Laravel Eloquent order by using relation data - laravel

I have the following 2 tables:
id | created_at
id | cars_id | updated_at
I want to display all cars, ordered by created_at desc, BUT also ordered by updated_at from the Repaired pivot table. Repaired can have many entries of specific cars_id.
So if carA is created_at 2017-02-20, and carB is created_at 2016-01-10, but the updated_at in Repaired for carB is on 2017-02-22, i want to display carB BEFORE carA, because the relation is "newer".
I also don't want do load the data from the relation table.
I tried the follwing:
$cars = $model->load(['repaired' => function($query) {
return $query->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc');
}])->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
$model->join('repaired', 'repaired.cars_id', '=', '')
->orderBy('repaired.updated_at', 'desc')
->orderBy('cars.created_at', 'desc')
^ this query return all items from the Repaired table, even if the updated_at field is NULL. And i can't group them.

You can use the touch parent timestamps feature in Eloquent, to update the updated_at for the car, every time Repaired is updated.
In your Repaired model just add this line:
protected $touches = ['car'];
This is assuming your relation method is named car() of course.
Then you can do this:
Every time a row in the Repaired table is added or updated, the car specified in the car relation will have its updated_at set to the same time. That way you can order by it.

$popular_posts = Post::withCount('favorite_to_users')
->orderBy('view_count', 'desc')
->orderBy('favorite_to_users_count', 'desc')


Count and Groupby a value of a nested relationship in Laravel Eloquent

I have 3 models that are as follows
|id, customer_id, created_at, updated_at|
|id, name, zip_code, gender, created_at, updated_at|
|id, name, created_at, updated_at|
I am working on some sort of statistical dashboard. What I would like to do is to basically group the customers based on their gender so that I can have an output as below
Male = 60,
Female = 65 etc.
The Gender table basically contains records for each gender whilst the gender column on the customers table contains the gender id from which the gender name can be determined.
I have set up all the necessary relationships in the Model and I am able to run the code below which produces me a list with the genders however, I am struggling to group and then count how many customers are which.
$orders = Order::with('customer.gender')
You could do it with a couple of joins.
->selectRaw('count(*) as count', '')
->join('customers as c', '', 'c.gender')
->join('orders as o', 'o.customer', '')
The model you start from (in this case Gender) doesn't really matter. Just that you join the other two tables.
Alternatively, with your approach maybe this would work:
->with(['customers' => fn($customer) => $customer->withCount('orders')])
->mapWithKeys(fn($gender) => [
$gender->name => $gender->customers->sum('orders_count')
Try this:
$orders = Order::with('customer.gender')
->select(DB::raw('count(*) as total'))

Laravel ordering and limit results of a left join

One to many relationships, each product has many prices
table products
id | name | slug | created_at | update_at
table prices
id | product_id | title | price | link
I want to get the data limit of product limit 20 table and order created_at and each product get the lowest price, order column price. I want to use the query builder.
i tried
$products = DB::table('products')
->leftJoin('prices', '', '=', 'prices.product_id')
->select('', '')->distinct()
->selectRaw('max(prices.price) as price')
but it get all products and table prices order column id
You can use Eloquent Like This
public function price() {
return $this->hasMany('App\model\Prices' , 'product_id' ,'id');
and get like this , It will give you the mapped price only for your specific product
$product = Product::with('price')
->where(do the stuffs)
->orderBy(do the stuffs)
Or you can use the callback as well in with()

Laravel get just updated rows in date range - using WhereBetween and Where in query

I have jobs table in the database with the default columns created_at and updated_at.
I want to return the number of jobs created and the number updated.
However as the updated_at column is populated at the point of creation, I want to exclude any jobs where the updated_at value is the same as the created_at value (in order to get just the jobs that have been updated since being created).
I use the following code to get the number of updated jobs between a time range.
$jobsUpdated = Job::where('id', $id)
->whereBetween('updated_at', [$value['fromDate'], $value['tillDate']])
How can I add another where clause to exclude those results which have the same value as created_at.
In theory something like:
->andWhere('updated_at', '!=' , 'created_at')
But andWhere does not exist, so this is just to show my thinking.
$jobsUpdated = Job::where('id', $id)
->whereBetween('updated_at', [$value['fromDate'], $value['tillDate']])
->whereColumn('updated_at', '!=' , 'created_at')
to compare column value use whereColumn() function referenced by official doc

laravel - Updating row changes created_at column

When I update my row with the query below, it changes not only the updated_at column for the row, but also the created_at column. Why? How can I prevent this so that it only changes the updated_at column
Post::where('id', Input::get('post_id'))
->where('user_id', getUserID())
->update(array('message' => Input::get('message')));
From Laravel documentation at
You can use following method to perform update
$x = Post::find(Input::get('post_id')); // may need to use intval()
$x->message = Input::get('message');
This should update the record with only updating 'updated_at' timestamp.

Laravel - Get an user who has specific relationships

I have a user with countries relationship. (hasMany)
user_id 1
country_id 1
user_id 1
country_id 2
What I want is to get those users who have both countries (country 1 and country 2) How can I do this? I'm reading but I'm not very sure what to do.
edit: almost the solution
$users = \User::whereHas('countries', function($query) {
$countries_ids = [1, 2, 4];
$query->whereIn('users_countries.country_id', $countries);
This will work as long as there are no duplicates in the pivot table (unique index for pair of fk keys for example):
$countries = [1,5,9];
User::whereHas('countries', function ($q) use ($countries) {
$q->whereIn('users_countries.country_id', $countries);
}, '=', count($countries) )->get();
In case there are duplicates, like:
user_id | country_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 1
Then you would need raw count(distinct ...) so you couldn't use whereHas, so I suggest this, which will be much faster:
$countries = [1,5,9];
User::join('users_countries as uc','uc.user_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('uc.country_id', $countries)
->having(DB::raw('count(distinct uc.country_id)'), '=', count($countries))
You can do it the other way. Make the query on the country model. Add a function in the country model
public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo('user');//or if there is no user_id column in the countries table, use the ('model','local_key','foreign_key') pattern.
Then create an array with the country_ids, and que the country model.
In order to get the users you should loop through like this
foreach($countries->user as $user)
