Mobile sign up with spring social - spring

I am trying to use spring social for my REST services and my mobile app.
I wonder what the best approach is.
I am planning to use linkedin, google login and password authentication inside my mobile app. This social login should be connected to users in my database.
My spring application will act as an API which should be secured with a JWT token. The mobile app will afterwards use this JWT token to consume the API.
On my mobile I would like to have the possibility to sign up/sign in with linkedin, facebook or password.
As far as I understood mobile requires a different oauth flow than described in
Seems like it required the "Proof Key for Code Exchange" flow as stated in:
Is this correct? I didn't find any information how to best do this with spring social and if spring social supports this use case.
Could someone point me in the right direction? I just found information how to do this with single page application and not with mobile applications. Thanks a lot in advance!

One possible way would be
The mobile app uses LinkedIn or Google's SDK to do SSO to retrieve an authN token.
The mobile app passes it to the backend service, which uses it to retrieve user details (e.g email) from the oauth service.
The backend service could do additional work about the user details (for example, link with existing users).
The backend service returns a JWT token to the mobile app, which ends the SSO.
The SSO should be able to return an email address for you to link users. Sometimes you need to apply for the permission explicitly (which Facebook requires).
The key point of this approach is that it avoids using the OAuth2 library completely in your backend services because it is now handled in the mobile app by using SSO provider's SDK.
The flow is summarized in the following drawing:
We used this approach to do Facebook SSO with one mobile app and it worked very well. The mobile app was in iOS, and the backend service Spring Boot.
Discussion is welcomed.


How to integrate Outlook calendar for MS work account users using Spring Boot?

I want to build a feature where I want to sync users outlook calendar with my app. Any event which users create/reschedule/delete from my app should reflect in users outlook calendars. First step for this however would be getting access token and refresh token for the users by authenticating them. How can I build APIs to authenticate users and get the token for further use.
I have checked there is MS-Graph API, which can be used in my use-case. But I'm unable to find resources regarding how to use this APIs from my spring boot application. Also, this is not regarding the login/signup flow. I have another login flow. I don't want users to login to my app via their outlook email.
To Enable your Java Spring Boot web app to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph with the Microsoft identity platform:
This sample demonstrates a Java Spring Boot web app that signs in users and obtains an access token for calling Microsoft Graph. It uses the Azure AD Spring Boot Starter client library for Java for authentication, authorization, and token acquisition. It leverages Microsoft Graph SDK for Java to obtain data from Graph.
For more information:
Hope this helps.

Spring Security One-Time-Password (OTP) based Login

I'm implementing a web application using Spring Boot and I wanna know is there any best practice to leverage Spring Security in the following security model.
End-Users will register into the service via an SMS OTP service (providing their mobile number). once they have validated the OTP code, their user gets created (using their mobile number as username).
Upon successful OTP registration, I want the user to be able to use the service (on the same device through which the OTP registration performed before) without the need to re-confirm his identity again (Same functionality we can see in native mobile apps such as Whatsaap, Instagram or Telegram)
I appreciate any ideas or instructions on this subject.
The Answer is to use Spring Security using the "remember me" feature.
Here, there is a thorough tutorial about that

Integrating Social Logins with own OAuth2 REST API server

I am trying to make a mobile app in React-Native and Server in Spring-Boot which have a OAuth2 implemented API endpoints.
My question is how can I integrate Social Logins into my React-Native app which in save a user in my user table. apart from Social login I am using naive register/login flow which require username/password to provide access token from OAuth2 Server. How can I do the same with Just Social Login without prompting user any password or other extra information.
any general solution for this will help regardless of tech I am using.
Usually when using social networks to login/sign up you'll get a token returned in your app which you can send via your REST API and on your backend it can then retrieve the users information from the social platform used depending on the granted scopes(e-mail, username, etc...) and store the retrieved values in the database.
Thats basically how it works in general, but if you want to have more information you probably still need to share some more info about your tech used.
Hopefully that helped you out ;)

Undisplaying the permission screen for each user. (Case: Using API don't support Service Account authentication)

We publish an app that use OAuth 2.0 API access on Google Apps Marketplace. It got reviewed by Google and they said our app is invalid because it shows permission screen when a user first runs the app. (The app will be removed from the Google Apps Marketplace if our app is not fixed within 30 days) To solve this issue, we have some problems.
Our app uses OpenID Connect to make users login.
Our app also uses Spreadsheet API and Calendar Resource API (OAuth 2.0 Web Application Flow)
So our questions related above is the followings:
Although our app uses OpenID Connect for login, using OpenID Connect forces our app to show the permission screen. Doesn't it meet the best practice below of Google Apps Marketplace?
We followed the OpenID Connect document provided by Google:
Since Spreadsheet API and Calendar Resource API don't currently support the authentication method using Service Account with OAuth 2.0, we chose to use the method of Web Application Flow. Our app get the token when users login, but Google said to us that it fails to meet their SSO requirements. To solve the issue, we are thinking to change our app to authorize AFTER login within the app instead (use Web Application Flow method as it is). Does the way meet the SSO requirements? In other words, is it OK to show permission screen if after login?
We will applicate if anyone can tell us good solution to solve these problems.
If you register your scopes in the Google Apps Marketplace configuration screen, and then only request those scopes in the OpenID Connect flow, then the permissions screen should be automatically skipped. Please ensure the scopes match between these two locations.

Login to my own webapplication with another website's credentials(eg: login with google)

I have developed a web application (spring mvc, spring security) which has a its own login.
Now I want to change the application to login with an another web site's (2nd web) credentials and also need to get some user details from 2nd username, user role list for create authentication object.
Please help me to choose best way to do this.
Is openID or oauth2 better for my client application?
OpenID and oAuth are 2 different things.
Lately, Google announced it stops supporting OpenID, so maybe oAuth2.0 is a better option for you.
Note that if you choose oAuth of 3rd-party, you force your users to have account there. for example, if your application (the resource server) uses Facebook for authentication/authorization, your users will HAVE TO have account on Facebook (you want that?!).
If you work with OpenID, your users have several options of where to hold their account...
If you have another 3rd party (or in-house, it does not really matter) authentication server and you want to authenticate your users with it - you have to know what specifications it supports. For example, if it supports oAuth2.0, you can pretty easily configure your app to work with it.
Hope that helps...
If I understand you correctly, you are talking about using Social Networks like Google+, Facebook, to be able to login to your application (This is identity services, where you don't have actual password, but rather access token with limited scope).
For that there is a Spring Social, project, that provides set of abstractions, for such kind of integration, including additional Spring MVC Controllers, needed for proper authentication in this Social Networks.

