch. Sorry, this is too big for a comment.
You want to find the latest snapshots made on a date and then want to store them in a file.
What does that mean?
Do the snapshot files have a timestamp in their name or in their content?
If not - UNIX does not store file creation timestamps so is a last-modified timestamp adequate?
Do you literally want to concatenate all of your snapshot files into one singe file or do you want to create a file that has a list of the snapshot file names?
Post some sample input (e.g. some snapshot file names and contents if that's where the timestamp is stored) and the expected output given that input.
Update your question to address all of the above, do not try to reply in a comment.
Minor issue, you don't need a pipe when re-directing output, so your line to save should be
ec2-describe-snapshots | grep SNAPSHOT.*$latestdate > "$EC2_HOME/SnapshotsLatest_$today_date"
Now the main issue here, is that the grep is messed up. I haven't worked with amazon snapshots, but judging by your example descriptions, you should be doing something like
latestdate=$(ec2-describe-snapshots | grep -oP "\d+-\d+-\d+" | sort -r | head -1)
This will get all the dates containing the form dddd-dd-dd from the file (I'm assuming the two dates in each snapshot line always match up), sort them in reverse order (latest first) and take the head which is the latest date, storing it in $latestdate.
Then to store all snapshots with the given date do something like
ec2-describe-snapshots | grep -oP "SNAPSHOT(.*?)$lastdateT(.*?)\)" > "$EC2_HOME/SnapshotsLatest_$today_date"
This will get all text starting with SNAPSHOT, containing the given date, and ending in a closing ")" and save it. Note, you may have to mess around with it a bit, if ")" can be present elsewhere.

7zip command line - archive name from source file name

How can I read name of source file and send it as archive name in 7zip using cmd archive option.
Now I use:
7z a -t7z V:\archive.7z V:\Backup\*.bak
I want to check bak namefile in V:\Backup (there is always only 1 file) and send it as archive.7z - for example if in V:\Backup is 1 file named "20131028_1100.bak" I want to name archive "20131028_1100.7z"
I found this to work:
Get-ChildItem *txt | ForEach-Object {.\7zr.exe a -t7z $($_.Name).replace('.txt','.7z') $_.FullName}
PS C:\tools> ls
Directory: C:\tools
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 2022/08/01 11:00 578048 7zr.exe
-a---- 2022/08/01 11:02 7 hello.txt
PS C:\tools> Get-ChildItem *txt | ForEach-Object {.\7zr.exe a -t7z $($_.Name).replace('.txt','.7z') $_.FullName}
7-Zip (r) 22.01 (x86) : Igor Pavlov : Public domain : 2022-07-15
Scanning the drive:
1 file, 7 bytes (1 KiB)
Creating archive: hello.7z
Add new data to archive: 1 file, 7 bytes (1 KiB)
Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 133 bytes (1 KiB)
Everything is Ok
PS C:\tools> ls
Directory: C:\tools
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 2022/08/01 11:00 578048 7zr.exe
-a---- 2022/08/01 11:20 133 hello.7z
-a---- 2022/08/01 11:02 7 hello.txt
PS C:\tools> ls
you need a .bat script that execute a FOR command like this:
for %%X in (*) do "7zip\App\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "" "%%X"
%%X will catch the file name of every file contained in the folder where you will execute the script (in this case V:\Backup\ and only 1 file would be processed), so will take that file name
7zip keep source file name to archive
As "capa" said, it is necessary to use shell commands, because 7zip does not provide a command for this case.
The following edited command is available in order to operate with *.bak files and it is working for "7z" compression extension. It is more efficient than "zip" format in compression rate.
7z Format
FOR %%I IN (.bak) DO "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -t7z %%~nI.7z %%~nI.
zip Format
FOR %%I IN (.bak) DO "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tZip %%~nI.
In the above commands the " * " symbol before .bak is not appeared. Please add it!
Also add the " * " to the end of each command.
*Create a "bat" file for example "compressbak.bat" on *.bak files directory, copy and paste the preferred command(7z or zip), "Save" the content on "compressbak.bat"! This will create named archives of *.bak files in the same folder that *.bak files saved. Also if you running on Windows x64 and you have a x86 version of 7-Zip you have to follow the right path in order to call the 7z.exe file. "c:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe"
Folder and bat file content!
I hope that it helps you!!!
