ADFS 2016 - ApplicationGroup - single native app - multiple web api endpoints -

I'd like to validate the following scenario:
ADFS (win2016) is acting as an Identity Provider in a setup where
a single mobile app is consuming 2 api's
These three applications are grouped together in a ADFS Application Group:
mobile app as a "Native application" and as "Web API" applications
The mobile app gets an access token when authenticating succesfully against ADFS.
The access token is provided with een aud-claim for "".
Problem: I'm currently unable to reuse that same access token to access the second api "".
Question: at this point I'm not 100% sure that ADFS ApplicationGroups are meant to support such a scenario.
If so, I'm probably overlooking something in the ADFS-configuration.
If not, what's a better ADFS setup to support this scenario?


How to authenticate an API client using an OAuth token issued from another web app in WebAPI?

I have two web applications that I've worked on in Web API for a client. The two applications are hosted on the same domain, but in different virtual directories.
Each application has a data source with information about authorized users. I've been asked to set up a separate app that will allow a user to log in and issue an OAuth bearer token that can be used to access each web application.
I have the Owin stuff set up in one of my two apps with something of a boilerplate setup and it automagically makes the tokens work for me, but that's only within a single web application.
I have a general idea of how the OAuth tokens work: a user is authenticated and they receive a token that contains a user ID, a time stamp, and a cryptographic signature that says that the token came from my client's server and not somewhere else, and the Web API framework automatically checks that token for me when I decorate my API endpoints with the [Authorize] attribute.
I want to know how I can set this up so that the token is issued by one web app and consumed by another. I know that at a minimum, I need to make the two web apps work with the same key pair for the cryptographic signatures.
Can I please get some direction about how to make this happen?

Using two azure AD app registrations for mobile and web

I have a mobile app which gets token directly from azure login. And I have a service which is using adal4j in spring boot. I cannot use the mobile generated token to authenticate spring service. Becase I use two different azure app registrations for mobile and web service. Is there a way to accomplish this ?
My understanding is that you have created 2 Enterprise Applications in Azure.
1) An Enterprise Application for your mobile app (Type: Native)
2) An Enterprise Application for your Web API app (Type: WebAPI)
For native app, you will not need a client secret but you will need a client secret for the Web API app.
Now coming to the key configurations:
In both of these, please update the manifest file to have oauth2AllowImplicitFlow set to true
Also, in your Web API Enterprise Application, please have the app id of your native app in the known client apps
"knownClientApplications": ["
Now, when calling your Web API through an end-point from the Native application, pass your token in your request header as "Authorization": "Bearer "
Also note: if you need to retrieve group claims, please update the manifest in both your enterprise apps to have the following setting for this property
"groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup"
Under permissions in the native app, please add the Web API app registration to allow access
Yes, the OAuth 2.0 on-behalf-of flow should applies to your scenario. These steps constitute the On-Behalf-Of flow.
Azure AD issues a token for certain resource (which is mapped to an Azure AD app). When we call AcquireToken(), we need to provide a resourceID, only ONE resourceID. The result would have a token that can only be used for the supplied resource (id). There are ways where you could use the same token , but it is not recommended as it complicates operations logging, authentication process tracing, etc. Therefore it is better to look at the other options provided by Azure and the ADAL library. The ADAL library supports acquiring multiple access-Tokens for multiple resources using a refresh token. This means once a user is authenticated, the ADAL’s authentication context, would be able to generate an access-token to multiple resources without authenticating the user again.
Further details here.

Identity Server as part of Web API or separate app

I have an ASP.NET Core Web API app and to secure it, I've implemented JWT Bearer authentication. The next step is managing user access and issuingJWT token.
Initially I considered using Azure AD B2C but it doesn't seem to support my business requirements. So I'm now considering using Identity Server 4.
Is Identity Server 4 run as a completely separate application? Also, am I understanding it correctly that it is used as:
A web interface for users to register and login
Also a web app with API that issues the JWT token
In other words, does Identity Server 4 "act" as my own Azure AD B2C service?
IdentityServer 4 is a Web app (Login & Logout pages) with an API that implements the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect specifications. The samples provide a simple user login and logout views that you can change to your liking.
Regarding the user registration process, you may add that to your IdentityServer4 implementation or have that as a separate web application.
Similarities to Azure AD B2C
This came from another blog article
Azure AD B2C allows you to model user roles as membership in groups
that you define. You can’t currently get a token containing those
claims, but you can use the Azure AD Graph API as a workaround to
retrieve the group memberships, and use them in authorization checks
inside your application. It’s a little tricky right now, but
improvements to this are on the B2C team’s roadmap.
API Authentication
Azure AD B2C can provide tokens for authenticating API access via
OpenID Connect, but beyond that the functionality is limited. The
OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow isn’t supported, and B2C doesn’t
include any API key management features, so you’ll need to roll your
own code if your services need to support API key authentication.
Another article with PROS for IdentityServer4.
IdentityServer 4 is an authentication framework capable of out of the
box Single Sign On (SSO) and security for your APIs, and most recently
support for implementing your own authentication protocols and tokens,
with a sample implementation for the WS-Federation protocol and SAML
tokens. SSO works across all applications regardless of whether they
are using OpenID Connect or WS-Federation.
IdentityServer4 is similar to Azure AD B2C with more functionality as noted in the linked articles.

Mobile sign up with spring social

I am trying to use spring social for my REST services and my mobile app.
I wonder what the best approach is.
I am planning to use linkedin, google login and password authentication inside my mobile app. This social login should be connected to users in my database.
My spring application will act as an API which should be secured with a JWT token. The mobile app will afterwards use this JWT token to consume the API.
On my mobile I would like to have the possibility to sign up/sign in with linkedin, facebook or password.
As far as I understood mobile requires a different oauth flow than described in
Seems like it required the "Proof Key for Code Exchange" flow as stated in:
Is this correct? I didn't find any information how to best do this with spring social and if spring social supports this use case.
Could someone point me in the right direction? I just found information how to do this with single page application and not with mobile applications. Thanks a lot in advance!
One possible way would be
The mobile app uses LinkedIn or Google's SDK to do SSO to retrieve an authN token.
The mobile app passes it to the backend service, which uses it to retrieve user details (e.g email) from the oauth service.
The backend service could do additional work about the user details (for example, link with existing users).
The backend service returns a JWT token to the mobile app, which ends the SSO.
The SSO should be able to return an email address for you to link users. Sometimes you need to apply for the permission explicitly (which Facebook requires).
The key point of this approach is that it avoids using the OAuth2 library completely in your backend services because it is now handled in the mobile app by using SSO provider's SDK.
The flow is summarized in the following drawing:
We used this approach to do Facebook SSO with one mobile app and it worked very well. The mobile app was in iOS, and the backend service Spring Boot.
Discussion is welcomed.

API authentication

I have the task to build a new API. The API will mainly be used by tablet applications.
I'm thinking of using the new ASP WebApi.
My biggest concern however is the security part. Because the apps will be build by third-party companies, we do not want that usercredentials will be entered in their application, but redirected to our site (authenticationserver).
I have done some researching and I came accross OAuth 2.0. For working with mobile devices and tablets it's probably the best to work with the 'autohorization code flow' principle -correct me if I'm wrong-.
Am I thinking in the right direction or are their simpler authentication systems to achieve my goal?
Are their any frameworks (.NET) available (or documentation) how to create an Authentication Server and how to use it in the Asp webapi?
Is it easy these days to implement oauth2.0 in an IOS app?
Thanks for any help!
OAuth 2.0 authz code based grant is suitable when client app is a Web application. Will the apps that are going to be built by third party all be Web applications? There are HTTP redirects involved in that flow.
In OAuth 2.0, there is a client, there is a resource server (Web API in your case) and there is an authorization server. There is no such thing as Authentication server. Are you referring to some thing else?
